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41. GoldenEssays - Astronomy - Free Essays, Free Research Papers, Free Term Papers, Astronomer, shen kua was born in China in the year 1026. While traveling withhis father, shen kua learned the responsibilities of a local administrator http://www.goldenessays.com/free_essays/1/astronomy/shen-kua.shtml | |
42. Archaeologist Biographies S shen kua 10311095 The 11th century Chinese scholar, engineer, mathematician,astonomer, cartographer, politician, writer, and Go player shen kua was a http://archaeology.miningco.com/od/archaeologistss/ | |
43. Shen Kua Université Montpellier II Translate this page shen kua (1031-1095). Cette image et la biographie complète en anglais résidentsur le site de luniversité de St Andrews Écosse http://ens.math.univ-montp2.fr/SPIP/article.php3?id_article=1807 |
44. Timeline 1000 To 1099 10301093 In China shen kua was an engineer and high official Chinese astronomer.In his1086 work Dream Pool Essays, shen kua made the first reference to http://timelines.ws/1000_1099.HTML | |
45. PSIgate Timeline - Physics 501086 First description of a magnetic compass by Chinese scientist shen kua.511088 First European university established at Bologna, Italy http://www.psigate.ac.uk/newsite/physics_timeline.html |
46. PSIgate Timeline - Inventions 26 1086 First description of a magnetic compass by Chinese scientist shen kua.27 1130 Modern windmills invented around this time http://www.psigate.ac.uk/newsite/timeline_Inventions.html |
47. History Of Astronomy: Persons (S) shen kua (10311095). Short biography and references (MacTutor Hist. Math.)Very short biography. Shepard, Alan Bartlett, Jr. (b. 1923) http://www.astro.uni-bonn.de/~pbrosche/persons/pers_s.html | |
48. China's Gifts To The West shen kua notes further and this is remarkable that the needle never points In shen kua s description the compass is used only for magical purposes. http://afe.easia.columbia.edu/song/readings/inventions_gifts.htm | |
49. Decades History Search 1086, In China shen kua (10301093) gave an account of a magnetic compass shen kua wrote his essays after being banished from office after an army under http://www.decades.com/ByDecade/1080-1089/1.htm | |
50. Timelinescience - 1000 To 1100 shen kua, a Chinese scientist, writes his Dream Pool Essays in 1086. In these heoutlines the principles of erosion, sedimentation and uplift which are http://www.timelinescience.org/years/1100.htm | |
51. Feng Shui Seminars With Roger Green Also prominent in their belief structure was the Kua or trigrams of the Book of a northsouth pointing devise is the text of shen kua written in 1088. http://www.fengshuiseminars.com/articles/lopan.htm | |
52. Multiculturalism In Science (Reiss, 1993) Another source recalls that an ancient Chinese scholar, shen kuahad invented the compass circa AD 1070. (Barba et al, 1992) Grade 12 Physics, http://educ.queensu.ca/~science/main/profdev/mcpdjd02.html | |
53. I. Guides To The State Of The Field Guang ?,Wang Anshi ?, Shen Gou ,shen kua ,Shen Liao,Kong Wenzhong ?,Kong Wuzhong ?,Kong Pingzhong ?,Su Che http://sunsite.utk.edu/songtool/III/III_b1_a.html | |
54. Sung Research Tool shen kua Indexes and Concordances to Sung Texts Literary Writings andMiscellanies Shen Zhihong Bibliographies and Abstracts of SungPeriod Sources http://sunsite.utk.edu/songtool/index/s.html | |
55. Molecular Expressions: Science, Optics And You - Timeline - 1000 To 1599 Chinese philosopher shen kua writes Meng ch i pi t an (Dream Pool Essays), wherehe discusses concave mirrors and focal points. http://micro.magnet.fsu.edu/optics/timeline/1000-1599.html | |
56. The Invention Of Movable Type The Invention of Movable Type. By shen kua. As late as the Tang dynasty theproduction of books by block printing was still practiced on a limited scale. http://www.silk-road.com/artl/movableprt.shtml | |
57. 1086: Information From Answers.com Dream Pool Essays by Chinese scientist shen kua b. Chekiang, China, 1031, d.ChingK ou, China, 1095 contains the first known reference to the use of a http://www.answers.com/topic/1086 | |
58. Chinese Math Includes information about Chung Ch i, Yang Hui, shen kua, Ch in Chiu Shao, ZhangHeng, Hsien Chung Wang and Chu ShihChien http://www.the-gallery-of-china.com/chinese-math.html | |
59. Battery History, Technology, Applications And Development 1086 Chinese astronomer, cartographer and mathematician shen kua, in his DreamPool Essays, describes the compass and its use for navigation and cartography http://www.mpoweruk.com/history.htm | |
60. Eleventh Century History 1086 shen kua of China writes about the magnetic compass, relief maps and theorigins of fossils. 1088 First modern university established in Bologna, http://www.didyouknow.cd/history/11thcentury.htm | |
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