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101. PHS/SPCA S 11th Annual Mutt Strutt Needs Volunteers 11th Annual Mutt strutt Presented By See s Candies This year s Mutt strutt is fast approaching and we need your help to make it the best Mutt strutt ever! http://www.craigslist.org/pen/vol/88783074.html |
102. Research Publications Search Publications By, strutt, Anna. Publication Year Author/s strutt, Anna Parent Document MOTU Workshop on Land Use, Climate Change and Kyoto http://www.waikato.ac.nz/php/research.php?mode=show&author=15234 |
103. Professional Web Page For Sara B. Strutt, Part-Time, Joint Appointment, Or Adjun Professional Web Page for Sara B. strutt, PartTime, Joint Appointment, or Adjunct Faculty in the University of Pittsburgh s School of Education. http://www.education.pitt.edu/people/SaraStrutt/ | |
104. The Online Books Page: Books By Abdy, Edward Strutt Abdy, Edward strutt. Abdy, Edward strutt Journal of a Residence and Tour in the United States (1835) (illustrated HTML at earlyrepublic.net) http://onlinebooks.library.upenn.edu/webbin/book/lookupname?key=Abdy, Edward Str |
105. British Fiction 1800–1829: Titles By Author Author Index Titles written by Elizabeth strutt 6 records (sorted by YEAR). x click on a header to change sort order x click on a title to see the full http://www.british-fiction.cf.ac.uk/authorTitles.asp?author=785 |
106. Re: [h-cost] Strutt I spend a lot of time talking about strutt and his influence (which was enormous, strutt essentially invented the field of English costume history, http://www.mail-archive.com/h-costume@mail.indra.com/msg00550.html | |
107. Re: [h-cost] Strutt I don t recall seeing the 1970 reprint of strutt; Marc, An affordable facsimile of the original strutt would be a lovely thing to have. http://www.mail-archive.com/h-costume@mail.indra.com/msg00551.html | |
108. Corvey CW3 | Author Page This page lists the titles of Elizabeth strutt held in the Corvey collection, Genevieve or, The Orphan s Visit; an Novel, Mrs. strutt, London 1818 http://www2.shu.ac.uk/corvey/cw3/AuthorPage.cfm?Author=ES4 |
109. J W Strutt - Lord Rayleigh John William strutt was the 3rd Baron Rayleigh. The Rayleigh title was originally given JW strutt became a fellow of Trinity College Cambridge in 1866. http://www.measure.demon.co.uk/docs/Strutt.html | |
110. Molecular Expressions: Science, Optics And You - Timeline - Lord Rayleigh (John Born John William strutt, Rayleigh inherited his title when his father died in 1873. Although he was to become the third Baron of Rayleigh, as a young child http://microscopy.fsu.edu/optics/timeline/people/rayleigh.html | |
111. The Mathematics Genealogy Project - Joseph Strutt Joseph Raymond Arnold strutt. Ph.D. University of Illinois at UrbanaChampaign 1970. UnitedStates. Dissertation Projective Homotopy Classes http://www.genealogy.math.ndsu.nodak.edu/html/id.phtml?id=4903 |
112. Archaeology, School Of Humanities, University Of Southampton Kristian strutt. Picture of Kristian strutt. Kristian strutt (Experimental Officer) specialises in archaeological mapping and geophysical survey. http://www.arch.soton.ac.uk/People/default.asp?Staff=kds |
113. Spiked-science | Debate | Waste | Zero Waste Mark strutt is senior campaigner at Greenpeace and coauthor of How to Comply with the Landfill Directive Without Incineration http://www.spiked-online.com/articles/00000006DBE3.htm | |
114. John Strutt III - Artist Painting Prices, Art Appraisal, Artist Paintings [AskAR John strutt III AskART, an artist directory with John strutt III and 35000+ American painting and other artists - John A strutt III artwork prices, http://www.askart.com/artist/S/john_a_strutt_iii.asp?ID=106688 |
115. DBLP: Colin Strutt 2, Colin strutt Distribution in an Enterprise Management Director. 1, Colin strutt, James A. Swist Design of the DECmcc Management Director Digital http://www.informatik.uni-trier.de/~ley/db/indices/a-tree/s/Strutt:Colin.html | |
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