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Sokolov Yurii: more detail |
81. Astronet > GAISh V Gody Velikoi Otechestvennoi Voiny Petr Viktorovich sokolov (19181944), okonchil Astronomicheskoe Otdelenie mehmataMGU yurii Ivanovich Prodan (1922-2005), rodilsya v Krasnodarskom krae; http://www.astronet.ru:8105/db/msg/1205705 | |
82. APS - 2005 14th APS Topical Conference On Shock Compression Of Condensed Matter Vladimir Dremov, Vener Vildanov, Mikhail Gorshkov, Vladimir Zahikin, yurii Zhugin Sergey sokolov, Vladimir Milyavskiy, Tatiana Borodina, Andrey Zhuk http://meetings.aps.org/Meeting/SHOCK05/SessionIndex/?SessionEventID=32906 |
83. APS - 2005 14th APS Topical Conference On Shock Compression Of Condensed Matter Vener Vildanov , Mikhail Gorshkov , Vladimir Zahikin , yurii Zhugin Sergey sokolov , Vladimir Milyavskiy , Tatiana Borodina , Andrey Zhuk http://meetings.aps.org/Meeting/SHOCK05/sessionindex2/?VirtualSession=W |
84. Biophysical Journal -- Table Of Contents (74 [5]) Valerij S. sokolov, HansJürgen Apell, John ET Corrie, Eugeniya Ivanova, Juan A.Subirana, Valya Zarytova, and yurii Nekrasov Structural Variability http://www.biophysj.org/content/vol74/issue5/index.shtml | |
85. Intas 96-1310 yurii SHCHIPUNOV Institute of Chemistry Laboratory of Colloid System and Interfacial Passechnik VI, sokolov VS 2001. Estimation of electrochromic dyes http://www.intas.be/catalog/961-1310.htm | |
86. Moskovskii Teatr Luny P/r Sergeya Prohanova Dmitrii Pevcov, zasluzhennyi artist Rossii; yurii Duvanov; Valerii Barinov,zasluzhennyi artist Rossii; Andrei sokolov; Yuliya Orrei; Valerii Smeckoi http://www.theatre.ru:8084/luna/ |
87. Biographies For Famous People Starting With The Letter S sokolov, yurii Biography Sokolskii, Grigori Ivanovich Biography Solana, JavierBiography Solanas, Valerie Biography Solari, Andrea Biography http://www.biographycorner.com/biography_s.html | |
88. THE CUMMINGS CENTER FOR RUSSIAN AND EAST EUROPEAN STUDIES TEL AVIV Boris sokolov Institute of World Literature, Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia yurii Gorkov HistoricArchival and Military-Memorial Center of the http://www.tau.ac.il/~russia/conference/programs/1-95.htm | |
89. Dubinec E. A.- Znaki Zvukov. O Sovremennoi Muzykal'noi Notacii. yurii Nikolaevich Holopov. Kniga E. A. Dubinec pervoe razvernutoe issledovanie Aleksandr Sergeevich sokolov. Raznorodnyi material udivitel no polno i http://www.mmv.ru:8084/gootenberg/dubinez/ | |
90. Dos'e yurii Bogdanov (fortepiano) Rostislav Boiko (kompozitor) Vladimir sokolov (klarnet)Kamernyi orkestr Solisty Moskvy http://www.mmv.ru:8084/person/ | |
91. ELECTRICAL TECHNOLOGY (Russian Elektrichestvo), 12, 2003 ~ LA of Electrical Energy) PP 65 $$ LA eng TR yurii Gevondovich Shakaryan (To LA eng TR Nikolai Ivanovich sokolov (Notice Obituary) PP 71 $$ LA eng TR http://www.infomag.ru:8080/dbase/J095E/040113-114.txt | |
92. Èíñòèòóò Áèîõèìèè è Ôèçèîëîãèè Svetlana institute; Krivopalov, yurii uriah; Kuznetsov, Pavel lsmi110 Viktoria molbiol; Soboleva, Elena molbiol; sokolov, Oleg sokolov http://ibppm.saratov.ru/emailen.html | |
93. Teams - Public Information Andrey sokolov Vladimir Lucyanov. Ufa State Aviation Technical University USATU1 yurii Kopylov. Urals State Technical University USTU1 http://icpc.baylor.edu/icpc/regionals/RosterPublicFull.asp?ContestID=518 |
94. Intelros.ru / The Russian Top 100 Experts In Social&Political Thought. Year 2003 yurii Levada. 6,91. 2. Gleb Pavlovskii. 6,87. 3. Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn Maxim sokolov. 5,54. 30. Mikhail Gasparov. 5,53. 31. Boris Berezovskii http://www.intelros.ru/rating/rating_1_eng.htm | |
95. RADIO FREE EUROPE/ RADIO LIBERTY Culture and Information Minister Aleksandr sokolov Justice Minister YuriiChaika Transport and Communications Minister Igor Levitin http://www.rferl.org/featuresarticle/2004/03/e33636d4-c613-45ca-ad86-0b307fb9acd | |
96. Mostra Eventos Da Data Selecionada yurii DmitrievichSokolov (matemático russo) 28/05/1896 Nascimento Música Fatos http://www.ponteiro.com.br/chig09.php?formano=2000&pg=9 |
97. Mostra Eventos Da Categoria Selecionada yurii DmitrievichSokolov (matemático russo) 24/09/1896 Nascimento Matemática Fatos http://www.ponteiro.com.br/mostrad8.php?w=13&pg=10 |
98. Journal Of Advanced Materials (JAM) OL Khasanov, VM sokolov, ES Dvilis and Yu.P. Pokholkov. Synthesis of fullerenecontainingphases in an ironcast iron powder composition http://www.cisp-publishing.com/books/jam-vol9-1-2002.html | |
99. ILLA/LTL'2003 Second Announcement & Call For Papers VISokolov (Inst. on Laser and Information Technologies, Russia) yurii Ovchinnikov,Medical Academy of Moscow, Russia Lasers in otolaryngology novel http://illa2003.laser.ru/second.html | |
100. Herald Of The Russian Academy Of Sciences yurii M. Kagan Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Isaak M. KhalatnikovMember of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Vladimir A. Kirillin http://library.iem.ac.ru/vestnik/herald.htm | |
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