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61. CHRONOLOGY Some Selected Dates In The Development Of Sundials And Solar Astro 1086, Chinese scientist shen kuas Dream pool essays contains the first knownreference to a magnetic compass for navigation. http://www.sundialsoc.org.uk/glossary/chronology/chronology.htm | |
62. Writer's Base Camp shen kua wrote about the use of a navigational instrument with a magnetized ironneedle. The first recorded instance of European compass use occurred in http://www.writersbasecamp.com/features/history.html | |
63. This Is A Message File For The Marquee Plus Screensaver! Visit 1088 Compass using magnetic needle described by shen kua of China Invented;1088 Compass using magnetic needle described by shen kua of China Invented; http://www.oview.co.uk/HumourInventions.txt |
64. The Last Viking: Viking Press And Viking Ships shen kua, in his Dream Pool Essays of 1086, gives the following illuminating story. In the HsiNing reign-period 1068 to 1077 AD ambassadors came from http://www.spirasolaris.ca/sbb4g1av.html | |
65. 11th Century shen kua of China develops the magnetic compass. 1086, William I of England ordersThe Doomsday Book compiled listing slaves as assets of landowners. http://www.gocreate.com/History/ra11.htm | |
66. 1070 To 1089 World History - Din Timelines + shen kua b.1030 d.1093 gave an account of a magnetic compass for navigation inhis work Dream Pool Essays. and other scientific observations. x France ? http://din-timelines.com/1070-1089_timeline.shtml | |
67. Storia Dell'Arte, Info Tratte Dal Dizionario Comanducci SHEN FENG o Shên Fêng o Chen Feng SHEN GUA o Chen Koua o shen kua SHEN SHIo Chen Che o Shên Shih, «Maoxue» o «Mouxue» e «Zideng», nom pinceau http://www.comanducci.it/elenco/elencoS46.htm | |
68. Geoffrey Nunberg - Timeline 1050 The Chinese mathematician shen kua writes first description of movable type.1086 William the Conqueror undertakes the first complete government census http://www-csli.stanford.edu/~nunberg/timeline.html | |
69. The History Of Acupuncture The Sung Dynasty (9601279 AD) during time which lived shen kua, an intellectualgenius who postulated (before Kepler did in Regensburg, Europe, http://www.telmedpak.com/homes.asp?a=pain_clinic&b=acupuncture |
70. Free Essays On Astronomy Free Essays shen kua Astronomy 201 Astronomer, shen kua shen kua was born inChina in the year 1026. shen kua was born to Shen Chou and his wife Hsa. http://www.creativeessays.com/Astronomy1.html | |
71. Engineering Database shen kua, a Chinese scientist, writes his Dream Pool Essays, in these he outlinesthe principles of erosion, sedimentation and uplift which are still used http://www.diracdelta.co.uk/science/source/t/i/timeline/source.html | |
72. Engineering Database shen kua, a Chinese scientist, writes his Dream Pool Essays,in these he outlinesthe principles of erosion, sedimentation and uplift which are still used in http://www.diracdelta.co.uk/science/source/c/o/compass/source.html | |
73. Rugby: Autumn 2005 Who was shen kua? This module presents an exciting, stimulating tour across thelast 2000 years looking at the lives and discoveries of forgotten scientists http://www2.warwick.ac.uk/study/cll/OpenStudies/rugby/ | |
74. SYLLABUS: HISTORY 201L Sivin, shen kua (10311095). Revised version in Science in Ancient ChinaResearches and Reflections. Robert Hymes, Not Quite Gentlemen? http://www.sscnet.ucla.edu/history/elman/classes/201L/f97/ | |
75. Encyclopedia: List Of Polymaths Shen Kuo or shen kua (Chinese ; pinyin ) (1031 1095) Chinese scientist,polymath, general, diplomat, financial officer was the inventor of compasses http://www.nationmaster.com/encyclopedia/List-of-polymaths | |
76. Newton's Apple Season 15: Wilderness Training Almost a thousand years ago, the Chinese writer shen kua first described the useof a magnetic compass in navigation. At the time, this orienting http://www.ktca.org/newtons/15/wilderness.html | |
77. Resources Of Chinese Inventions, Including Paper, Compass, Gunpowder, Kite, Prin In China, shen kua, had already given the first accurate description of a magneticneedle and clearly mentioned the phenomenon of magnetic declination. http://chineseculture.about.com/od/inventions/ | |
78. List Of Scientists By Field Translate this page shen kua. Sheppard, Philip MacDonald. Sheppard, Philip MacDonald. Sherard, William.Sherrington, Charles Scott. Shewhart, Walter Andrew http://www.indiana.edu/~newdsb/s.html | |
79. III. EL MAGNETISMO HASTA EL AÑO 1800 Translate this page Un matemático chino, shen kua (1030-1090) fue el primero que escribió acerca deluso de una aguja magnética para indicar direcciones, que fue el antecedente http://omega.ilce.edu.mx:3000/sites/ciencia/volumen3/ciencia3/112/htm/sec_5.htm | |
80. Z Dziejów Geografii (czê¶æ 1) 1080, shen kua, Skamieniale szczatki drewna, traktowane jako dowód zmianklimatycznych, a odciski muszli w skalach jako dowód zmiany zasiegu mórz w http://geografia.servis.pl/12.php | |
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