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81. Electromagnetismo - Monografias.com Translate this page Un matemático chino, shen kua (1.030-1.090) fue el primero que escribió acercadel uso de una aguja magnética para indicar direcciones, http://www.monografias.com/trabajos13/electmag/electmag.shtml | |
82. Fotografía Estenopeica Translate this page shen kua, más tarde, corrigió la explicación de la formación de la imagen.Yu Chao - Lung, En el sX dC usó modelos de pagodas para formar imágenes http://www.terra.es/personal/chullora/estenope.htm | |
83. Chinese Studies At The St.Petersburg Branch Of The Institute Of Oriental Studies Autor shen kua. Mengch i pi-t an. P. 226-228; Liu Fu. Ch ing-so kao-iP 342-343;Huang-tu feng-yiieh chu-jen. Lu-ch uang hsin-hua. P. 346-347; Su Shih. http://www.orientalstudies.ru/sinology/pers/z_tsiperovitch.html | |
84. Compass [Definition] Dream Pool Essays written by Song Dynasty scholar shen kua in 1086 Events shen kuaShen Kuo or shen kua (Chinese ; pinyin ) (1031 1095) Chinese http://www.wikimirror.com/Compass | |
85. Adventures In CyberSound: The Camera Obscura shen kua talks of the camera obscura s inverted image, the collecting place,burning mirrors and the focal point. Planoconvex lenses - c.1220 http://www.acmi.net.au/AIC/CAMERA_OBSCURA.html | |
86. Tim's Shen Wu Discussion Board: BT's Pa Kua BT s Pa kua. Tim s shen Wu Discussion Board The Flame Room BT s Pa kua.Archive through March 23, 2004 March 23 0155 am 20. Archive through March 25, http://www.shenwu.com/discus/messages/250/698.html?1103459300 |
87. Shen-pao - Definition Of Shen-pao By The Free Online Dictionary, Thesaurus And E What does shenpao mean? shen-pao synonyms, shen-pao antonyms. Information aboutshen-pao in the free online English dictionary and encyclopedia. http://www.thefreedictionary.com/Shen-pao | |
88. The Realm Of Chivalry - Timeline The idea of the magnetic compass is born when Chinese waterworks director, ShenKua, notes that direction can be found by rubbing a needle on a lodestone http://www.therealmofchivalry.org/timeline.html | |
89. WriteDesign - Historical And Cultural Context - The High Middle Ages The idea of the magnetic compass is born when Chinese waterworks director, ShenKua, notes that direction can be found by rubbing a needle on a lodestone http://www.writedesignonline.com/history-culture/highmiddle.htm | |
90. La Flotte de l'amiral Zheng http://french.people.com.cn/31966/49822/49826/3516120.html | |
91. Je Sais Tout... : La Science : B (2/2) collègues suspendit à une ficelle un petit barreau de fer préalablement AIMANTÉ. http://www.yfolire.net/sais/scien_b2.htm | |
92. Wundersames, Magnetisches, Natürliche Dauermagnete seinem Buch Meng ch i pi t an das Reiben einer Eisennadel an Magnetstein, http://www.wundersamessammelsurium.de/Magnetisches/Magnetstein/ | |
93. Mise à Jour Sur Tang Chengyu, Fils Survivant Du Pratiquant De Falun Gong Tang Translate this page de la ville de Tianjin et fut torturé à mort au camp de travail forcé de Shenkua à Beichen, ville de Tianjin le 9 juillet 2004 à lage de 39 ans. http://fr.clearharmony.net/articles/200411/17017.html | |
94. ÎεÏλογία - ÎικιÏαίδεια The summary for this English page contains characters that cannot be correctly displayed in this language/character set. http://el.wikipedia.org/wiki/ÎεÏλογία | |
95. AKM - Regenbogen Translate this page Diese Bemerkung wurde von dem bedeutenden Gelehrten und Verwaltungsexperten ShenKua (1031-1095) überliefert, der zB bei einer diplomatischen Mission in http://www.meteoros.de/rainbow/regen_h.htm | |
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