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61. Women In Math (Mary Somerville) The Best of mathNEWS Women in Math (mary somerville) http://www.mathnews.uwaterloo.ca/BestOf/WomenInMath7105.html | |
62. MAIN INDEX somerville, mary DEATH OBITUARY, FUNERAL SERVICE PROGRAM 1963 Harman Grisewood somerville, mary AB - CORRES. TO SHANE LESLIE Sir Shane Leslie Papers http://www.library.georgetown.edu/dept/speccoll/mi/mi}1778.htm | |
63. Mary Somerville Biography / Biography Of Mary Somerville Biographies mary somerville Biography profile biographies life history. http://www.bookrags.com/biography/mary-somerville/ | |
64. Mary Prentiss Inn - West Somerville, Massachusetts | Away.com Away.com offers detailed information on mary Prentiss Inn for your next trip toWest somerville. Read a review, view the amenities, see the location and http://travel.away.com/hotels/travel-hotel-details-id34711-Mary-Prentiss-Inn-334 | |
65. National Portrait Gallery | Research | Art Of The Picture Frame | Martha Somervi mary somerville s portrait, a chalk drawing by James Swinton dated 1848, The portrait of mary somerville hanging in the galleries in its original frame http://www.npg.org.uk/live/frsomer.asp | |
66. BBC - Radio 4 - Woman's Hour -Mary Somerville Today is the birthday of the acclaimed mathematician, astronomer, physicalscientist and geographer mary somerville. http://www.bbc.co.uk/radio4/womanshour/2001_52_wed_05.shtml | |
67. BBC - Radio 4 - The Material World 26/08/2004 Each week scientists describe their work, conveying the excitement they feel fortheir research projects. This week mary somerville and Insect Altruism. http://www.bbc.co.uk/radio4/science/thematerialworld_20040826.shtml | |
68. Mary Somerville Biography On Dec 26, 1780 mary Fairfax was born in Jedburgh, Roxburghshire, Scotland.The daughter of William George Fairfax and his second wife Margaret Charters, http://space.about.com/od/astronomerbiographies/a/marysomerville.htm | |
69. CRSBI: St Mary The Virgin, Aston Somerville, Worcestershire ST mary THE VIRGIN, ASTON somerville, WORCESTERSHIRE The manor of somervilleAstonwas named after Roger, grandson of Sir Gualter de somerville from http://www.crsbi.ac.uk/ed/wo/astso/ | |
70. Mary Somerville Translate this page mary somerville war die wohl erfolgreichste Naturwissenschaftlerin des 19.Jahrhunderts. 1780 in Schottland geboren, gab ihr erst ihre zweite Ehe mit einem http://www.frauen-informatik-geschichte.de/web/index.php?id=34 |
71. Somerville College - The College mary somerville (1780 1872), a twicemarried Scot whose international reputationas a With the establishment in 1903 of the mary somerville Research http://www.some.ox.ac.uk/college/ | |
72. Cal Poly Academic Senate-Home somerville, mary, Library, PCS, 61398, msomervi, 2007. Walker, John, Stats,CSM/COE, 67128 somerville, mary, Library, Admin, 61398, msomervi, ExOff http://www.calpoly.edu/~acadsen/commmemb.html | |
73. Biography Of Somerville, Mary Biographies of people living and dead of all nations. http://www.allbiographies.com/biography-MarySomerville-29634.html | |
74. Gender Inn: Thematischer Suchindex Translate this page Wurzel des Thesaurus Disziplin 115 Literaturwissenschaft AutorInnen und Werke1666 somerville, mary 1686 somerville, Personal Recollections. http://db.genderinn.uni-koeln.de/cgi-bin/n/suchindex?w=1d&id=1666 |
75. Aki Bern: Räume: Mary Sommerville Translate this page Das Sprachrohr war dabei aber immer der Ehegatte der mary somerville, Mit einer eigenen wissenschaftlichen Arbeit trat mary somerville erstmals 1825 in http://www.cx.unibe.ch/aki/content/05/06.html | |
76. Winner.com.ru - Mary Fairfax Somerville - James Scotland Document Record Overvie Thoemmes Continuum publishes primary sources and reference works in the Historyof Ideas for the academic community. mary Fairfax somerville. 17801872. http://mary-fairfax-somerville.winner.com.ru/ | |
77. Mary Somerville Anonymous. mary somerville Electronic Text Center, University of Virginia Library Header Essay mary somerville. Atlantic Monthly 5 (May 1860) 568571. http://etext.lib.virginia.edu/toc/modeng/public/AnoMary.html | |
78. History Of Astronomy: Persons (F) Fairfax somerville, mary see somerville, mary Fairfax Greig (17801872); Falck,Anders (1740-1796). Very short biographical data and links With a short http://www.astro.uni-bonn.de/~pbrosche/persons/pers_f.html | |
79. In Search Of Shakespeare . The Somerville Plot And The End Of Arden | PBS Soon Arden s wife mary and their daughter Margaret will join somerville andThrogmorten s brother in the Tower. Both Arden and Throgmorton are repeatedly http://www.pbs.org/shakespeare/events/event86.html | |
80. Innovators Or Interpreters Together, mary and William somerville were another of the great Enlightenment A strong woman, mary somerville, with advantages many women lacked, http://arxiv.org/html/physics/0001026 | |
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