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         Steinhaus Hugo:     more books (22)
  1. Mathematical Snapshots by Hugo Steinhaus, 1999-07-07
  2. One Hundred Problems in Elementary Mathematics by Hugo Steinhaus, 1979-09-01
  3. Galician Jews: Stanislaw Ulam, Roald Hoffmann, Billy Wilder, Shmuel Yosef Agnon, Karl Radek, Hugo Steinhaus, Melanie Klein
  4. Members of the Polish Academy of Learning: Waclaw Sierpinski, Stefan Banach, Kazimierz Kuratowski, Hugo Steinhaus, Edward Flatau
  5. Lwów Scientific Society: Members of the Lwów Scientific Society, Marie Curie, Stefan Banach, Hugo Steinhaus, Ignacy Moscicki, Moses Schorr
  6. Polish Academy of Learning: Members of the Polish Academy of Learning, Waclaw Sierpinski, Stefan Banach, Kazimierz Kuratowski, Hugo Steinhaus
  7. Polish Mathematicians of Jewish Descent: Stanislaw Ulam, Kazimierz Kuratowski, Benoît Mandelbrot, Alfred Tarski, Hugo Steinhaus, Vilna Gaon
  8. Members of the Lwów Scientific Society: Marie Curie, Stefan Banach, Hugo Steinhaus, Ignacy Moscicki, Moses Schorr, Rudolf Weigl
  9. Polish Academy of Sciences: Wac?aw Sierpi?ski, Hugo Steinhaus, Jan W?glarz, Hilary Koprowski, Jerzy Kury?owicz, Jerzy Neyman
  10. University of Notre Dame Faculty: Alvin Plantinga, Knute Rockne, Hugo Steinhaus, Karl Menger, Paul Erdos, Tariq Ramadan, Vittorio Hösle
  11. Wspomnienia by Hugo Steinhaus, 1970
  12. One Hundred Problems in Elementary Mathe by Hugo Steinhaus, 1963
  13. Mathematical Snapshots - Third American Edition by Hugo Steinhaus, 1969
  14. One hundred problems in elementary mathematics (Popular lectures in mathematics vol.7) by Hugo Steinhaus, 1964

61. L Liceum Ogólnokszta³c±ce Im. Króla Stanis³awa Leszczyñskiego W Ja¶le
hugo steinhaus, Gimnazjum ukonczyl w Jasle w roku 1905. Studiowal filozofie imatematyke we Lwowie. Doktoryzowal sie w Getyndze w 1911 roku i tam rozpoczal
menu Nowo¶ci
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wychowankowie Stanis³aw Pigoñ
Hugo Steinhaus

St. Paw³owski

Rudolf Weigl
J. Gryglewicz

szkolne ko³a Art Express Pro Natura Sport w szkole galerie Szko³a Rocznice Inne
Hugo Steinhaus
Hugo Steinhaus , Gimnazjum ukoñczy³ w Ja¶le w roku 1905. Studiowa³ filozofiê i matematykê we Lwowie. Doktoryzowa³ siê w Getyndze w 1911 roku i tam rozpocz±³ badania nad teori± szeregów trygonometrycznych, które pó¼niej rozszerzy³ na teoriê funkcji rzeczywistych, analizê funkcjonaln± i szeregi ortogonalne. w 1920 roku zostaje profesorem uniwersytetu lwowskiego, gdzie pracuje do wybuchu wojny. W latach miêdzywojennych publikuje oko³o 70 prac, jest wspó³za³o¿ycielem "Studia Mathematica", wykazuje zainteresowanie dla zastosowañ matematyki i jej popularyzacji. Po wojnie jest wspó³organizatorem Wroc³awskiego Towarzystwa Naukowego. Staje na czele matematyków, których prace dotycz± zastosowañ matematyki do techniki, fizyki, geografii, biologii, medycyny, sportu. Jest autorem kilku publikacji popularnonaukowych, z których najwiêksze powodzenie zdoby³ Kalejdoskop matematyczny, t³umaczony na 10 jêzyków. Pracuje w Instytucie Matematyki PAN, w Komisji Pomiarów Antropologicznych, redaguje "Zastosowania Matematyki". Jest laureatem wielu nagród i odznaczeñ pañstwowych oraz doktorem honoris causa kilku uniwersytetów. W roku 1965 otrzymuje honorowe obywatelstwo Jas³a, w czasie obchodów 600-lecia miasta. Prof. Steinhaus by³ tak¿e autorem wielu zadañ matematycznych. Tutaj jedno z nich:

62. Uniform Boundedness Principle - Linix Encyclopedia
Stefan Banach, hugo steinhaus. Sur le principle de la condensation desingularit?/a (http// .
Uniform boundedness principle
In mathematics , the uniform boundedness principle or Banach-Steinhaus Theorem is one of the fundamental results in functional analysis and, together with the Hahn-Banach theorem and the open mapping theorem , considered one of the cornerstones of the field. In its basic form, it asserts that for a family of continuous linear operators whose domain is a Banach space, pointwise boundedness is equivalent to boundedness. The theorem was first published in by Stefan Banach and Hugo Steinhaus but it was also proven independently by Hans Hahn Table of contents showTocToggle("show","hide") 1 Uniform boundedness principle
2 Generalization

3 See also

4 References
Uniform boundedness principle
Banach space normed vector space x in X we have then Using the Baire category theorem , we have the following short proof:
For n = 1,2,3, ... let X n x T x n T F X n is X Since X is a Baire space , one of the X n x x X n Hence for all T F T n n F
The natural setting for the uniform boundedness principle is a barrelled space where the following generalized version of the theorem holds: Given a barrelled space X and a locally convex space Y , then any family of pointwise bounded continuous linear mappings from X to Y is equicontinuous (even uniformly equicontinuous edit
See also
  • Stefan Banach, Hugo Steinhaus. "

63. Back-to-Fronty Multiplication
steinhaus, hugo. One Hundred Problems in Elementary Mathematics. New York BasicBooks, 1964, pp. 1112, 55-58. Trigg, Charles W. A Close Look at 37,
Back-to-Front Multiplication Generating Computational Oddities
While contemplating on the number curiosity below, I discovered that it possessed deeper and unexpected characteristics, structure, and patterns. I have not seen any discussion of these findings in the recreational literature I have read. Hence, it is being offered with the belief that I have uncovered a new recurrent operation pattern of a cyclic nature. It is dramatic proof that there often is a lot more structure than we realize behind most of the very innocent-appearing number puzzles.
The Problem
In the April 1962 issue of Recreational Mathematics Magazine , there appears the following multipication oddity: 421,052,631,578,947,368 can be doubled by shifting
the last digit to the front
. (p. 34) Desiring to use such fascinating problems in my school teaching at the junior high level, I wondered, "Are there more such problems, or is this just a freak case?"
The Solution
To my great surprise, once the simple secret of their construcion is understood, I found it very easy to find quite a few such examples. But, often one has to be rather patient for the required factors to reveal themselves. To facilitate the following discussion, I will demonstrate the construction method with a simple example. (This will also serve to motivate the rationale behind the recurrent operation to be described shortly.) Say that we desire to have a problem where "4" is our single-digit multiplier, and "7" is to be the shifted unit's digit. We begin by setting those digits in their normal places (see Figure 1a).

Translate this page hugo steinhaus, “CENTO PROBLEMI DI MATEMATICA ELEMENTARE“, a cura di Franco Conti,Superuniversale Boringhieri, 1987. Nella prefazione, Franco Conti precisa
Ultimo aggiornamento: Hugo Steinhaus, “CENTO PROBLEMI DI MATEMATICA ELEMENTARE“ , a cura di Franco Conti, Superuniversale Boringhieri, 1987 Nella prefazione, Franco Conti precisa come sono nati i cento problemi raccolti in questo libro: in una Polonia che stava lentamente risorgendo dalle ceneri della seconda guerra mondiale, “un gruppo di valenti matematici, giovani e meno giovani” si occupava, in modo spontaneo, di preparare alcune semplici riviste di problemi matematici, rivolte a studenti e a insegnanti di scuola secondaria; e ancora rubriche di problemi elementari erano ospitate da alcune prestigiose riviste di matematica, come Collectanea mathematica Animatore di tale gruppo (che comprendeva fra gli altri Kuratowski, Mazur, Sckauder, Sierpinski) era Hugo Steinhaus […] Steinhaus ha apportato molti contributi importanti a diversi settori della matematica, dalla teoria delle serie trigonometriche al calcolo della probabilità, dalla teoria dei giochi al calcolo numerico; si devono a lui, ad esempio, la prima definizione precisa del concetto di indipendenza stocastica, così come quello di strategia in teoria dei giochi; la prima nozione influenzò certamente l’assiomatizzazione di Kolmogorov del calcolo delle probabilità, mentre la seconda precedette di pochi anni l’organica teoria dei giochi di von Neumann…” Questo libro, frutto dell’attività sopra descritta, apparve in Polonia nel 1958 col titolo

65. EDIRC/RePEc - Institution Info
hugo steinhaus Center for Stochastic Methods. Politechnika Wroclawska Homepage http// Email Phone +4871-3203530
Hugo Steinhaus Center for Stochastic Methods
Politechnika Wroclawska
Translation: Wroclaw University of Technology
Location: Wroclaw, Poland
Email: liame2('pl','wroc','pwr','im','m7i7','hugo')
Phone: +48-71-3203530
Fax: +48-71-3202654
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Econometrics, Mathematical Economics Financial Economics, Risk and Insurance
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People who have registered with RePEc and have claimed to be affiliated with this institution:
  • Weron, Rafal This service is provided to you by EDIRC at the University of Connecticut
    Please send additions and corrections to Christian Zimmermann
  • 66. Journal Of Conflict Resolution -- Sign In Page
    steinhaus, hugo. 1948. The problem of fair division. Econometrica 16101104.Uthmann, Jörg von. 1985. Die Diplomaten. Munich, Germany DTV.

    Year: Vol: Page:
    This item requires a subscription to Journal of Conflict Resolution Online.
    The Limitations of Fair Division: An Experimental Evaluation of Three Procedures
    Journal of Conflict Resolution.
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    67. Il Convivio - Giornale Telematico Di Poesia Arte E Cultura: Hugo Steinhaus, Cent
    Sostieni Emergency Chi Siamo Sommario Editoriale Poesia ...
    Home Page
    In primo piano
    Hugo Steinhaus, Cento problemi di matematica elementare
    di Ivana Niccolai
    Superuniversale Boringhieri
    Nella prefazione, Franco Conti precisa come sono nati i cento problemi raccolti in questo libro: in una Polonia che stava lentamente risorgendo dalle ceneri della seconda guerra mondiale, “un gruppo di valenti matematici, giovani e meno giovani” si occupava, in modo spontaneo, di preparare alcune semplici riviste di problemi matematici, rivolte a studenti e a insegnanti di scuola secondaria; e ancora rubriche di problemi elementari erano ospitate da alcune prestigiose riviste di matematica, come Collectanea mathematica Questo libro, frutto dell’attività sopra descritta, apparve in Polonia nel 1958 col titolo

    68. LITTLE RUSSIAN BOOKS By David Singmaster
    steinhaus, hugo. One Hundred Problems in Elementary Mathematics. (PWN, 1963);PLM 7, Pergamon, 1963; Basic, 1964. Straszewicz, S. Mathematical Problems and
    Computing, Information Systems and Mathematics 87 Rodenhurst Road South Bank University London, SW4 8AF, England London, SE1 0AA, England Tel/fax: 0181-674 3676 Tel: 0171-815 7411 Fax: 0171-815 7499 E-mail: ZINGMAST@VAX.SBU.AC.UK
    LITTLE RUSSIAN BOOKS by David Singmaster
    last Web revision:December 22, 1998 Mario Velucchi's Web Index visitors since Dec. 22, 1998 Web page processed by Web Master - Mario Velucchi Mario Velucchi / Via Emilia, 106 / I-56121 Pisa - Italy
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    69. Hugo Wolf - Columbia Encyclopedia® Article About Hugo Wolf
    hugo Wolf. Information about hugo Wolf in the Columbia Encyclopedia®. hugo Simberg hugo Spadafora hugo Sperrle hugo steinhaus hugo Stinnes Wolf
    Domain='' word='Wolf, Hugo' Your help is needed: American Red Cross The Salvation Army join mailing list webmaster tools Word (phrase): Word Starts with Ends with Definition subscription: Dictionary/
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    Wolf, Hugo (redirected from Hugo Wolf
    Also found in: Dictionary/thesaurus Wikipedia Hutchinson 0.02 sec. Page tools Printer friendly
    Cite / link Email Feedback Wolf, Hugo (h Salonblatt. As a composer he first gained attention when his songs began to be published in 1889. Wolf's more than 300 Lieder Spanisches Liederbuch (1889) and Italienisches Liederbuch (Part I, 1891; Part II, 1896). Wolf borrowed Wagner's chromatic harmony and symphonic conception of accompaniment, but in his songs he transformed them into his own miniaturistic idiom. He also wrote an opera, Der Corregidor El Sombrero de tres picos ), as well as choral works and some chamber music. In 1897 he had a mental breakdown and later at his own request was committed to a state asylum, where he died.
    See biographies by E. Newman (1966) and F. Walker (2d. ed. 1968).

    70. Contributors
    Krzysztof Burnecki hugo steinhaus Center for Stochastic Methods, Wroc \l awUniversity of Technology. Pavel Cízek Center for Economic Research,
    Noer Azam Achsani
    Department of Economics, University of Potsdam
    Michal Benko Szymon Borak Krzysztof Burnecki
    Hugo Steinhaus Center for Stochastic Methods, Wroc aw University of Technology Center for Economic Research, Tilburg University
    Kai Detlefsen Nicolas Gaussel
    Department of Economics, RWTH Aachen University
    Jan Iwanik
    Concordia Capital S.A., Poznan
    Krzysztof Jajuga
    Department of Financial Investments and Insurance, Wroc aw University of Economics
    Seok-Oh Jeong
    Institut de statistique, Universite catholique de Louvain
    Grzegorz Kukla
    Towarzystwo Ubezpieczeniowe EUROPA S.A., Wroc aw
    Heiko Lehmann
    SAP AG, Walldorf
    Zbigniew Michna
    Department of Mathematics, Wroc aw University of Economics
    Adam Misiorek
    Institute of Power Systems Automation, Wroc aw
    Pawe Mista
    Institute of Mathematics, Wroc aw University of Technology
    Rouslan Moro Joanna Nowicka-Zagrajek
    Hugo Steinhaus Center for Stochastic Methods, Wroc aw University of Technology
    Wojciech Otto
    Faculty of Economic Sciences, Warsaw University
    Daniel Papla
    Department of Financial Investments and Insurance, Wroc aw University of Economics
    Rafael Schmidt
    Department of Statistics, London School of Economics

    71. Dividing The Spoils
    in Lvov, that the Polish mathematician hugo steinhaus took a gaming approach to steinhaus, meanwhile, concentrated his thoughts on cakecake as a
    Dividing the Spoils
    Discover Magazine, March 1995 The contentious mathematics of division applies to everything from birthday cake to real estate.
    A mathematician and a political scientist have come up with a procedure
    that can make dividing anything fair and envy-free.
    Steven Brams keeps a low profile for the fairest man who ever lived. A political scientist at New York University in downtown Manhattan, he seethes with ideas for improving the world, schemes that unfold in a dozen books. Yet somehow the powers that be have managed to ignore him. Alan Taylor complements Brams. Less distracted by current events, this Union College mathematician likes to think about different kinds of infinities late into the night, occasionally losing track of time until the sky starts to brighten. A self-effacing New Englander like Brams, Taylor has an equal claim to being the fairest of them all. Working together over the past two years, Brams and Taylor have figured out an equitable way to divide the world's goodstangible or notthat's mathematically guaranteed to do everyone justice. That makes them fairer even than King Solomon. After all, even Solomonic justice had its limits. In the king's most celebrated case, two harlots brought him a baby, each claiming to be its mother. According to the Bible (1 Kings 3:16-28), Solomon proposed cutting the baby in two, giving half to each woman. As he sent for a sword, one woman agreed that halves would be a fair division; the other withdrew her claim. She, of course, was the true mother, and Solomon gave her the child.

    72. Seminar Abstract
    FAIR DIVISION hugo steinhaus BETWEEN CANAAN AND HELLAS. hugo steinhaus (18871972),a prominent Jewish-Polish mathematician, began the modern study of

    73. Dowcipy
    hugo steinhaus. Najdziwniejszy jest zawód urzednika administracyjnego instytutu hugo steinhaus. Matematycy sa ekscentryczni z najlepszego z mozliwych
    [Aforyzmy] [Dowcipy] Dowcipy Na tej stronie znajdziesz spor± dawkê humoru matematycznego. Zobaczysz, jak wygl±da matematyka w krzywym zwierciadle. O matematykach O matematyce Na lekcji Walentynki matematyka Hymn matematyków ... Inne O matematykach Matematycy ¶miej± siê z siebie:
    osiem godzin snu, osiem godzin matematyki, osiem godzin - jazz, wino i kobiety. Matematykiem jest ten, dla kogo wzór: jest tak oczywisty, jak dla innych dwa razy dwa równa siê cztery. Thomson Wiliam Kelvin My - matematycy, nie jeste¶my normalnymi cz³onkami spo³eczeñstwa. My próbujemy zrozumieæ to, czego normalni ludzie nie umiej± zrozumieæ. Marek Bo¿ejko Prawie ¿e nie widzia³em matematyka, który by³by zdolny do rozumowania. Platon Matematykami na ogó³ zostaj± osobnicy, którzy w szkole nie byli w stanie nauczyæ siê wielu niepotrzebnych rzeczy. Jak wiadomo, wyk³adowcy dziel± siê na dwie grupy. Jedni zaczynaj± wyk³ad s³owami" Ju¿ Platon i Arystoteles...", drudzy: Jeszcze Platon i Arystoteles". Pawe³ Mo³czanow Niektóre dzieci tak lubi± szko³ê, ¿e chc± w niej pozostaæ przez ca³e ¿ycie. Matematycy rekrutuj± siê z tych infantylistów.

    74. LSGM Bibliothek Suche
    Translate this page Suchanfrage wird bearbeitet, bitte warten mb-R6 Sto zadac steinhaus, HugoNauka, Moskau 1976. Work in Progress! Todos, known bugs and issues

    75. Basic Library List-General
    steinhaus, hugo. Mathematical Snapshots, New York, NY Oxford University Press,1969, 1983. Third Edition. ** Stewart, Ian. Does God Play Dice?
    Back to Table of Contents
    General: General Anthologies
    ** Aleksandrov, A.D.; Kolmogorov, Andrei N.; and Lavrent'ev, M.A., eds. Mathematics: Its Content, Methods, and Meaning, Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1969. 3 Vols. Behnke, H., et al., eds. Fundamentals of Mathematics, Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1974, 1983. 3 Vols. * Boehm, George A.W. The Mathematical Sciences: A Collection of Essays Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1969. Campbell, Douglas M. and Higgins, John C., eds. Mathematics: People, Problems, Results, Belmont, CA: Wadsworth, 1984. 3~Vols. Kapur, J.N. Fascinating World of Mathematical Sciences, New Delhi: Mathematical Sciences Trust Society, 1989. 3 Vols. Le Lionnais, F., ed. Great Currents of Mathematical Thought, Mineola, NY: Dover, 1971. 2 Vols. *** Newman, James R. The World of Mathematics, Redmond, WA: Microsoft Press, 1988. 4 Vols. Saaty, Thomas L. and Weyl, F. Joachim, eds. The Spirit and the Uses of the Mathematical Sciences New York, NY: McGraw-Hill, 1969. * Scientific American. Mathematics in the Modern World New York, NY: W.H. Freeman, 1968.

    76. The Way To CD-ROM
    Sioma Fajtlowicz still had courses of hugo steinhaus, some years later I could The seminar of Jan Mycielski and hugo steinhaus seemed a page from the
    IV. Wroclaw
    In this collection of some 200 authors I include 5 persons from Wroclaw. Would it indicate that the criteria are provincial? It is a rhetoric question. Certainly the answer is ``no''. I do not count, there are 4 more. The only one of them who is in Wroclaw has joint publications with A.Odlyzko (so that his Erdos number is 2) and their paper was cited in Scientific American , so there are all the reasons to include his page into any collection. The merits of three others, who work at well-known US Universities, are also easily argued and in all these cases it is me who has a debt of gratitude for being permitted to reproduce their materials here. In fact, there is much more to be said on this topic and I just intend to do it. If you discover that - let us say - Berkeley has an extremely strong scientific center then there is nothing interesting in this constatation. All in all, if California were an independent country it would still stay among fifteen greatest economic powers of the world and could buy a significant parcel of scientists of the world for its institutions. But Wroclaw was never a part of California. I went to Wroclaw. because I decided to study mathematics. I decided to study mathematics because of three false and one justified convictions. Here are the false ones: (a) studying maths would not demand much time, (b) you can do maths all alone, (c) it has no connection with the crazy world out there. The justified one: mathematical results do not depend on geographic position or political system.

    77. Caminho A CD-ROM
    Translate this page Sioma Fajtlowicz ainda teve aulas com hugo steinhaus, O seminário de JanMycielski e hugo steinhaus parecia uma página do livro ``Quem é quem em
    IV. Wroclaw
    Nesta coletânea de uns 200 autores incluo 5 pessoas de Wroclaw. Seriam os critérios provincianos? É uma pergunta retórica. Tenho certeza que não . Eu mesmo não conto, sobram só quatro. O único deles que está em Wroclaw tem publicações com A.Odlyzko (portanto o seu número de Erdos é 2), o trabalho deles foi citado em Scientific American então inclusão de sua página a qualquer coleção é justificada. O valor dos três outros, que trabalham em conhecidas universidades de Estados Unidos, também é facilmente estabelecido - e em todos estes casos sou eu quem está grato a eles por me permitirem a reprodução de seus materiais aqui. De fato, tem muito mais para ser dito sobre este tópico - e justamente pretendo entrar nisso. Se você descobre que - digamos - Berkeley possui um centro científico super-poderoso, não há nada interessante nessa constatação. Afinal, a Califórnia como um país independente ainda seria uma das quinze maiores potências econômicas do mundo e poderia comprar para as suas instituições uma parcela significativa de cientístas do planeta. Mas Wroclaw nunca fez parte da Califórnia. Fui para Wroclaw porque decidi estudar matemática. Decidi estudar matemática por causa de três convicções falhas e uma correta. As falhas eram: (a) ela iria exigir de mim pouco tempo de estudo, (b) nela se podia trabalhar sozinho, (c) ela não tinha muita ligação com o mundo louco fora dela. A correta: os resultados matemáticos independem da posição geográfica ou sistema político.

    78. Wladyslaw Orlicz
    When in 1960 hugo steinhaus was writing about Banach he emphasised that (cf.1, p. 157; 257 and 242, respectively). “Mazur and Orlicz are direct pupils
    Born: 24 May 1903 in Okocim, Galicia, Austria-Hungary (now Poland)
    Died: PDF version In the years 1922-1929 he worked as a teaching assistent at the Department of Mathematics of Jan Kazimierz University. Some problems in the theory of orthogonal series In the late twenties and early thirties Orlicz worked as a teacher in private secondary schools and in a military school. p spaces which later on became known as Orlicz spaces It should be pronounced clearly that Orlicz spaces from the functional analysis point of view, that is, as function spaces appeared for the first time in 1932 in Orlicz's paper: , Bull. Int. Acad. Polon. Sci. A 1932, No. 8/9, 207-220 with an additional condition on the function ( the so called -condition, in 1936. veniam legendi Investigations of orthogonal systems Scottish Book In 1968 when presenting the mathematical output of H. Steinhaus (in article published in Wiadom. Mat. in 1969), Orlicz wrote Selected Problems of Functional Analysis '' until 1989. Seminar went on every Wednesday at half past twelve in the Mathematical Institute. Orlicz was interested in works of other mathematicians and in branches far from the functional analysis. He addressed to participants of his seminar and other interlocutors using characteristic phrase: Orlicz collaborated with several mathematicians. Collaboration with Mazur was especially fruitful. They wrote a dozen of joint papers and their results are among classical theorems. When in 1960 Hugo Steinhaus was writing about Banach he emphasised that (cf. [1], p. 157; 257 and 242, respectively):

    79. Zygmunt William Birnbaum Papers - Special Collections, UW Libraries
    3/2728, steinhaus, hugo, 1937-1946. 3/29, Sternbach, Ludwig (Wisio), 1937-1939 5/80, hugo steinhaus - A Reminiscence and a Tribute, by Mark Kac, 1974

    Archival Finding Aids Home Page

    University Archives Home Page

    Biographical Note
    Scope and Content ... Subject Terms
    Guide to the Zygmunt William Birnbaum Papers
    Record Group No. : Accession No. : Creator: Birnbaum, Zygmunt William, 1903-, creator Title: Zygmunt William Birnbaum Papers Date Span: Quantity: 6.9 cubic ft. (8 boxes, one oversize folder) Location : C2724e-2725e (boxes 1-8); T0643 (misc. oversize box 6) Languages: Collection materials are in English, with a significant portion of the collection in Polish and German, and some in French. Z.W. Birnbaum, 1958. Special Collections, UW Libraries, UW235260z
    Funding for encoding this finding aid was partially provided through a grant awarded by the National Endowment for the Humanities.
    Biographical Note
    Zygmunt William “Bill” Birnbaum (1903-2000), was for thirty-five years professor of mathematics and statistics at the University of Washington (1939-1974). Zygmunt William Birnbaum was born in Lw³w, Austria-Hungary, on October 18, 1903, to Ignacy and Lina Birnbaum. He attended grade and high schools (gymnasium) in Lw³w and Vienna, and then, in deference to his family's wishes that he pursue a "practical" degree, he obtained a master of law degree from the University of Lw³w in 1925. He practiced law for a year, but during that time he resumed his studies in mathematics. In 1926 Birnbaum received a teaching certificate in mathematics. He taught at a gymnasium in Lw³w from 1925 to 1929 while continuing his graduate studies in mathematics under Hugo Steinhaus and Stefan Banach, among others. He received his Ph.D. in 1929, with Steinhaus as his major professor.

    80. Biblioteca Centrale Di Ingegneria - Leonardo - Elenco Nuove Accessioni
    *One hundred problems in elementary mathematics / by hugo steinhaus. Mineola (NY) Dover, 1979. - 174 p. ill. ; 22 cm. isbn 048623875X
    Biblioteca Centrale di Ingegneria - Leonardo
    Nuove accessioni
    Mesi precedenti:
    Febbraio 2004 Marzo 2004 Giugno 2004
    Catalogo on-line di Ateneo
    ... Testi disponibili in Sala di Lettura Pubblichiamo l'elenco dei titoli acquisiti recentemente dalla Biblioteca.
    Le notizie sono ordinate per soggetto e, all'interno del soggetto, per autore.
    In fondo ad ogni notizia sono indicati la collocazione e il numero d'inventario. ELENCO NUOVE ACCESSIONI - GIUGNO 2004 3M (Ditta) - Storia
    A *century of innovation : the 3M story. - [S.n.] : 3M company, 2002. - [6], 236 p. : ill. ; 27 cm. isbn 0972230211
    STOR. 1540
    Algebra booleana
    Brown, Frank Markham
    *Boolean reasoning : the logic of boolean equations / Frank Markham Brown. - 2. ed. - Mineola : Dover, 2003. - XI, 291 p. ; 21 cm. isbn 0486427854
    I A 0997 Algebra - Esercizi Posamentier, Alfred S.

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