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41. Catalog-Numbers Edited by Professor dirk J. struik. 256 pages. (1964), $8.95 ISBN 07178-0320-1*, BIRTH OF THE COMMUNIST MANIFESTO, struik, dirk, J. ed. http://www.intpubnyc.com/Catalog-Numbers.html | |
42. Struik Publishers Pieterdirk Uys born in Cape Town, South Africa in 1945, has been in the theatre since Pieter-dirk Uys has been doing this sort of thing for so long, http://www.struik.co.za/book.author.action?id=3402 |
43. Remembering Dirk Jan Struik, 1894-2000 On the life and career of dirk Jan struik, mathematician and historian of mathematics, who died on October 21, 2000. http://www.maa.org/news/struik.html | |
44. SB3D (Tour/Struik): Dirk Struik dirk struik, who gave his own centenary lecture on September 30, 1994. struik Celebrates his 100th Birthday (Article from the Notices of the AMS) http://www.maa.org/cvm/1998/01/sbtd/article/tour/struik/struik.html | |
45. Beyond 3D: Struik Picture of dirk struik, lecture on hundredth birthday celebration (19949-30 dirk struik (1894-2000). On September 23, 1994, at Brown University, Prof. http://alem3d.obidos.org/en/struik/ | |
46. Além 3D: Struik Translate this page Foto de dirk struik, aula comemorativa do centésimo aniversário (1994-9-30 dirk struik (1894-2000). Em 23 Setembro de 1994, na Universidade de Brown, http://alem3d.obidos.org/pt/struik/ | |
47. Abu Ja'far Muhammed Ibn Musa Al-Khwarizmi Note 6; struik, dirk, A Source Book of Mathematics, 12001800. Note 7; Toomer, GJ, Al-Khwarizmi, The Dictionary of Scientific Biography, http://www.dean.usma.edu/math/people/rickey/hm/math311/al-khwarizmi.html | |
48. Department Of Urban Education, Rutgers University At Newark In memoriam dirk Jan struik Marxist mathematician, historian and educator (30 Na sua plenitude dirk Jan struik reflete sobre 102 anos de atividades http://edu.newark.rutgers.edu/facultypages/powell.htm |
49. Newton Vs. Leibniz; The Calculus Controversy and concrete reality, while Leibniz focused more on the infinite and the abstract (struik, 1948). struik, dirk. A Concise History of Mathematics. http://www.angelfire.com/md/byme/mathsample.html | |
50. The Economic Philosophic Manuscripts Of 1844 Karl Marx Dirk J Edited by dirk J. struik,. Translated by Martin Milligan. International Publishers. Due/Published February 1964, 255 pages, paper. ISBN 0717800539 http://www.frontlist.com/detail/0717800539 | |
51. Untitled Thus will have been the life of dirk struik when 1999 yields to year 2000. In 1915 dirk struik joined the Socialist Party, which became the Communist http://www.pww.org/past-weeks-1999/Dirk Stuik.htm | |
52. Bibliography Christiaan Huygens struik, dirk Jan, Het Land van Stevin en Huygens (Pegasus, Amsterdam, struik, dirk J., The Land of Stevin and Huygens A Sketch of Science and http://www.phys.uu.nl/~huygens/hug_biblio3_en.htm | |
53. [Portsidelist] Fwd: Dirk Struik -- Mathematician, Historian, Socialist egroups.com wrote diacad forwarded the following obituary for dirk J. struik. NY Times, October 26, 2000 dirk J. struik; Historian Was 106 By WOLFGANG http://people-link5.inch.com/pipermail/portside/Week-of-Mon-20030929/007555.html | |
54. [Portsidelist] Fwd: Re: Dirk Struik, What The New York Times Left Out wrote Re dirk struik, what the New York Times left out mmyerson sent us the following Re the second to the last paragraph, to what dirk,on his 100th http://people-link5.inch.com/pipermail/portside/Week-of-Mon-20030929/007575.html | |
55. Pieter-Dirk Uys ( South Africa)Time Of The Writer Festival 2004 Elections Erections, struik/ZEBRA, 2002. PIETERdirk UYS (unable to attend - 2004 Pieter-dirk Uys was awarded South Africa s prestigious Truth and http://www.cca.ukzn.ac.za/images/tow/TOW2004/Uys.htm | |
56. Bokklubben A Concise History of Mathematics struik, dirk J. struik, dirk J. 195 sider Dover Publications Inc. 4th ed 1987. Traces development of concepts http://www.bokklubben.no/SamboWeb/sok.do?rolle1=forfatter&aktor1=Struik, Dirk J. |
57. Science And Society: OVERVIEW PAGE The last surviving founding editor of S S, dirk Jan struik (pronounced stroyk ), died on October 21, 2000 at his home in Belmont, Massachusetts, http://www.scienceandsociety.com/editorial_sum01.html | |
58. Pedagogía, Material Didáctico Translate this page G Alberts, On connecting socialism and mathematics dirk struik, Jan Burgers, D Riepe, dirk struik and the sociology of science, in For dirk struik http://www.cidse.itcr.ac.cr/revistamate/HistoriaMatematica/ArticulosNumAnteriore | |
59. HER Winter 1999 Issue Contents In His Prime dirk Jan struik Reflects on 103 Years of Mathematical and Political Activities by Arthur B. Powell and Marilyn Frankenstein http://gseweb.harvard.edu/~hepg/wi99.htm | |
60. Mathematician@Everything2.com 1958, 1986, Ernest Nagel and James K. Newman. New York and London. struik, dirk J. A Concise History of Mathematics. 1967, Dover Publishing. New York. http://www.everything2.com/index.pl?node=mathematician |
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