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Sobolev Sergei: more detail | ||||||||
41. 2000 Gregory A. Snyder, Wuyi Wang, William D. Carlson, Erik H. Hauri, Tom McCandless,KukRak Kim, Nikolai V. sobolev, and sergei M. Bezborodov Vol. 42, No. http://www.bellpub.com/igr/2000/000tc.htm | |
42. From Owner-at-net-dl@math.uni-giessen.de Fri Dec 28 041800 2001 Number 2, February 2001 Jos\ {e} M. Rodr\ {\i}guez Weierstrass theorem inweighted sobolev spaces 119160 sergei Khrushchev Schur s algorithm, http://www.math.ohio-state.edu/JAT/DATA/ATNET/109.fixed | |
43. MOSCOW UNIVERSITY OF DESIGN NAMED AFTER SERGEI STROGANOV Founded in 1825 by the count sergei Stroganov as the School of Drawing inApplication to Arts sobolev Nikolai. Printed Textile in Russia. Moscow, 1912 http://www.ceebd.co.uk/ceeed/un/ru/ru541.htm | |
44. "'Alone' By Samuil Aleshin - From SovLit.com sergei and Varya pretend to look at Varya s technical notes for a few moments . So she gives him some sea stories by Stanyukovich and sobolev. http://www.sovlit.com/alone/ | |
45. Sobolev Space imposing on a function f and its derivatives up to some order k the conditionof finite Lp norm, for given p ⥠1. It is named after sergei L. sobolev. http://www.algebra.com/algebra/about/history/Sobolev-space.wikipedia | |
46. ÐвÑопейÑÑкий СоÑз - Ðов PRESIDENT YUSHCHENKO APPOINTS sergei sobolev PRESIDENT S PERMANENT REPRESENTATIVETO VERKHOVNA RADA OF UKRAINE /Ukrinform/. President Viktor Yushchenko has http://www.ukraine-eu.mfa.gov.ua/cgi-bin/valnews_miss.sh?lpos1200503160.shtml |
47. Truthout - Chernobyl Land Of The Dead They buried him barefoot. My love. sergei Vasilyevich sobolev Deputy Head of theExecutive Committee of the Shield of Chernobyl Association http://www.truthout.org/issues_05/042605EA.shtml | |
48. ICMI Bulletin No. 48, June 2000 sergei L. sobolev (USSR) Hans FREUDENTHAL (Netherlands) Past President of ICMIKomaravolu CHANDRASEKHARAN (Switzerland) - President of IMU http://www.mathunion.org/Organization/ICMI/bulletin/48/EC_08_98.html | |
49. The Jamestown Foundation polling stations in eastern and central areas, and several of Yushchenko saides, including MPs sergei sobolev and sergei Teryokhin, were beaten up. http://www.jamestown.org/publications_details.php?volume_id=401&issue_id=3149&ar |
50. JCSD - Minutes From The 17th Plenum Of The US-Russia Joint Commission On POW/MIA Mr. sergei Ivanov, Mr. sobolev welcomed General Roland Lajoie and the US Mr. sobolev again noted the aforementioned remarks were from a letter to http://www.dtic.mil/dpmo/sovietunion/17th_plenum_opening.htm | |
51. AIP International Catalog Of Sources sobolev, SL (sergei Lvovich), 1908. Obedinennyi institut iadernykhissledovanii (Dubna, Chekhovskii raion, Russia). Nuclear physics Research Soviet http://www.aip.org/history/catalog/24482.html | |
52. AIP Niels Bohr Library sobolev, VV (Viktor Viktorovich). by title. Moving envelopes of MARC Display Translated by sergei Gaposchkin. by sobolev, VV (Viktor Viktorovich) http://www.aip.org/history/catalog/25561.html | |
53. People Whose Names Are Embedded In Math Subject Classifcation WWS SMS 92a01070 Leray, Jean La vie et l \oe uvre de Serge sobolev. (French) Thelife and works of sergei sobolev CR Acad. Sci. Paris Sér. Gén. Vie Sci. http://www.math.niu.edu/~rusin/known-math/98/MSC.names | |
54. Nikolay Brusentsov-the Creator Of The Trinary Computer, Setun Computer.Developme Recollecting his first meeting with sobolev, Nikolai Brusentsov said me. When Ifirst visited sergei sobolev s office, it seemed me that I was illumined http://www.icfcst.kiev.ua/museum/Brusentsov.html | |
55. Documents For An Access Point , xiv,106pp.;. Classification, 524.3......Author(s), VV sobolev;sergei Gaposchkin (tr.) Publication, Cambridge Harvard Univ.Press , 1960. http://libibm.iucaa.ernet.in/slim/wslxRSLT.php?A1=1366 |
56. Ukraine Info | News | News Archive sergei sobolev, 43, is a member of the Our Ukraine faction and a member of theVR Committee for legal policies. As President Yushchenko told the press http://www.ukraineinfo.us/news/news/050210.html | |
57. MYRRHA - Bibliography - Fuel Design Fuel performance evaluation for ADS MYRRHA, Vitali sobolev, Lemehov sergei, AïtAbderrahim Hamid, Transactions 7th International Topical Meeting on Research http://www.sckcen.be/myrrha/biblio/fuel.php | |
58. Jacques-Louis Lions Shmuel Agmon from Israel, Ennio De Giorgi, Enrico Magenes, and Guido Stampacchiafrom Italy, and sergei sobolev and Mark Vishik from the former USSR. http://www.siam.org/siamnews/07-01/lions.htm | |
59. Russian Academy Of Sciences / History / Restoration Of The Russian Academy Of Sc control (Andrei N. Kolmogorov, sergei L. sobolev, Ivan G. Petrovsky, Lev S.Pontryagin, The pioneering work of sergei Lebedev was needed to meet the http://www.pran.ru/eng/history/20021211023155history.html | |
60. AAF-Competitions Results sergei sobolev (rus) Min Soo Sohn (cor) Amir Tebenikhin (kzk). (*) DongHyekLim (cor) was announced as 3rd prize winner but he refused his prize http://www.alink-argerich.org/resultslist2003.htm | |
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