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41. Untitled Document robert simson Opera Quaedam Reliqua Glasgow, robert and Andrew Foulis 1776 Quarto, contemporary red goatskin, the covers with a gilt border of a chain roll http://www.riley-smith.com/hamish/document_view.php?cat=1&doc=13 |
42. Simson Some 850 volumes, mainly early mathematical and astronomical texts, comprising the library of robert simson (16871768), Professor of Mathematics at Glasgow http://special.lib.gla.ac.uk/collection/simson.html | |
43. Scottish Thought And Letters In The Eighteenth Century simson, robert. Volume of holograph letters on mathematical topics between After graduating at Glasgow University in 1711, robert simson spent a year in http://special.lib.gla.ac.uk/exhibns/scottish/sci-med.html | |
44. Theodore Spicer-Simson Collection, University Of Miami Libraries Here Spicersimson made a medallion of robert Frost who was associated with the University of Miami at the time. He remained in the United States until his http://www.library.miami.edu/archives/papers/spicers.html | |
45. Krown & Spellman Booksellers: Opera Quaedam Reliqua, Scilicet, I. Apollonii Perg AUTHOR simson, robert. TITLE Opera Quaedam Reliqua, Scilicet, I. Apollonii simson, robert 16871768, While in London simson made the acquaintance of http://www.krownspellman.com/cgi-bin/spellman/15493.html | |
46. Robert Burns Country: The Burns Encyclopedia: Simson, William (1758-1815) The robert Burns works archive, with full text indexed and searchable online. http://www.robertburns.org/encyclopedia/SimsonWilliam1758-1815.791.shtml | |
47. Robert Burns Country: The Burns Encyclopedia: Simson, Johnie The robert Burns works archive, with full text indexed and searchable online. http://www.robertburns.org/encyclopedia/SimsonJohnie.789.shtml | |
48. Index To Monuments In Kirkbride Kirkyard Translate this page simson, John-106. Kirkbride 34. simson, robert-103. Kirkbride 34. simson, Susan(nah)-104. Kirkbride 34. BRYCE, Andrew-384. Kirkbride 35 http://www.maybole.org/history/Archives/kirkbride/ | |
49. Robert Simson (1687-1768), Mathematician National Portrait Gallery, list of portraits for robert simson including robert simson after William Denune, http://www.npg.org.uk/live/search/person.asp?LinkID=mp55871 |
50. Simson On Porisms (Tweddle)-Springer Geometry Book An Annotated Translation of robert simson s Posthumous Treatise on Porisms and Other Items on this Subject Series Sources and Studies in the History of http://www.springeronline.com/sgw/cda/frontpage/0,11855,5-10100-72-1999380-0,00. | |
51. Famous Scottish Technologists And Scientists - S - The IEE simson robert. Born 1687, Ayrshire Died 1768 Son of robert Stevenson. Most famous invention azimuthal condensing system of lighthouse illumination. http://www.iee.org/TheIEE/Locations/SEC/Famous/sts_s.cfm | |
52. BSHM: Gazetteer -- G robert simson (16871768) was the third Professor for 50 years from 1711 to 1761. He was largely self-taught as no lectures in mathematics were available http://www.dcs.warwick.ac.uk/bshm/zingaz/G.html | |
53. BSHM: The Turner Collection, Keele: Doc 1 Oxford 1717, drew Newton s favourable attention to the young Jacobite), Maclaurin and simson (including an Apollonius presented by robert simson to his http://www.dcs.warwick.ac.uk/bshm/turner/turner1.html | |
54. Bibliopoly Rare Books Search Database, Rare And Antiquarian Books, Manuscripts, 4to. pp. viii, 431, i. Trivial spotting, but generally a clean example with very generous margins. Recent halfcalf in period style. http://www.polybiblio.com/tbryars/4399.html | |
55. WIRKSWORTH-Parish Records 1608-1899-Parish Registers 1891 B 1684sep07 simson Ann(wife)robert/ B 1711apr04 simson B 1697dec17 simson Elizabeth(wife)robert/(Worksworth) C 1699nov01 simson http://www.wirksworth.org.uk/PR079.htm | |
56. Ohio Author Ranking For Period: 1810-1819 simson, robert. 1. Thompson, William J. 1. Shilds, John. 1. Shakers. 1. Scott, John. 1. Scott, Job. 1. Scioto Bible Society. 1. Rood, Zebulon. http://www.morganohiolibrary.com/OhioAuthorRanking1810.html | |
57. Simson The theorem is named for Scottish Mathematician robert simson (16871768). At the suggestion of Edmond Halley, for whom the comet is named, simson devoted http://www.pballew.net/simson.html | |
58. '62. Epistle To William Simson' :: A Poem By Robert Burns :: PoetryConnection.ne 62. Epistle to William simson by robert Burns. Epistle to William simson. Poet robert Burns Poem 62. 62. Epistle to William simson http://www.poetryconnection.net/poets/Robert_Burns/9443 | |
59. Comments On 62. Epistle To William Simson - A Poem By Robert Burns - Poetry Conn Comments on 62. Epistle to William simson by robert Burns. http://www.poetryconnection.net/poets/Robert_Burns/9443/comments | |
60. Visit Scotland On A Small Group Tour Of My Homeland. robert simson. Born at Coalfarm near St Monance in October 1819. His parents were robert simson and Elizabeth Carstairs. With his cousin, Philip Russell of http://www.fife.50megs.com/robert-simson.htm | |
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