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61. Topology End Economics : The Contribution Of Stephen Smale Author(s) Chichilnisky, G.. 1991 Abstract No abstract is available for this item. http://ideas.repec.org/p/fth/coluec/558.html | |
62. SMALE Professor stephen smale, one of the world s most eminent mathematicians, has madepioneering contributions to both pure and applied mathematics. http://www.math.ufl.edu/dept_news_events/erdos/smale/ | |
63. Stephen Smale - OSTG.com: The Open Source Technology Group Search results for stephen smale 1 7 of 7 matching books below. The Collected Papers of stephen smale (2000). 1 Non-available releases http://ostg.pricegrabber.com/search_bkcontrib.php/bkcontrib_id=2033680/csub=1 | |
64. ICMS News 10 2000/2001 smale, stephen, City University of Hong Kong Stevens, Perdita, University ofEdinburgh Toffalori, Carlo, University of Camerino http://www.icms.org.uk/publications/2001news/model.html | |
65. Ref: Scientists Of The Second Half Of The 20th Century - By Miles Hodges Schneider, stephen H. Sheldrake, Rupert smale, stephen Spock, Benjamin stephen smale Robert May Mitchell Feigenbaum Ilya Prigogine David Bohm http://www.newgenevacenter.org/reference/20b-science2.htm | |
66. Mathematical Foundations Of Learning Theory smale, stephen, smale@math.berkeley.edu. Sunehag, Peter, peter@math.uu.se.Szepesvari, Csaba, szcsaba@sztaki.hu. Tarres, Pierre, tarres@cict.fr http://www.crm.es/Conferences/0304/LearningTheory/listofparticipants.htm | |
67. Central European Science Journals Name, stephen smale. Position in CESJ, Editorial Board, CEJM. Degree(s),Doctor of Science in Physics and Mathematics. University/Company, University of http://www.cesj.com/smale.html | |
68. Math/CS, Emory Univ. stephen smale The mathematician who broke the dimension barrier, AmericanMathematical Society (2000). Dynamical analysis of numerical systems, http://www.mathcs.emory.edu/People/Faculty/sb/ | |
69. Biografia De Smale, Stephen Translate this page smale, stephen. (Flint, 1930) Matemático estadounidense. Profesor en la Universidadde Berkeley, se ha dedicado en especial a estudios de topología http://www.biografiasyvidas.com/biografia/s/smale.htm | |
70. Katalog Freiburg Suchergebnis: Ai=164673 smale, stephen; Devaney, Robert L., 2004; Differential equations,dynamical systems, and linear algebra. - 10. pr. http://www.ub.uni-freiburg.de/olix/wwwolix.cgi?db=ubfr&links=1&ai=164673&Band=Hi |
71. New Books December 2001 The collected papers of stephen smale, smale, stephen. QA3 .S62525 2000 Vol.1,2,3.Sciences mathématiques. Srpska akademija nauka i umetnosti. Q69 . http://mulibraries.missouri.edu/math/newbooks/nbldec01.htm | |
72. Oct. 21, 2000 1. INTRODUCTION TO GRAPHICAL MODELLING THE COLLECTED PAPERS OF stephen smale / stephen smale. Singapore World Scientific,2000. 9810243073. QA3 S62525 2000. v.1. 30340200396780. 79. http://www.sinica.edu.tw/~mathlib/newbooks/001021.html | |
73. JEM -- Index By Author: May 2 2005; 201 (9) Jennifer Abstract Full Text Shi, Jian Abstract Full Text smale,stephen T. Abstract Full Text Steiner, QuynhGiao Abstract Full Text http://www.jem.org/content/vol201/issue9/aindex.shtml | |
74. ۞ Stephen Smale - Im IzyNews Lexikon http://www.izynews.com/de_l/Stephen_Smale | |
75. Newton's Dream Contributors include AP French, Werner Israel, WH NewtonSmith, David Raphael,stephen smale, Steven Weinberg, Richard S. Westfall, and Denys Wilkinson. http://www.mqup.mcgill.ca/book.php?bookid=992 |
76. Vertical File--Michigan Biography/Authors--S smale, stephen Smiley, Joseph Bert Smith, Alexander H. Smith, Allan FrederickSmith, Andrew Franklin Smith, Betty Smith, Donald Cameron Smith, Donald N. http://www.umich.edu/~bhl/bhl/mhchome/vf/vf-db-s.htm | |
77. MSRI "Foundations Of Computational Mathematics" Participants smale, Steve, City University of Hong Kong, 8/19/98, December 98 Wright,stephen, Argonne National Laboratory, 8/30/98, 9/13/98 http://www.damtp.cam.ac.uk/user/na/FoCM/MSRI_participants.html | |
78. WEBCSBMI: Bacheca: Lista Videocassette smale, stephen The story of the higher dimensional Poincaré conjecture (whatactually happened on the beaches of Rio de Janeiro) Videoregistrazione http://www.csb-main.unige.it/Cataloghi/listavideo.html | |
79. Stephen Smale Professor stephen smale. PhD (Michigan). Research Interests Complexity andComputation. Contact information Professional Address http://www6.cityu.edu.hk/ma/people/smale main.htm | |
80. Prof. Stephen Smale's Webpage http://www6.cityu.edu.hk/ma/people/smale.html | |
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