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41. Durham Mining Museum - Memorial Roll - Names [Si*] simpson, thomas Gibson, 25, 25 Mar 1903, Seaton Burn, NBL. simpson, thomas William, 17, 15 Dec 1955, Brandon Pit House, DUR. simpson, W. 21, 10 Apr 1872 http://www.dmm.org.uk/names/names_si.htm | |
42. SIMPSON, Thomas | British History Online The digital library of text and information about people, places and businesses from the medieval and early modern period, built by the Institute of http://www.british-history.ac.uk/report.asp?compid=17802 |
43. Full Text Search | British History Online Simmonds, George, 64 simpson, thomas, 81, 106 Sis London Politics 17131717 - Minutes of a Whig club 1714-1717, London Pollbooks 1713 http://www.british-history.ac.uk/results.asp?query1=Simpson&title=234 |
44. Colonial Secretary Index, 1788-1825 - Simpson, Thomas (1823) To Sinclair, J simpson, thomas. Of Frasers Lane. 1823 Aug 29; 1824 Apr 24 simpson, thomas. 1825 Jan 8,11. Re permission to marry Jane Murphy at Campbelltown (Reel 6063 http://www.records.nsw.gov.au/indexes/colsec/s/F51c_sh-sl-15.htm | |
45. Colonial Secretary Index, 1788-1825 - Simpson, John (1821) To Simpson, Thomas (1 Re complaint by Corporal thomas Smith re simpson s conduct (Reel 6017; 4/5783 pp.5014) simpson, thomas Cookson. Justice of the Peace, Launceston http://www.records.nsw.gov.au/indexes/colsec/s/F51c_sh-sl-14.htm | |
46. Ccm :: Simpson, Thomas Simpson simpson, thomas 15821628 England, Milton n Sittingbourne / Germany - Denmark, Copenhagen. Title, Parts. Allemande ( Alman ). Brass quintet http://composers-classical-music.com/s/SimpsonThomas.htm | |
47. SIMPSON, THOMAS (1710-1761) simpson, thomas (17101761). The Doctrine and Application of Fluxions. Part II. thomas simpson is most famous for promulgating simpson s rule , http://www.scs.uiuc.edu/~mainzv/exhibitmath/exhibit/simpson.htm | |
48. Genealogy Data simpson, thomas Birth ABT 1822 Family. Marriage 12 JUL 1841 in Whittlesey,Cambs,England Spouse. Blunt, Sabra Birth ABT 1819 Parents http://www.kisbee.co.uk/ged2w/kisby/dat27.html | |
49. Genealogy Data Gender Female Parents. Father Paton, John Mother Aull, Elizabeth. Family. Marriage 1870 Spouse. simpson, thomas James Gender Male http://www.acay.com.au/~philand/dat13.html |
50. SIMPSON, Thomas, (1710-61). -, The Doctrine And Application Of Fluxions. Contain 2 vols. 8vo. Contemp. mottled calf, spine richly gilt and with red leather labels; slightly rubbed, corners and extremities of spines worn. http://www.polybiblio.com/rappapor/37749.html | |
51. SIMPSON, Thomas, The Doctrine Of Annuities And Reversions, Deduced From General Diagrams tables in the text. viii, 128 pp. 8vo, cont. sheepbacked marbled boards (one corner somewhat worn). London J. Nourse, 1742.bound with . http://www.polybiblio.com/jahill/HillBibl-Selections835.0.html | |
52. Thomas SIMPSON-[1002] thomas simpson1002, born 1852 - Family Tree of Joy (nee Miller from Rochdale Lancs England) and Bob Salt(from Newcastle Staffs England) http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/~joybobsalt/1002.HTM | |
53. Thomas SIMPSON-[5048] thomas simpson5048, born 1827 - Family Tree of Joy (nee Miller from Rochdale Lancs England) and Bob Salt(from Newcastle Staffs England) http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/~joybobsalt/5048.HTM | |
54. Raiders Of The Lost Blog Tom simpson and the Raiders of the Lost Blog HOME MY PHOTOGRAPHY ARCHIVES To thomas@xenafan.com Subject Date Sun, 11 Aug 1996 160825 0400 http://www.tomsimpson.org/ | |
55. Icehousebooks (author: Simpson, Thomas W.) Author simpson, thomas W. Click the book number or to see the full description To find a title on this page, try using your browser s Find command. http://www.icehousebooks.co.uk/A_simpsonthw.htm | |
56. Genealogy Data simpson, thomas Birth 16 Sep 1894 Glossop Death 30 Nov 1980 Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada Gender Male Parents. Father simpson, Harvey Bramhall http://www.jigrah.co.uk/gedcom/dat33.html | |
57. Thomas Simpson (1710 - 1761) thomas simpson (1710 1761). From `A Short Account of the History of Mathematics (4th edition, 1908) by WW Rouse Ball. http://www.maths.tcd.ie/pub/HistMath/People/Simpson/RouseBall/RB_Simpson.html | |
58. School Of Chemistry - Bristol University - Professor Thomas Simpson Web pages index for Professor thomas simpson, Staff, School of Chemistry, University of Bristol, UK. http://www.chm.bris.ac.uk/staff/tsimpson.htm | |
59. Simpson, Thomas L. (or Thomas M.) simpson, thomas L. (or thomas M.) Company C Private May 10, 1862. Detailed for hospital duty on account of disability in 1863. http://www.mindspring.com/~jcherepy/22d_ga/h1014.html | |
60. HOASM: Thomas Simpson Biographies of composers of Early Music complementing Here Of A Sunday Morning the radio program. http://www.hoasm.org/IVM/SimpsonT.html | |
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