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Smale Stephen: more books (30) |
41. Fields Medal Alexander Berlin Germany 38 1966 smale, stephen Flint, MI USA 36 1970 Baker, Alex University of Paris France 1966 smale, stephen University of http://db.uwaterloo.ca/~alopez-o/math-faq/mathtext/node19.html |
42. Stephen Smale -- Facts, Info, And Encyclopedia Article stephen smale. Categories Topologists, 1930 births stephen smale (born July15, 1930) is an (A native or inhabitant of the United States) American (A http://www.absoluteastronomy.com/encyclopedia/s/st/stephen_smale.htm | |
43. Citebase - A Direct Ultrametric Approach To Additive Complexity And The Shub-Sma The Shubsmale Tau Conjecture is a hypothesis relating the number of integral roots G/A, BC76 Borodin, Allan and Cook, stephen A., On the Number of http://citebase.eprints.org/cgi-bin/citations?id=oai:arXiv.org:math/0304100 |
44. Video Tape List V 530 Sm16w, What is chaos, smale, stephen,1930, sn, 1994. V 530.1 W784m,M-theory, Witten, E, American Mathematical Society, 1998 http://www.math.snu.ac.kr/lib/html/video.html | |
45. Stephen Smale S Biography Steve smale. 1930 Born July 15 at Flint, Michigan Instituto de MatematicaPura e Aplicada, Rio de Janeiro. Steve smale Last update April 1996. http://math.berkeley.edu/~smale/biography.html | |
46. UCLA ACCESS Faculty smale@mednet.ucla.edu. Rotation Availability. Winter, Spring. stephen T. smale.Transcriptional Regulation in the Immune System http://www.uclaaccess.ucla.edu/UCLAACCESS/web/Faculty.aspx?ri=151 |
47. College Mathematics Journal, The: Stephen Smale: The Mathematician Who Broke The Full text of the article, stephen smale The Mathematician Who Broke the DimensionBarrier from College Mathematics Journal, The, a publication in the http://www.findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_qa3773/is_200205/ai_n9084593 | |
48. Popkids At The TweeFest '95 Peter Hahndorf, Maura smale and Nick Boris. stephen Wood, plus Mario and RoseShoestring during the TweePicnic in Central Park. Alan Bryden, Nick Boris, http://www.twee.net/list/popfests/pf95-photos.html | |
49. TweeFest D.C. Reviews 2 pam, keith d arcy, maura smale, steve thornton,matt jacobsen, It waswonderfulto see Tweefest vets like stephen, Maura, Mario and Rose, http://www.twee.net/list/popfests/tweefest.dc.reviews2.html | |
50. Complexity And Real Computation Felipe Cucker , Steve smale, Complexity estimates depending on condition androundoff Marie-Françoise Roy Michael Shub stephen smale Steve smale http://portal.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=265020 |
51. Complexity Estimates Depending On Condition And Round-off Error 21 Michael Shub , Steve smale, Complexity of Bezout s theorem III conditionnumber and MarieFrançoise Roy Michael Shub stephen smale Steve smale http://portal.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=300519 |
52. FGS Surname Index SKIFFE, stephen, 1641, 39478, Richardson, Lois Y. Yes, 1. SKILLENS, Mary smale, Sidney, J, 1870, ENG, 956-1, smale, Steve, No, 1 http://www.rootsweb.com/~mifgs/surnames/_shr-smh__1.html | |
53. FGS Surname Index RANDALL, stephen, A, 1882, MI, 6321, Sexton, Naomi, No, 1 REINKE, Charles,A, 1902, WI, 956-1, smale, Steve, No, 1 http://www.rootsweb.com/~mifgs/surnames/_qui-rel__1.html | |
54. Alibris: Robert L. Devaney by Hirsch, Morris W, and Devaney, Robert L, and smale, stephen Thirty years inthe making, this revised text by three of the world s leading mathematicians http://www.alibris.com/search/books/author/Devaney, Robert L. | |
55. Shannon Lecture Series: Jan. 29, 2004. Shannon Lecture Series Jan. 29, 2004. Developments in Shannon Sampling TheoryPresented by stephen smale. Abstract of Talk. Shannon sampling is a special http://www.siliconvalleycs.org/Smale.html | |
56. Cornell Univeristy Mathematics Library smale, stephen, 1930 The story of the higher-dimensional Poincareconjecture (videorecording) what actually happened on the beaches of Rio de Janeiro http://www.library.cornell.edu/math/videos.php | |
57. Bibliography smale, stephen, 1930, Collected papers of stephen smale / edited by F. Cucker, R.Wong, Singapore, Singapore University Press, 2000 http://www.library.cornell.edu/math/bibliography/display.cgi?start=S& |
58. Cowles Foundation Discussion Paper Author Index -- S pdf, Coordination Risk and the Price of Debt (with stephen Morris) 28pp smale, Steve. 1974. CFDP 378 pdf tif, Global Analysis and Economics VI. http://cowles.econ.yale.edu/P/au/d_s.htm | |
59. Paths To Erdos 5 Alexander Grothendieck 1966 Germany/France 5 stephen smale 1966 USA 4 AlanBaker 1970 Great Britain 2 Heisuke Hironaka 1970 Japan 4 Serge Novikov 1970 http://www.oakland.edu/enp/erdpaths.html | |
60. Newholdings.htm smale, stephen, 1930 Works. 2000. The collected papers of stephen smale.- - c2000. QA3 .S95 1994 Suzuki, Satoshi, 1930-1991. Works. http://www.admin.ias.edu/mnlib/summer01/newholdings.htm | |
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