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41. Serenus Clinical Hypnosis - Alternative Medicine - Las Vegas, NV, 89102-2328 - C Come to Citysearch to get information, directions, and reviews on serenus ClinicalHypnosis and other yp listings in Las Vegas. http://lasvegas.citysearch.com/profile/7011948/las_vegas_nv/serenus_clinical_hyp | |
42. Map Of Serenus Clinical Hypnosis - Alternative Medicine - Las Vegas, NV, 89102-2 Your comprehensive guide to Las Vegas. Las Vegas restaurants, bars, night clubs,hotels, shops, spas, events, attractions, yellow page listings and more. http://lasvegas.citysearch.com/map?mode=geo&id=7011948&map_lat=361589&map_lon=-1 |
43. Serenus Brief biography Perhaps the serenus Sammonicus killed by Caracalla. Famous asa collector of books (said to have had 62000 books). http://www.swan.ac.uk/classics/staff/ter/grst/People/Serenus.htm | |
44. Serenus -- Facts, Info, And Encyclopedia Article Quintus serenus, author of medical text Septimius serenus, poet (Click link formore info and facts about serenus Sammonicus) serenus Sammonicus, http://www.absoluteastronomy.com/encyclopedia/S/Se/Serenus.htm | |
45. Serenus | C300-360 | Egyptian Mathematician serenus c300360 Egyptian mathematician. Gregory Papers (1675-1713);David Gregory Papers (1675-1713); Index Chartarum in MSC in folio (1700) http://www.nahste.ac.uk/pers/s/GB_0237_NAHSTE_P1120/ | |
46. Leuven Homepage Of Papyrus Collections Protagonists Iulius serenus L.Iulius serenus, exdecurio of the ala veteranaGallica, after his honesta missio living in the Fayum, in the area of Karanis http://lhpc.arts.kuleuven.ac.be/archives/sample_arch.php?id=117 |
47. Dr. Faustus, Constant Reader Discussion With admitted reticence, serenus recounts the influences on and the In tellingthe life story of his friend, serenus explores, among other things, http://www.constantreader.com/discussions/drfaustus.htm | |
48. Amatorska Hodowla Psów SERENUS Ostatnia aktualizacja wtorek, 17 maja 2005 171059. Amatorska hodowla psówrasowych. serenus. ul. Gintera 12, 72500 Miedzyzdroje, tel. http://www.republika.pl/serenus_miedzyzdroje/ | |
49. Sick Semper Serenus 12 jan 2003 -. I attended a small gathering of journalers during the lastweekend of 2002, and someone in that tiny crowd was a carrier of a virulent http://www.wrdsnpix.com/evaporation/030112.htm | |
50. Federal Elevator - SERENUS LULA Elevator: Overview http://www.federalelevator.com/LULA/LULA_01A.html |
51. Federal Elevator - SERENUS LULA Elevators (Main Text) 1400 lbs. (635 kg) rated load. 30 fpm (0.15 m/s) maximum speed. 25 ft. (7.62 m)maximum travel (except Ontario). 6 stops maximum http://www.federalelevator.com/LULA/LULA_Main_Text_01A.html | |
52. Serenus Fall 2002 http://www.club-vaio.sony-europe.com/clubvaio/dyn_content/showwallpaper.jsp?id=3 |
53. WebLettres - Langues Anciennes Translate this page serenus SAMMONICUS. Livre de médecine, 51 http//www.ac-poitiers.fr/lettres/lang_anc/eabracadabra.htm Traduction par Y. Ouvrard (Acad. de Poitiers). http://www.weblettres.net/languesanc/?page=traductions&n=526 |
54. Imago Mundi - Septimus Serenus / Sérénus D'Antinoé. http://www.cosmovisions.com/Serenus.htm | |
55. Personal Names search TmiWeb for this person serenus. Born ; died . Poet. Seneca, Lucius Annaeus Table of Contents serenus of Antista. http://euromusicology.cs.uu.nl:6334/dynaweb/info/persinfo/persons/@Generic__Book | |
56. Album Civium Photo Not Available. Marcus serenus Sedulus. log in as Marcus serenus Sedulusenter password reset password login as someone else http://www.novaroma.org/bin/view/civis?id=3663 |
57. Album Civium Photo Not Available. Tiberius serenus Doctus. log in as Tiberius serenus Doctusenter password reset password login as someone else http://www.novaroma.org/bin/view/civis?id=3361 |
58. RETIARIVS - Traductions serenus SAMMONICUS. Livre demédecine, 51 Traduction par Y. Ouvrard (Acad. de Poitiers). http://www.retiarius.org/dos/tra/trad.php?aut=SERENUS SAMMONICUS |
59. Bibliography For Julian Of Norwich And Related Materials Ed. serenus Cressy, OSB and Abbot J. Norbert Sweeney, OSB London Burns, Salvin, Fr. Peter, and Fr. serenus Cressy. The Life of Father Augustin Baker http://www.umilta.net/bibliogr.html | |
60. Julian Of Norwich's Showing Of Love: The Margaret Gascoigne/Bridget More Fragmen Father serenus Cressy , OSB, their chaplain, not only encouraged their scribalactivity, but he had them help him prepare an excellent edition of Julian of http://www.umilta.net/gascoign.html | |
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