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41. Student DirectoryO O shields, David Alan, doshiel, doshiel@tctc.edu Orr, Shane allen, sorr,sorr@tctc.edu. Orr, Thomas Alexander, torr, torr@tctc.edu http://cp.tctc.edu/site/StudentDirectory/O_STUDENT.html | |
42. Dick Hussey Ding, X., J. shields, R. allen, and RS Hussey. 1998. A secretory cellulosebindingprotein cDNA cloned from root-knot nematode (Meloidogyne incognita). Mol. http://www.plant.uga.edu/faculty/hussey.htm | |
43. Cowboys & Angels (2005): Michael Legge, Allen Leech, Amy Shields, David Gleason Reviews of the movie COWBOYS ANGELS (2005) the nation s top critics and audiences.Also includes movie info, trailer, interviews, articles, and box office http://ofcs.rottentomatoes.com/movie-1140063/reviews.php | |
44. Allen Pittman - Hoplology - Physical Training Traditions In Atlanta, Georgia (GA allen Pittman, of Atlantas Physical Training Traditions, discusses his experiences in Armed with long spears, short swords, bronze helmets and shields, http://www.apittman.com/Allen/Hop.html | |
45. Project MUSE Ronald E. shields and allen N. Kepke Ronald E. shields is Associate Professorand Chair in the Department of Theatre at Bowling Green State University. http://muse.jhu.edu/journals/theatre_topics/v006/6.1shields.html | |
46. Project MUSE Shifting, and Contrasting Horizons. Ronald E. shields and allen N. Kepke Church and Cemetery, collage by Randall Horst. Photo Ronald E. shields. http://muse.jhu.edu/journals/theatre_topics/v006/6.1shields_fig01.html | |
47. Brooke Shields Is The 6C5R Of 18th President (Hiram) Ulysses Simpson Grant Brooke shields is the 6th Cousin 5 times removed of 18th President (Hiram) Ulysses Samuel allen (15981671) * Ann Whitmore (1612-1641) Married 1630 http://users.legacyfamilytree.com/USPresidents/grant_shields.htm | |
48. Memorial Races 2004 Results Pos Name Cat/Pos Club Time 1 Tommy Brannon North shields Poly AC 3321 2 John 1 Heaton Harriers 4554 165 allen Mulliss V45 25 Heaton Harriers 4555 166 http://www.heatonharriers.org.uk/memres04.htm | |
49. JUST AMONG FRIENDS Bob and Lynda Watts, Jessica Kendrick, Summer shields, allen Hines, MeredithPerry, Waudine Posey, Joy White, Hal Posey, Mr. and Mrs. Steve Goldin, http://www.neshobademocrat.com/Main.asp?SectionID=6&SubSectionID=301&ArticleID=1 |
50. Seattle Weekly News Business Allen S Draw Play By Rick Anderson As a middleman between the state and the team, F G effectively shields disclosure of allen claims F G and the Seahawks are separate corporations, http://www.seattleweekly.com/features/0322/news-anderson.php | |
51. Texas A&M-Commerce Sports Statistics R. 0040 4766 V 19 GOOD! FT SHOT by WALKER, allen 0040 47-67 V 20 GOOD!FT SHOT by WALKER, allen GOOD! 3 PTR by shields, Kyle 0034 50-67 V 17 http://sus.tamu-commerce.edu/sus/stats/mbb/jan22m.htm | |
52. The News-Review - Graduation 2004 Christopher Dean Alexander, Anna Christine allen, Kalindi Paul allen, Bruce Christian Shepherd, Stanley Levi Sherman, Kristen Breanne shields, http://www.newsreview.info/article/20040530/SPECIAL18/106020071 | |
53. Ray Allen's 2005 Catalog Now Available Ray allen Professional K9 Equipment. Havisshields. Police and Military WorkingDog Equipment Havis-shields K9 Transports with White Powder Coat Finish http://www.policeone.com/police-products/k9/press-releases/77677/ | |
54. Listing Of Artists- Abstract-Art Repository Sherron Francis, Robert Goodnough, Nancy Graves, allen Hacklin, John Seery,Alan shields, David Smith, Joan Snyder, Pierre Soulages, Albert Stadler, http://www.abstract-art.com/a00_index_folder/a10_artist_list.html | |
55. Candidate Surveys - PA Supreme Court, Superior Court 2003 allen (DSupreme) Support. I believe that life begins at conception and that shields (D-Superior) No opinion. Not enough information on issue to form http://www.pacatholic.org/election archive/pri03.htm | |
56. GoneMovie.com -> Annie Hall Starring Woody Allen And Diane Keaton. Directed By W GoneMovie.com Still from Annie Hall starring Woody allen and Diane Keaton . Woody allen + Brook shields. Woody allen directs Brooke shields http://www.gonemovies.com/WWW/Raketnet/Drama/AnnieHall5.asp | |
57. Online NewsHour: Gergen And Shields -- April 30, 1993 Now into the mix come Gergen and shields David Gergen, editor at large of JODIE allen (Washington Post opinion section editor) I think more than the http://www.pbs.org/newshour/media/100days/clinton_gs.html | |
58. Online NewsHour: Shields And Brooks Discuss Bill Frist's "Nuclear Option" And Th David Brooks, Mark shields, and Jim Lehrer JIM LEHRER And finally tonight, theanalysis of George allen of Virginia and Rick Santorum of Pennsylvania, http://www.pbs.org/newshour/bb/political_wrap/jan-june05/sb_4-15.html | |
59. Invariant Subspaces In Banach Spaces Of Analytic Functions., Håkan Hedenmalm, A Håkan Hedenmalm and allen shields. Invariant subspaces in Banach spaces of analyticfunctions. Source Michigan Math. J. 37, iss. 1 (1990), 91104 http://projecteuclid.org/Dienst/UI/1.0/Display/euclid.mmj/1029004068 | |
60. CNN.com - Entertainment - The Golden Age Of The Short - May 15, 2000 Microsoft cofounder Paul allen is funding the joint venture. shields offersa simple reason for the sudden Internet acclaim for animated and live http://www.cnn.com/2000/SHOWBIZ/Movies/05/15/short.film/ | |
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