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21. Biografi: Jean-Pierre Serre JeanPierre Serre ble den første vinneren av Abelprise Han ble født i Bages i Frankrike i 1926. Han studerte ved École Normale Supérieure og fikk sin http://www.matematikk.org/artikkel/vis.php?id=3452 |
22. Allmath.com - Math Site For Kids! Home Of Flashcards, Math serre, jeanpierre. sair. (1926 ). Mathematician, born in Bages, France. He studied at the Ecole Normale Supérieure, then worked at the Centre National http://www.allmath.com/biosearch.php?QMeth=ID&ID=28929 |
23. Serre, Jean-Pierre -- Encyclopædia Britannica serre, jeanpierre French mathematician who was awarded the Fields Medal in 1954 for his work in algebraic topology. See; the tbl artclid= 125559 http://www.britannica.com/eb/article?tocId=9089386 |
24. Serre, Jean-Pierre; Serre, Jean-Pierre: A Course In Arithmetic serre, jeanpierre; serre, jean-pierre A Course in Arithmetic,Conservative,Book Club,Reagan,Homeschool,Human Events,Eagle Publishing,Religion,Politics http://www.forbesbookclub.com/bookpage.asp?prod_cd=I2E3Y |
25. Search Forbes.com Book Club by serre, jeanpierre; serre, jean-pierre Item number IS6ZB ISBN 0387904247 Product Type Hardcover Read More Click here to add this book to your http://www.forbesbookclub.com/SearchResults.asp?pagenum=15&ProdCat=MAT |
26. Serre Biography of jeanpierre serre (1926-0BC) jean-pierre serre was educated at the Lycée de Nimes and then the École Normale Supérieure in Paris from 1945 http://www-groups.dcs.st-and.ac.uk/~history/Mathematicians/Serre.html | |
27. References For Serre References for the biography of jeanpierre serre. CT Chong and YK Leong, An interview with jean-pierre serre, Math. Intelligencer 8 (4) (1986), 8-13. http://www-groups.dcs.st-and.ac.uk/~history/References/Serre.html | |
28. National Academy Of Sciences - Members serre, jeanpierre College de France. Elected to NAS, 1979. Scientific Discipline, Mathematics. Membership Type, Foreign Associate http://www4.nationalacademies.org/nas/naspub.nsf/0/8533EF3C4335D616852569DF006EE |
29. Oeuvres - Collected Papers (Serre)-Springer Algebraic Geometry Book serre, jeanpierre 1ère éd. 1986. 2ème tirage corrigé, 2003, XXIII, 596 p., Softcover ISBN 3-540-43562-X This item usually ships in 3-4 weeks. http://www.springeronline.com/sgw/cda/frontpage/0,11855,4-40015-22-2254010-0,00. | |
30. Oeuvres - Collected Papers (Serre)-Springer Algebraic Geometry Book serre, jeanpierre 1ère éd. 1986. 2ème tirage corrigé, 2003, XXIII, 596 p., Softcover ISBN 3-540-43562-X Ready for shipping within 3 days. http://www.springeronline.com/sgw/cda/frontpage/0,11855,5-40015-22-2254010-0,00. | |
31. UCLA Distinguished Lecturers jeanpierre serre (Collège de France). jean-pierre serre Invariants in Galois Cohomology Definition and Computation January 9, 16, 23, 30 2001 http://www.math.ucla.edu/dls/2001/serre.html | |
32. Powell's Books - Graduate Texts In Mathematics #7: A Course In Arithmetic By Jea jeanpierre serre is Professor at the Collège de France. He has written a number of books, including Algebraic Groups and Class Fields , http://www.powells.com/biblio?isbn=0387900403 |
33. Powell's Books - Local Fields By Jean-pierre Serre Includes bibliographical references (p. 232237) and index http://www.powells.com/biblio?isbn=0387904247 |
34. Résultats De La Recherche serre, jeanpierre Endomorphismes complètement continus des espaces de Banach serre, jean-pierre Groupe de Grothendieck des schémas en groupes réductifs http://www.numdam.org/numdam-bin/recherche?h=au&au=Serre, J&format=short |
35. Serre: On A Functorial Property Of Power Residue Symbols. Erratum : Solution Of serre, jeanpierre On a functorial property of power residue symbols. Erratum Solution of the congruence subgroup problem for $SL_n (n \ge 3)$ and http://www.numdam.org/numdam-bin/item?id=PMIHES_1974__44__241_0 |
36. Jean-Pierre Serre Awarded The First Abel Prize || Kuro5hin.org jeanpierre serre awarded the first Abel Prize 43 comments (24 topical, 19 editorial, 0 hidden). Dangerous things those radicals (none / 0) ( 42) http://www.kuro5hin.org/story/2003/4/7/123915/1838 | |
37. Collège De France - Chaire jeanpierre serre de Jean serre et Adèle serre (née Diet), pharmaciens. Élève à l École de Vauvert (1932-1937) puis au Lycée de Nîmes (1937-1945). http://www.college-de-france.fr/site/ins_pro/p1001868948562.htm | |
38. SERRE, JEAN-PIERRE - CIRS Translate this page serre, jean-pierre E-mail serre@dmi.ens.fr Professeur honoraire au Collège de France, Paris, France. Research Interests - la topologie, http://www.cirs-tm.org/researchers/researchers.php?id=27 |
39. SERRE, JEAN-PIERRE - CIRS Translate this page serre, jean-pierre E-mail serre@dmi.ens.fr Professeur honoraire au Collège de France, Paris, France. Thèmes de recherche - la topologie, http://www.cirs-tm.org/Chercheurs/chercheurs1.php?id=27 |
40. MSN Encarta - Serre, Jean-Pierre Translate this page serre, jean-pierre (1926- ), mathématicien français, célèbre pour sa reformulation de la Autres fonctionnalités Encarta. Rechercher serre, jean-pierre http://fr.encarta.msn.com/encyclopedia_101500135/Serre_Jean-Pierre.html | |
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