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21. DNZB / BIOGRAPHY Hans heinrich suter, known in New Zealand as Henry suter, He was the son ofheinrich suter, a silk manufacturer, and his wife, Susanna Mahler. http://www.dnzb.govt.nz/dnzb/Essay_Body.asp?PersonEssay=3S40 |
22. The Science Bookstore - Chronology suter, heinrich Born 1/4/1842, 1842 AD. Ivory, James Died 9/21/1842, 1842 AD.Garrison, Lucy McKim Born 10/30/1842, 1842 AD. Dewar, James Born 9/20/1842 http://www.thesciencebookstore.com/chron.asp?pg=17 |
23. Bibliographie Sur LHistiore Des Mathématiques Et De LAsronomie heinrich suter, Zur Frage des von Nairizi zitierten Mathematikers Diachasimus . heinrich suter, Über den Kommentar des Muhammed ben Abdelbâqî zum http://www.ashm.ass.dz/kurras9f/biblf9.htm | |
24. ZSCHOKKE, Johann Heinrich David Wolfgang Proß, Amsterdam-Atlanta 1994, 79-100; - Christoph suter, D. religiöse http://www.angelfire.com/ms/zschokke/hz.html | |
25. MuslimHeritage.com - Topics heinrich suter, for one, has numbered over 500 Muslim astronomers and mathematicians,giving for each of these the titles of their works that are known, http://muslimheritage.com/topics/default.cfm?ArticleID=233 |
26. AMU CHMA NEWSLETTER #23 (06/25/99) heinrich suter Review of Codex Leidensis 399 (818); * heinrich suter ZurFrage des von Nairiyi zitierten Mathematikers Diachasimus ; http://www.math.buffalo.edu/mad/AMU/amu_chma_23.html | |
27. Ancestors And Descendants Of Wendel Bauman 8 Junghans Young John suter Buman b. 26 Nov 1570 d. 26 Feb 1619 or 1620 9 heinrich Russerin Buman b. 16 Nov 1589; 9 Margaret Russerin Buman b. http://home.cogeco.ca/~familytree/bowman.html | |
28. Some Descendants Of Ulrich Pfister Translate this page Jacob PFISTER (1614) sp-Anna STROULI (1613) 3 Anali PFISTER (1633) 3Christen PFISTER (1635) sp-Anna suter 4 heinrich PFISTER (1658) 4 Elisabeth http://home.att.net/~rapfister/Ulrich.htm | |
29. Product Of A DRUMMOND-BOLIN Union More About heinrich SÄLI and BARBARA suter(IN) Marriage March 08, 1681,Switzerland6,7. Child of heinrich SÄLI and BARBARA suter(IN) is http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/~gdrummondjr/salley.html | |
30. Voegtly Cemetery Records 1833-1866 Name Index Translate this page Straus, Jakob 7 Sturm, Georg heinrich 796 suter, Anna 31 suter, Joh. and wife (childof) 617 suter, Margarethe 472 suter, Maria and heinrich Ochse 315 http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/~njm1/voegtly-names.html | |
31. Chris Ryan Home Page CG Ryan, DR Cousens, CA heinrich, WL Griffin, SH Sie and TP Mernagh, CG Ryan,DR Cousens, SH Sie, WL Griffin, GF suter and E. Clayton, http://www.syd.dem.csiro.au/unrestricted/people/RyanChris/ | |
32. Kpolborn Nikolaos Makropoulos, Stefan Schneiderbauer, Max suter, heinrich Nöth, PeterMayer, Holger Piotrowski, Kurt Polborn, Arno Pfitzner, Eur. J. Inorg. Chem. http://www.cup.uni-muenchen.de/oc/polborn/ | |
33. Publication Karaghiosoff, Konstantin; Klapötke, Thomas M.; Nöth, heinrich; Schulz, Axel;suter, Max; Jan Weigand; SFC Eurochem, Toulouse 2002 July 08 11th. http://www.cup.uni-muenchen.de/ac/klapoetke/weigand/publications/publications.ht | |
34. Abu Ja Far Musa Ibn Musa Al-Khawarizmi (c.790?-840) Library Of Other authors suter, H. (heinrich), 18481922. Neugebauer, O. (Otto), 1899- ed.and tr. Series Entry Historisk-filosofiske skrifter ; 42. Control No. http://www.mala.bc.ca/~mcneil/cit/citlckhwarizmi1.htm | |
35. Www.healthindex.ch/plan/detail.asp?Kennummer=18924 Hoffman suter Family Genealogy - Translate this page Johann heinrich suter was born on May 6 1826 in Bretzwil, Basel, Switzerland . heinrich suter and Maria THOMMAN had the following children http://www.healthindex.ch/plan/detail.asp?Kennummer=18924 |
36. Untitled Document One of them, published in 1900, is by the Swiss scholar heinrich suter, whopublished his biobibliographical survey Mathematicians and Astronomers of Arabs http://www.ircica.org/newpublication.html | |
37. Islamic Mathematics suter, heinrich. Die Mathematiker und Astronomen der Araber und ihre Werke.Abhandlungen zur Geschichte der mathematischen Wissenschaften 10 (1900),ix+278 http://www.math.uu.nl/people/hogend/Islamath.html | |
38. MHSAA: News--1949, 1950 & 1951 Kalamazoo Central Boys Basketball Teams Honored I Al suter and Garth Stickney and juniors Bob Topp, George heinrich and Dick Keith Jones, suter, Ron Dillingham, Topp, Tom Brennan, Noble, heinrich, http://www.mhsaa.com/news/01bbblegends.html | |
39. NOS - WB Wielrennen - Winnaars Ronde Van Vlaanderen 1923 heinrich suter (Zwi) 1922 Leon de Vos (Bel) 1921 René Vermandel (Bel) 1920Jules van Hevel (Bel) 1919 Henri van Lieberghe (Bel) http://www.nos.nl/sport/achtergronden/Wereldbekerwielrennen/wb_wielrennen_winnaa | |
40. The Renaissance Of Astronomy In Baghdad: Publications suter, Beiträge heinrich suter, Beiträge zur Geschichte der Mathematik und heinrich suter et al., eds., Die astronomischen Tafeln des Muhammed ibn Musa http://web.uni-frankfurt.de/fb13/ign/astronomy_in_baghdad/bibliography.html | |
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