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         Serre Jean-pierre:     more books (78)
  1. Jean-Pierre Serre: An entry from Gale's <i>Science and Its Times</i> by Judson Knight, 2001
  2. Médaille Fields: Laurent Lafforgue, Laurent Schwartz, Jean-Pierre Serre, René Thom, Alexandre Grothendieck, Grigori Perelman, Edward Witten (French Edition)
  3. Lauréat Du Prix Abel: Jean-Pierre Serre, Mikhaïl Gromov, Sathamangalam R. Srinivasa Varadhan, Jacques Tits, Michael Atiyah (French Edition)
  4. Lauréat de La Médaille D'or Du Cnrs: Jean-Pierre Serre, Pierre Bourdieu, Claude Hagège, Claude Lévi-Strauss, Jean-Pierre Changeux (French Edition)
  5. Träger Des Abelpreises: Jean-Pierre Serre, Jacques Tits, Lennart Carleson, Michael Francis Atiyah, S. R. Srinivasa Varadhan (German Edition)
  6. Abelian L-Adic Representations and Elliptic Curves by Jean Pierre Serre, 1968
  7. Algebres De Lie Semi-simples Complexes by Jean Pierre Serre, 1966
  8. Theorie de Hodge, III; Groups of Simple Algebras; Aysmptotic Inversion of Convolution Operators; On a Functorial Property of Power Residue Symbols (Institut des Hautes Etudes Scientifiques Publications mathematiques, 44) by Pierre Deligne, Moss E. Sweedler, et all 1974
  9. Oeuvres / Collected Papers. Volume III: 1972-1984 by Jean-Pierre Serre, 1986
  10. Motives (Proceedings of Symposia in Pure Mathematics) (Pt. 1 & 2)
  11. Lectures on the Mordell-Weil Theorem (Aspects of Mathematics) by Jean Pierre Serre, 1997-12
  12. Abelian Lambda-Adic Representations and Elliptic Curves. by Jean-Pierre Serre, 1991
  13. ALGEBRE LOCALE; MULTIPLICITES. Redige, Pierre Gabriel. 2nde ed. [Lecture Notes i by Jean-Pierre Serre, 1965-01-01
  14. Corps Locaux by Jean-Pierre Serre, 1968

61. Uniforum Nett No - Abelprisen Til Jean-Pierre Serre
Vinneren av Abelprisen 2003 er matematikeren jeanpierre serre (77). Det offentliggjorde preses i Det Norske Videnskaps-Akademi, Inger Moen,

62. Uniforum Nett No - Jubel For Jean-Pierre Serre
Ein fullsett Universitetets Aula hylla Abelprisvinnar jeanpierre serre då han fekk utdelt prisen på seks millionar kroner av kong Harald V. tysdag 3. juni.

63. LIBRIS Nyförvärvslista
serre, jeanpierre, 1926. Oeuvres collected papers. Vol. IV, 1985-1998 / jean-pierre serre. - Berlin Springer , cop 2000. - viii, 694 s.
Aarts, Emile H. L Simulated annealing and Boltzmann machines : a stochastic approach to combinatorial optimization and neural computing / Emile Aarts, Jan Korst. - Chichester : Wiley, cop. 1989. - 272 s. (Wiley-Interscience series in discrete mathematics, 0277-2698) ISBN 0-471-92146-7
Abel-Fauvel Conference (2002 : Kristiansand Study the masters : proceedings of a Nordic pre-conference to ICME 10 and the HPM satellite in 2004 / the Abel-Fauvel Conference, Gimlekollen Mediacentre, Kristiansand, June 12-15, 2002 ; editors: Otto B. Bekken, Reidar Mosvold. - Göteborg : Nationellt centrum för matematikutbildning, Univ., cop. 2003. - [10], 310 s. : ill. (vissa i färg) ; 25 cm. ISBN 91-85143-00-6
Al-Khalili, Jim, 1962
Almlöf, Rickard, 1971
En studie av ett bredbandigt kombinationsnät för HF sändare / Rickard Almlöf. - Uppsala, 2004. - 42 s. (UPTEC F 1401-5757 ; 04013)
Analysis of longitudinal data Analysis of longitudinal data / Peter J. Diggle ... [et al. - 2. ed. - New York : Oxford University Press, 2002. - xv, 379 p. : ill. ; 24cm. (Oxford Statistical Science Series 0952-9942 ; 25) ISBN 0-19-852484-6
Andersen, David, 1980

64. Publications Mathématique Index Of The Volumes
serre, jeanpierre, Quelques applications du théorème de densité de Chebotarev. serre, jean-pierre, Groupe de Grothendieck des schémas en groupes
Index of the volumes
On the Conductor Formula of Bloch
Smooth Quasiregular Mappings with Branching
Indecomposable Parabolic Bundles and the Existence of Matrices in Prescribed Conjugacy Class Closures with Product Equal to the Identity
Vertex Algebras and the Formal Loop Space
H Maps with Values into the Circle : Minimal Connections, Lifting, and the Ginzburg-Landau Equation A. ABBES, A. MOKRANE J.W. COGDELL, H.H. KIM, I.I. PIATESKI-SHAPIRO, F. S HAHIDI Functoriality for the classical groups The Hochschild Cohomology of a Closed Manifold VOEVODSKY Vladimir, Reduced power operations in motivic cohomology. VOEVODSKY Vladimir, Motivic cohomology with Z /2-coefficients. CHANG Sun-Yung A., GURSKY Mattew J. and YANG Paul C., A conformally invariant sphere theorem in four dimensions. BROCK Jeffrey, BROMBERG Kenneth, EVANS Richard and SOUTO Juan, Tameness on the boundary and Ahlfors' measure conjecture.

65. Jean Pierre Serre
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Jean Pierre Serre
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66. - Encyclopedia Jean-Pierre Serre -
Encyclopedia jean-pierre serre. jean-pierre serre (born September 15, 1926) was educated at the Lycée de Nimes? and then the Ecole Normale Supérieure?
Web Thesaurus Dictionary Kids Categories Encyclopedia ... Contents
Encyclopedia - Jean-Pierre Serre
Jean-Pierre Serre (born September 15 ) was educated at the Lycée de Nimes[?] and then the Ecole Normale Supérieure[?] in Paris from to . Serre was awarded his doctorate from the Sorbonne in . From to he held positions at the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique in Paris . He is a member of the French Academy of Science[?] . Serre was awarded the Fields Medal in 1954, and was the first recipient of the Abel Prize in for his contributions to topology algebraic geometry and number theory
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67. Bibweb Manual
citation serre;faisceaux %% Math Reviews number 35 3088 @article {MR353088, AUTHOR = {serre, jeanpierre}, TITLE = {Prolongement de faisceaux
Bibweb Manual
(info by John H. Palmieri) @tolerance 10000 Permission is granted to copy and distribute modified versions of this manual under the conditions for verbatim copying, provided also that the section entitled "Copying" is included exactly as in the original, and provided that the entire resulting derived work is distributed under the terms of a permission notice identical to this one. Permission is granted to copy and distribute translations of this manual into another language, under the above conditions for modified versions, except that this permission notice may be stated in a translation approved by the Free Software Foundation. Bibweb is a perl script written by John Palmieri (in consultation with Bill Dwyer). This is version 0.46, November 2000, of the Bibweb manual. Bug reports and suggestions for new features should go to `' This is the first version of this manual; it is done (except for the indices).
Bibweb is a utility for automatically retrieving bibliographical information from the American Mathematical Society's MathSciNet search engine (available at

68. Jean-Pierre Serre - The National Curve Bank: A MATH Archive
jeanpierre serre Born September 15, 1926 in Bages, France. jean-pierre serre of the Collège de France, Paris, is recognized as one of the most important
Close Window Happy Birthday!
Jean-Pierre Serre
Born: September 15, 1926 in Bages, France
For his achievements, Serre won the very first Abel Prize (2003). The new prize is named for the brilliant Norwegian mathematician Niels Abel (1802-1829 ) and is worth 6 million NK (about US $950,000 ). Students will recognize the name of "abelian groups."
On receiving the Abel Prize, Oslo, Norway,
"I often work at night (in half-sleep), where the fact that you don't have to write anything down gives to the mind a much greater concentration, and makes changing topics easier."
Jean-Pierre Serre
(from "An Interview with Jean-Pierre Serre", by C. T. Chong and Y. K. Leong, published in Mathematical Medley , National University of Singapore.)

69. Délégation Paris Michel-Ange
Translate this page Bien que les efforts de jean-pierre serre se soient portés sur des Parcours de jean-pierre serre. jean-pierre serre est né en 1926 à Bages.

70. Travaux Portant Sur Bourbaki
serre, jean-pierre)
Travaux portant sur Bourbaki
Le service en ligne MathSciNet fournit une liste complète des rencensions qui sont parues dans les Mathematical Reviews et dans le Zentralblatt für Mathematik : on y trouvera donc celles qui portent sur les différents chapitres et livres des Éléments de mathématique de N. Bourbaki, sur leurs éditions successives ou leurs nombreuses traductions. Une liste de comptes rendus parus dans d'autres périodiques de mathématiques ou de sciences avant 1990 a été compilée in [Beaulieu 1990, Annexe IV.A] et plusieurs de ces références figurent également ci-dessous. Les références aux comptes rendus sur les Éléments d'histoire des mathématiques de N. Bourbaki ou sur les articles signés du pseudonyme « Nicolas Bourbaki » sont réunies in [Beaulieu 1990, Annexe IV.B] où l'on lira aussi la liste des recensions que le Bulletin analytique/signalétique fit paraître entre 1949 et 1974, de même que celles qui figurèrent dans les Current Mathematical Publications ou dans L'Enseignement mathématique Tous les textes des articles et ouvrages ne peuvent pas être mis en ligne en raison des conventions qui réglementent les droits d'auteurs. On trouvera toutefois une liste des travaux sur Bourbaki ou sur ses membres que contient la bibliothèque de l'Institut Élie Cartan, Université de Nancy1

71. Citebase - Valeurs Aux T-uplets D'entiers Negatifs De Series Zetas Multivariable
G/A, 34 serre, jeanpierre Cohomologie des groupes discrets. G/A, 35 serre, jean-pierre Formes modulaires et fonctions zeta p-adiques.

72. Professor Jean-Pierre Serre - News: The Mathematical Institute, University Of Ox
Professor jeanpierre serre, the winner of the first Abel Prize, spoke at the algebra seminar. picture of winner speaking at seminar
University of Oxford
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Professor Jean-Pierre Serre
Professor Jean-Pierre Serre, the winner of the first Abel Prize, spoke at the algebra seminar. This page last modified by Keith A. Gillow
Thursday, 05-Aug-2004 13:25:52 BST
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73. Bücher & Zeitschriften Mathematik / Naturwissenschaften / Technik / Medizin Mat
Translate this page serre, jean-pierre Algebre Locale, Multiplicites. 3. Aufl. 1997. X, 160 p. 24 cm ofessor jean-pierre serre ist ein renommierter französischer Mathematiker

Mitglieder Community Suche ... Hilfe Produktsuche Suche auf diese Kategorie einschränken Shopping Kategorien Erotikartikel Geschenke ... Ticketshop Sie sind hier: Startseite Shopping Mathematik / Naturwissenschaften / Technik / Medizin Mathematik
Suchergebnisse Produktname Preis Lineare Algebra interaktiv, 1 CD-ROM - Beutelspacher , Albrecht; Zschiegner , Marc-Alexander Systemvoraussetzungen: PC, 486er 33 MHz (Pentium empfohlen), ab Windows 95, 8 MB RAM (32 MB empfohlen), 4fach CD-ROM-Laufwerk...
bei: SL2 (R) - Lang , Serge
bei: Vorlesungen über Funktionalanalysis - Riesz , Friedrich; Nagy , Bela Sz.-
bei: Einführung in die Zahlentheorie und Algebra Eine kombinierte Einführung in die Algebra bis zur Galoistheorie und ihren klassischen Anwendungen sowie in die Zahlentheorie....
bei: Y12M Solution of Large and Sparse Systems of Linear Algebraic Equations Details bei: Linear Algebra Details bei:

74. Jean-Pierre Serre : Coordonnées - Les Membres De L'Académie Des Sciences
Jean-Pierre Serre Section :
11, place Marcelin Berthelot
F-75231 Paris Cedex 05
Fax : 33+ (0)1 44 27 17 04
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Accueil Membres ... Plan du site

75. Jean-Pierre Serre : Repères Biographiques - Les Membres De L'Académie Des Scie
Jean-Pierre Serre Section :
L'oeuvre scientifique de Jean-Pierre Serre se rapporte aux sujets suivants :
2. Géométrie analytique - Applications des théorèmes de Cartan-Oka ; dualité ; théorème de comparaison "analytique-algébrique"
Boston (1960), de la Royal Society de Londres (1974), de l' (1978), de la (1979) et de l'
Prix Wolf
en 2000 et le Prix Abel en 2003 ( discours de Jean-Marc Fontaine
Principaux ouvrages :
Oeuvres - Collected Papers (1949-1984), 3 vol. (Springer-Verlag, 1986)
Corps Locaux (Hermann, Paris, 1959)
Lie Algebras and Lie Croups (Benjamin Publ, New York, 1965)
Lectures on the Mordell-Weil Theorem (Vieweg, Braunschweig, 1989)
Topics in Galois Theory (Jones and Bartlett Publ., Boston, 1992) Configuration requise Accueil Membres Publications ... Plan du site

76. Prix Abel 2003
Translate this page Jean Pierre serre est professeur honoraire au Collège de France où il fût titulaire de la An Interview With jean-pierre serre (CT Chong and YK Leong,
APMEP informations Les rubriques
Le Prix Abel
Jean Pierre Serre est professeur honoraire au en 1987, ... Le Le premier prix Abel L' (UMI) et la Courte bibliographie : Jean-Pierre Serre : Oeuvres - Collected Papers (Springer) Correspondance Grothendieck-Serre Pierre Colmez - Jean-Pierre Serre (SMF) (Institut de France) The Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters Le Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique L'ENS de Lyon , l' ENS de Cachan , le L' (UMI) La L' (APMEP informations, 5 avril 2003) Voir aussi : Jean-Pierre Serre, prix Abel 2003 Le prix Abel 2003 (Paris, 04 avril 2003) (Martin Andler) SERRE Jean-Pierre (site Chronomath) Jean-Pierre Serre et " References for Jean-Pierre Serre " (sur le site MacTutor ) An Interview With Jean-Pierre Serre (C.T. Chong and Y.K. Leong, National University of Singapore) Raoul Bott et Jean-Pierre Serre (site de l'AMS) Niels Henrik Abel ABEL (Chronomath) Du 6 au 17 octobre 2003 : Niels Henrik Abel Pour les (Concours 2003-2004) " du site de la " DARIC " de l' et sur le site de la " DARIC " l' APMEP information, avril 2003

77. Kohnen : Modulformen
MA serre MA serre MA serre. serre, jean-pierre

Wilfried Kohnen : Modulformen
Zeit: Do, 14:00 - 16:00
Ort: M HS 5
Vorbesprechung: Do, 14.4.05
Zuordnung: Reine Mathematik Anmeldung Scheinerwerb Fortsetzung Themenvergabe Inhalt: Modulgruppe, Fundamentalbereich, Dimensionsformeln, Eisensteinreihen, Spitzenformen, Heckeoperatoren, Dirichletsche Reihen mit Funktionalgleichung
Literatur: Serre, A Course in Arithmetic, Chap. VII, Springer
Voraussetzungen: Analysis I, II, LA I, Funktionentheorie I
Zielgruppe: Studierende ab dem 4. Semester
Bemerkungen: Einfuehrung und Themenvergabe in der ersten Sitzung am Do, dem 14.4.05
Hilfe Serre, Jean-Pierre Cours d'arithmetique. - Paris : Presses Universitaires de France, 1970. - 188 S. - (¬Le¬ mathematicien ; 2) [UB] LN-U 1-1163 Serre, Jean-Pierre Cours d'arithmétique. - 1. éd. - Paris : Pr. Univ. de France, 1970. - 188 S. - (¬Le¬ Mathématicien ; 2) [MA] Serre [MA] Serre [MA] Serre Serre, Jean-Pierre ¬A¬ course in arithmetic / J.-P. Serre. - 6. print. - New York ; Berlin ; Heidelberg [u.a.] : Springer, 2002. - VIII, 115 S. - (Graduate texts in mathematics ; 7) ISBN 0-387-90040-3 [UB] LN-U 1-2399::(N,6)

78. Encyclopedia: Jean-Pierre Serre
Other descriptions of jeanpierre serre. jean-pierre serre (born September 15, 1926) is one of the leading mathematicians of the twentieth century,

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    Encyclopedia: Jean-Pierre Serre
    Updated 208 days 11 hours 45 minutes ago. Other descriptions of Jean-Pierre Serre Jean-Pierre Serre (born September 15 ) is one of the leading mathematicians of the twentieth century , active in algebraic geometry number theory and topology He was educated at the Lycée de Nimes and then from to at the Ecole Normale Supérieure in Paris . Serre was awarded his doctorate from the Sorbonne in . From to he held positions at the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique in Paris . He is a member of the Collège de France From very young he was an outstanding figure in the school of Henri Cartan , working on algebraic topology several complex variables and then commutative algebra and algebraic geometry ; in a context of sheaf theory and homological algebra techniques. In his speech at the Fields Medal award ceremony in

    79. Basic Library List-Number Theory
    serre, jeanpierre. A Course in Arithmetic. Springer- Verlag New York, 1996. ISBN 0387900403. Silverman, Joseph H. and Tate, John.
    Number Theory
    Back to Table of Contents
    Number Theory: Introductory Texts
    * Andrews, George E. Number Theory. Dover Publications, 1998. ISBN 0486682528 ** Baker, Alan. A Concise Introduction to the Theory of Numbers New York, NY: Cambridge University Press, 1985. ISBN 0521286549. Burn, R.P. A Pathway Into Number Theory New York, NY: Cambridge University Press, 1996. ISBN 0521575400 Burton, David M. Elementary Number Theory, New York, McGraw-Hill Companies, 1997. Second Edition. ISBN 0070094667 * Davenport, Harold. The Higher Arithmetic: An Introduction to the Theory of Numbers, New York, NY: Cambridge University Press, 1998. ISBN 0521634466. Elements of the Theory of Numbers. San Diego, Academic Press, 1999. ISBN 0122091302 Dudley, Underwood. Elementary Number Theory, New York, NY: W.H. Freeman, 1978. ISBN 071670076X. Flath, Daniel E. Introduction to Number Theory * * * Hardy, Godfrey H. and Wright, E. M. Introduction to the Theory of Numbers. Oxford University Press, 1980. ISBN 0198531702 (Out of Print) Hua, Loo-Keng.

    80. Kosmologika - Vetenskapsmännen
    Translate this page 1954 serre, jean-pierre 1958 Roth, Klaus 1958 Thom, Rene 2000 serre, jean-pierre 2001 Arnold, Vladimir 2001 Shelah, Saharon 2002/3 Sato, Mikio
    På Kosmologikas sidor återfinns på många ställen länkar till kortare biografier över olika vetenskapsmän som har deltagit i utvecklandet av dessa spännande teorier. På denna sida finns länkar till alla dessa biografier samlade på ett enda ställe. Personerna är dels listade i både bokstavs- och födelsedagsordning men även efter nobelprisår (för de personer som har fått Nobelpriset) samt i betydelsefullhetsordning för vetenskapen. Dessutom har jag nyligen lagt till Brucemedaljörer som är den högsta utmärkelsen inom astronomin, Nobelpriset undantaget, samt Fields medalj som är matematikens Nobelpris och som dessutom bara delas ut en gång vart fjärde år samt slutligen Wolfpriset som är ett israeliskt pris som rankas steget under Nobelpriset men som ofta är åtminstone ett decennium snabbare med utnämningarna. Alfabetisk ordning Ahlfors, Lars (1907- )
    Alembert, Jean le Ronde d' (1717-1783)

    Alfvén, Hannes Olof Gösta (1908-1995)

    Alpher, Ralph A. (1921- )
    Zwicky, Fritz (1898-1974)

    Födelsedagsordning Fermat, Pierre de (1601-1665)
    Pascal, Blaise (1623-1662)

    Huygens, Christiaan (1629-1695)

    Newton, Isaac (1642-1727)
    Smarr, Larry (194?- )

    Nobelpristagare Lorentz, Henrik Antoon (1853-1928)

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