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21. Robert R. Snyder 11, 1927 at Cortland, NY a son of the late Raymond and Josephine Murphy snyder.He was raised in virgil, NY and attended virgil Schools and St. Marys http://www.perkinsfuneralhome.com/obits/rsnyder.htm | |
22. Charles Snyder Author :: Books From Books.co.uk You searched for charles snyder. Under Author fields. Author(s) snyder,virgil ~ Black, Amos ~ Coble, Arthur ~ Dye, Leaman ~ Emch, Arnold ~ Lefschetz http://www.books.co.uk/author_charles-snyder.html | |
23. Arthur Snyder Author :: Books From Books.co.uk You searched for arthur snyder. Under Author fields. Author(s) snyder,virgil ~ Black, Amos ~ Coble, Arthur ~ Dye, Leaman ~ Emch, Arnold ~ Lefschetz, http://www.books.co.uk/author_arthur-snyder.html | |
24. The Online Books Page: Search Results Gligor, virgil D. A Guide to Understanding Trusted Facility Management (HTML at snyder, virgil Differential and Integral Calculus , also by John Irwin http://onlinebooks.library.upenn.edu/webbin/book/search?author=Virgil&amode=word |
25. Virgil LeQuire And His Fainting Goats Remembered At Symposium In His Honor by Bill snyder. The late virgil S. LeQuire, MD, tended a lot more than faintinggoats on his farm in northwest Williamson County. http://www.mc.vanderbilt.edu/reporter/?ID=3375 |
26. Scottsbluff Public Library Foundation Book Of Memory Ruth Tomoi, virgil Myers. Hisaye Miyahara, virgil Myers. Jean Nye, virgil Myers April Casey, Stacy Ann snyder. Shirley Flack, Gretchen Wimmer Richards http://www.scottsbluff.org/lib/membook.html | |
27. The Science Bookstore - Chronology snyder, virgil Born 11/9/1869, 1869 AD. Martin, Emilie N. Born 12/30/1869,1869 AD. Pregl, F. Born 9/3/1869, 1869 AD. 1869 AD, First US transcontinental http://www.thesciencebookstore.com/chron.asp?pg=22 |
28. Online Books 4 Free: Free Science Books - Mathematics And Computer Science Differential and Integral Calculus by virgil snyder and John Irwin Hutchinson.page images at MOA page images at Cornell Diophantine Analysis by Robert http://www.onlinebooks4free.com/menu/science_math.html | |
29. Generation No. 1 1. *1 Snyder. Child Of * Snyder Is + 2 I. Joseph Children of Robert snyder and Floy Ellis are 61 i. virgil Dale6 snyder. 62 ii.Marjorie Spellman snyder, born 1918. She married (1) Rufas Tuman. http://www.angelfire.com/fl/SNYDER/myline.html | |
30. VIRGIL MT. MADNESS 10 MILES / 50K SUNDAY, AUGUST 10th, 2003, 830 AM, virgil, NY. For more information contactStephen snyder the Scottish Blue Harriers (607) 3369247 sis4@cornell. http://www.newenglandtrailrunner.com/Trail_Races/Virgilmtmadnes.htm | |
31. Fort Custer National Cemetery - Surnames Sn-Sti - Kalamazoo County, Michigan snyder, virgil L, b. 05/21/1917, d. 08/04/1969, US Army, PVT, Res Kalamazoo,MI, Plot 11 0 602, bur. 06/15/1993 snyder, Wayne D, b. 04/12/1917, d. http://www.interment.net/data/us/mi/kalamazoo/ftcusnat/ft_custer_snsti.htm | |
32. Woodlawn National Cemetery - Surnames Sn-To - Chemung County, New York snyder, virgil V, b. 02/28/1923, d. 02/22/1945, Plot F 0 4192, bur. 08/11/1948Socha, John E, d. 09/03/1943, Plot C 0 3292, bur. 06/16/1948 http://www.interment.net/data/us/ny/chemung/woodnat/woodlawn_snto.htm | |
33. Coxeter Library Monograph Holdings snyder, virgil and CH Sisam Analytic Geometry of Space Sommerville, DMY AnalyticalConics Sternberg, Wolfgang J. and Turner L. Smith The Theory of potential http://www.math.yorku.ca/Library/Collect.html | |
34. Snyder Daily News - Online Edition - Obituaries LUBBOCK Wes virgil Morgan, the father of Tommy Dill of snyder, died Friday, Feb.13, in Emporia, Kan. Funeral service for Mr. Moore, 72, will be held at http://www.snyderdailynews.com/2004february20/obit.htm | |
35. Marguerite Lehr of infinite discontinuous Cremona groups of S4 which leave a general cubicvariety invariant, with virgil snyder, American Journal of Mathematics, Vol. http://www.agnesscott.edu/lriddle/women/lehr.htm |
36. Helen Brewster Owens with a dissertation on Conjugate line congruences of the third order definedby a family of quadrics Abstract under the guidance of virgil snyder. http://www.agnesscott.edu/lriddle/women/owens.htm |
37. Brute Squad | WSU Masters Swimming virgil Crampton Jack Bell Eric Doering Catherine Albaugh Deb snyder Tim Traynorvirgil Crampton Holly Boob Cathy Murphy Marvel Kimball Doug Garcia http://www.wsumastersswimming.org/news/brute.html | |
38. REGISTER A GLOBAL USER ACCOUNT Jack snyder Torrey, son of virgil G. Torrey Sr. and Louella Irene snyderTorrey,was born April 8, 1929, on a farm east of Princeton, Mo. http://www.examiner.net/stories/022505/obi_022505011.shtml | |
39. "Into The Labyrinth: A Writer's Journey" By Midori Snyder - Part 3 Midori snyder is the author of six magical novels for adults, virgil, Homer,Catullus, Martial, Ovid, Petronious . . . then Dante, Petrarch, Boccaccio . http://www.endicott-studio.com/rdrm/formslt3.html | |
40. DML: Digital Mathematics Library: Retrodigitized Mathematics Journals And Monogr 165, Michigan Analytic geometry of space, by virgil snyder and CH Sisam.(by snyder, virgil), 289, 1914. book. 166, Michigan Analytic geometry, http://www.mathematik.uni-bielefeld.de/~rehmann/DML/dml_links_title_A.html | |
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