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61. Steiner Minimal Tree Problem In the nineteenth century jakob steiner, a mathematician at the University ofBerlin, studied this problem and expanded it to include an arbitrarily large http://www.css.tayloru.edu/~bbell/steiner/ | |
62. The Efficacy Of Microbial Compared To Wheat Phytase In Pigs Fed At Different Fee Publication steiner, T., Fundis, A., jakob, S., Mosenthin, R. (2004) The efficacyof microbial compared to wheat phytase in pigs fed at different feeding http://www.uni-hohenheim.de/i3ve/00068900/306876041.htm | |
63. The Efficacy Of Microbial Compared To Wheat Phytase In Pigs Fed At Different Fee Translate this page Publikation (Beitrag in Tagungsband) steiner, T., Fundis, A., jakob, S., Mosenthin,R. (2004) The efficacy of microbial compared to wheat phytase in pigs http://www.uni-hohenheim.de/i3v/00068900/306876041.htm | |
64. Adam Coffman Deposit #11 jakob steiner (1796 1863 ) was a Swiss mathematician who became a professor atthe University of Berlin. He visited Rome in 1844 where he developed the http://curvebank.calstatela.edu/romansurfaces/romansurfaces.htm | |
65. Auslandsdienst.at - Verein Für Dienste Im Ausland Nach § 12b Translate this page Name, jakob steiner. Adresse, Anzengruberstr. 7. 6020 Innsbruck. Telefon,0650 - 752 74 45. Stelle, Montreal. Mentor, Christian Witternigg http://www.auslandsdienst.at/tirol/mitarb/j_steiner.htm | |
66. Lista De Managers jakob Wallenberg ABB Asea Brown Boveri Ltd,. James Jenness Kellogg Co.,.James A Block Block Drug Co. Inc, Jeffrey Matthews steiner Leisure Ltd., http://es.transnationale.org/manager/manager_J.htm | |
67. Deltoid steiner s hypocycloid the Swiss mathematician jakob steiner studied the curvein 1856; tricuspoid because of its three cusps http://www.2dcurves.com/roulette/rouletted.html | |
68. Enciclopedia :: 100cia.com Translate this page jakob steiner. (En este momento no hay texto en esta p¡gina. Para iniciar elartculo, click editar esta p¡gina (http//es.wikipedia.orgjakob_steiner).) http://100cia.com/enciclopedia/Jakob_Steiner | |
69. Cosmo_scienze_frattali_quanti_&_altro jakob steiner 18 March 1796 in Utzenstorf, Switzerland 1 April 1863 in jakob steiner did not learn to read and write until he was 14 and only went to http://www.violettanet.it/links/cosmoscienze.htm | |
70. Ivars Peterson's MathLand two centuries ago by jakob steiner, a professor at the University of Berlin . The answer to steiner s problem can also appear in the shape of a soap http://www.maa.org/mathland/mathland_4_8.html | |
71. Collected Works In Mathematics And Statistics jakob steiner, Thomas Jan Stieltjes, Sir George Stokes, JJ Sylvester, Gábor Szegö steiner, jakob, 17961863, Gesammelte Werke, 2, QA 443 S742, Killam http://www.mathstat.dal.ca/~dilcher/collwks.html | |
72. Anecdotario Matemático Translate this page Ya en el siglo XIX, el matemático francés Jean Victor Poncelet sugirió unademostración, más tarde rigurosamente desarrollada por el suizo jakob steiner, http://www-etsi2.ugr.es/profesores/jmaroza/anecdotario/anecdotario-r.htm | |
73. AIM Book Library: Jacob steiner s gesammelte Werke. Hrsg. auf Veranlassung der Königlich Preussischen steiner, jakob, 17961863. Weierstrass, Karl, 1815-1897. QA443 . http://www.aimath.org/library/library.cgi?database=books;mode=display;BrowseCall |
74. Creation And Smooth-shading Of Steiner Patch Tessellations 9 jakob steiner , DICTIONARY OF SCIENTIFIC BIOGRAPHY, Charles Scribner s Sons,New York, Vol. Xltl, 1976, pp. 1222. http://portal.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=324937 |
75. Active Skim View Of: Index 201202, 206-209, 240 Stegun, Irene A., 373 steiner, jakob, 119 Step functions,124, 297-302 Stern, Moritz, 27 Stevens, Wallace, 198 Stieltjes integral, http://www.nap.edu/nap-cgi/skimit.cgi?isbn=0309085497&chap=407-422 |
76. Nat' Academies Press, Prime Obsession: Bernhard Riemann And The Greatest Unsolve steiner, jakob, 119. Step functions, 124, 297302. Stern, Moritz, 27. Stevens,Wallace, 198. Stieltjes integral, 160. Stieltjes, Thomas, 154, 160, 161, 376 http://www.nap.edu/openbook/0309085497/html/420.html | |
77. Steiner Background jakob steiner. memorial page. born march 18, 1796 Utzenstorf, Switzerland.dead april 1, 1863 Bern, Switzerland. He is a middleaged man, of pretty stout http://acg.media.mit.edu/people/kram/steinerSurf/background.html | |
78. SNM/DLA: Namenregister 'S' Nachlaßverzeichnis jakob B-94 steiner, Rudolf C-23; steiner-Prag, Elenor S-134; steiner-Prag, Hugo C-23, http://www.dla-marbach.de/kallias/hyperkuss/s-reg.html | |
79. DML: Digital Mathematics Library: Retrodigitized Mathematics Journals And Monogr jakob steiner (1826). Hrsg.von Rudolf Sturm. (by steiner, jakob), 125, 1901. book http://www.mathematik.uni-bielefeld.de/~rehmann/DML/dml_links_title_E.html | |
80. Jakob Steiner Université Montpellier II Translate this page jakob steiner (1796-1863). Cette image et la biographie complète en anglaisrésident sur le site de luniversité de St Andrews Écosse http://ens.math.univ-montp2.fr/SPIP/article.php3?id_article=1848 |
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