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81. The Influence Of Ibn Sina And Razi Avicenna, aka ibn sina, was born in AD 980 in the village of Khamsaran in thetransCaspian province of Balkh. At the age of five his extraordinary memory http://www.iranian.com/Feb97/History/Avicenna/Avicenna.shtml | |
82. Herboriste Ibn Sina | Fez Shopping | Fodor's Online Travel Guide Herboriste ibn sina Local Specialties, Fez el Bali. Herboriste ibn sina sellsherbal remedies and homeopathic cures. Address 6, Fondouk Lihoudi Derb Zaouia http://www.fodors.com/miniguides/mgresults.cfm?destination=fez@182&cur_section=s |
83. Avicenna -- Encyclopædia Britannica Arabic ibn sina, in full Abu Ali alHusayn ibn Abd Allah ibn sina Iranianphysician, Abu Ali al-Hussain ibn Abdallah ibn sina (Avicenna) http://www.britannica.com/eb/article-9011433 | |
84. :: || :: Abu Ali Husain Ibn Sina :: || :: Indeed, ibn sina may, with justice be called the first chemist in the world.ibn sina s chief work, The Canon of Medicine was translated into Latin in http://www.geocities.com/mutmainaa/people/ibn_sina.html | |
85. Afghanistan Online: Biography (Ibn Sina) Biography of ibn sina (Avicenna), the prince of physicians. http://www.afghan-web.com/bios/yest/avicenna.html | |
86. Log In Problems ibn sina (often known by his last name in Latin, Avicenna; 9801037 AD) was themost famous physician and philosopher of his time. http://www.medscape.com/viewarticle/405737 | |
87. Averroes As A Physician He showed interest in ibn sina s Urjuza fi Itibb ( Poem on Medicine, Canticumde medicina . on which he wrote a commentary, Sharh Urjuzat ibn sina. http://www.levity.com/alchemy/islam21.html | |
88. Ibn Sina Abu Ali Husain ibn Abdullah ibn sina (9801037). ibn sina (circa 1000 AD) Risalah.(Semaan s translation of above text). Second Chapter http://mambo.ucsc.edu/psl/ibnsina.html | |
89. Ibn Sina Medical Services And Health Care - Company Profile, Research, News, Inf Thomson Gale Company Profiles provide detailed information on over 450000 publicand private companies across the globe. Compiled from a wide variety of http://goliath.ecnext.com/coms2/product-compint-0000932552-page.html | |
90. Personalities Noble ibn alNafis; ibn Khaldun; ibn Rushd; ibn sina; Abu Marwan ibn Zuhr; Jabir ibnHaiyan he was a contemporary of the well-known physician ibn sina. http://www.jamil.com/personalities/ | |
91. HÄpital IBN SINA - Accueil ibn sina Médecin chefde l Hôpital ibn sina-Rabat Bulletin Mensuel d information de l Hôpital ibn http://www.ibnsina.ma/ | |
92. Hôpital IBN SINA - Hôpital Ibn Sina En Chiffres - Année 2002 50ème anniversairede l Hôpital ibn sina. Année 2002. Composition http://www.ibnsina.ma/ibn_sina_chiffres/ | |
93. Global Scholarly Publications The Metaphysica of Avicenna (ibn sina) A critical translationcommentary andanalysis of fundamental arguments in Avicenna s Metaphysica in the Danish http://www.gsp-online.org/shopping/gsp_product_info.php?products_id=90 |
94. Abu'Ali Al-Husayn Ibn Sina ibn sina Seite aus einem deutschsprachigenOnline-Philosophenlexikon. http://www.philosophenlexikon.de/ibnsina.htm | |
95. A Million Healing Words Flow From Compendium, Science News Online (12/18/99) Abu Ali ibn sinaa Middle Eastern physicistcum-physicianhas codified medicalscience and practice in a monumental encyclopedia. http://www.sciencenews.org/pages/sn_arc99/12_18_99b/fob4.htm | |
96. Biographies Info Science : Avicenne (Ibn Sina) http://www.infoscience.fr/histoire/biograph/biograph.php3?Ref=94 |
97. No Match For Ibn Sina Abù Alì Al-Husayn Sorry, the term ibn sina Abù Alì alHusayn is not in the dictionary. Check thespelling and try removing suffixes like -ing and -s . http://www.swif.uniba.it/lei/foldop/foldoc.cgi?Ibn Sina Abù Alì al-Husayn |
98. NTI Country Overviews Iraq Missile Facilities ibnsina was a chemical research facility situated at the Tarmiya site, These include the ibn sina Company at Tarmiyah, which is a chemical research http://www.nti.org/e_research/profiles/Iraq/Missile/2967_3004.html | |
99. Phl 356: Lecture #4 In ibn sina, it is especially clear that the distinction between essence and At the same time, ibn sina recognizes that is is not quite appropriate to http://www.la.utexas.edu/phl356/lec4.html | |
100. Ibn Sina, On Possible And Necessary Existence In The Treatises ibn sina argues that a sufficient nature for necessary existence is not shared by This is a contradiction, says ibn sina. Necessary existence cannot be http://www.angelfire.com/md2/timewarp/ibnsina.html | |
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