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81. ASEE Mechanics Division Archie Higdon Distinguished Educator Award 1992, Andrew Pytel. 1993, Authur Boresi. 1994, E. Russell Johnston, Jr. 1995,virgil snyder. 1996, L. Glenn Kraige. 1997, JN Reddy. 1998, Jerry H. Ginsberg http://comp.uark.edu/~jjrencis/aseemechanics/awards/higdon.htm | |
82. Reading Public Museum: Discovery Through Art, Science And Civilization, A Museum snyder, Peter Jon snyder, Walter Earl snyderhoef, James Sobun, Morikawa SojiroSolis, virgil Solowey, Ben A. Sonneman, Eve Sonntag, William Louis http://www.readingpublicmuseum.org/collections/art/art_4.html | |
83. Cornell Univeristy Mathematics Library snyder, virgil, Elementary Textbook on the Calculus ,1912, 388 http://www.library.cornell.edu/math/reformatpqrs.php | |
84. ISUAA | Services - Awards Program virgil snyder, Sci. Ag. 1889. 1941, Alfred Atkinson, Ag. 04. Robert E. Buchanan,Sci. 04; MS 06; D. Sci. 58. 1940, Thomas R. Agg, EE 05 http://www.isualum.org/services/awards/merit.html | |
85. Who Are These People? 3. Charles snyder 4. AG Tyler 5. virgil Johnson 6. Andrew Hustrulid Updates12/9/98 Ev Allred identified 5 as virgil Johnson, 23 as Joseph Park, http://www.bae.umn.edu/alumni/1998/picture.html | |
86. Wise snyder, Verton 1st cousin twice removed VI 4 snyder, virgil Lloyd 1st cousintwice removed VI 4 snyder, Wanda Maxine 2nd cousin once removed VII 4 http://web.tusco.net/wisenct/W-FamilyIndex.htm | |
87. Chenoweth: [THOMAS: ELIJAH: JOHN FOSTER] The Farrars Of Malinda 10 Lucy Anne snyder .. 9 Howard Briley Loughead III b August 08, +virgil Cook 8 Mildred Vivian Farrar +Wendell Fox b February http://www.chenowethsite.com/ch6t6j5.htm | |
88. Virgil Krapauskas Dr. virgil Krapauskas Chair, Coordinator of History Education and Assistant Book Review Timothy snyder, The Reconstruction of Nations Poland, Ukraine, http://www.chowan.edu/acadp/history/faculty/krapauskas.htm | |
89. Records Officers, Soc Svcs Jeff snyder is the LVA Records Management point of contact for all Social Services Records Administrator 11161 virgil H. Goode Hwy Rocky Mount, http://www.lva.lib.va.us/whatwedo/records/contacts/ss.htm |
90. I2432: Mildred BACHAS (____ - ____) 2402 SOURCE virgil Colwell (deceased) family records, his wife, Mary Ethelyn _Hollis Frank snyder (1864 1938) m 1885 _Roy Calvin snyder http://www.dsolar.com/myfamily/d0000/g0000016.html | |
91. I2265: Irene AFFLERBAUGH (29 Dec 1895 - ____) 2396 Per virgil Colwell Clinton was killed instantly, one year after the death Family 1 Robert Roy snyder. MARRIAGE 6 Mar 1944, New Britain, http://www.dsolar.com/myfamily/d0000/g0000030.html | |
92. A Brief History Of The Association For Women In Mathematics (from Notices): Foot Aubrey Landry (at Catholic University), virgil snyder (at Cornell) and GilbertAmes Bliss and LE Dickson (both at Chicago where together they advised 30 http://www.awm-math.org/articles/notices/199107/blum/footnode.html | |
93. Alibris - Click Here To Find Books By This Author! snyder ~ snyder, A. Peter ~ snyder, Alice Dorothea ~ snyder, Anne ~ snyder, Tom ~ snyder, virgil ~ snyder, William ~ snyder, William Henry ~ snyder, http://www.alibris.com/authors/authors0385.html | |
94. The Virgil Fox Legacy virgil Fox was born in Princeton, Illinois, on May 3, 1912. David Snyderspeaking re master class schedule and dinner. Late swim. Free hot dogs! http://www.virgilfoxlegacy.com/masterclass.html | |
95. Descendants Of John Snyder ELIZABETH5 snyder (JOHN4, JOHN3, JOHN2, JOHN1) was born 1838 in ,Pendleton, CLYDE VIRGIL7 CARRICO, b. November 14, 1896, Thomas, Tucker, W. Virginia; d. http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Oaks/1536/john.html | |
96. Back Issues Of The Clarion Are Available To Members For $5.00 Each 1, Nov, 1977, Allen touring organ; Robert Sherman interviewing virgil on WQXR.2, March, 1978, Cover photo Handwritten welcome letter from virgil; http://www.virgilfox.com/clarion.html | |
97. EMLS 7.1 (May, 2001): 17.1-8 Review Of Pastoral Process Bryan NS Gooch reviews Pastoral Process Spenser, Marvell, Milton, by Susan snyder. http://www.shu.ac.uk/emls/07-1/revgooch.htm | |
98. Race Directors Forum: The 16th Annual Virgil Mountain Madness 30K Trail Run The 16th Annual virgil Mountain Madness 30K Trail Run. (Directed by StephenSnyder The Scottish Blue Harriers). As the selfproclaimed leader of the http://www.fingerlakesrunners.org/newsletter/2001/August/article3.html | |
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