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61. SSRN-Experiments And Simulations On Day-to-Day Route Choice-Behaviour By Reinhar Contact Information for reinhard selten (Contact Author) Email address for reinhardselten University of Bonn Economic Science Area Adenauerallee 24-42 http://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=393841 |
62. Professor Reinhard SELTEN Professor reinhard selten. Currently Professor Emeritus of Economics at the Germany, Professor reinhard selten is an outstanding economist who has won http://www.cuhk.edu.hk/ipro/pressrelease/Reinhard SELTEN-e.htm | |
63. Reinhard Selten±Ð±Â The summary for this Chinese (Traditional) page contains characters that cannot be correctly displayed in this language/character set. http://www.cuhk.edu.hk/ipro/pressrelease/Reinhard SELTEN-c.htm | |
64. Universität Karlsruhe - Institut Für Wirtschaftstheorie Und Operations Researc Translate this page selten, reinhard, Michael Schreckenberg, Sebastian Kube et.al. reinhardselten (Uni Bonn), Prof. Jürgen von Hagen (ZEI)) Originaltitel http://www.wior.uni-karlsruhe.de/LS_Puppe/Personal/kube_html | |
65. EconPort - Experiment Configuration Selten And Stoecker Prisoner's Dilemma Reference selten, reinhard and Stoecker (1986)End Behaviour in Sequences ofFinite Prisoners Dilemma Supergames A Learning Theory Approach, Journal of http://www.econport.org:8080/econport/request?page=web_collections_configs_gamet |
66. Multilingualism In The European Union And Its Costs 1997 «Costs in the international institutions » in selten, reinhard (1997) An introduction to the linguistic game theory » in selten, reinhard (1997). http://www.uemilano.it/multilinguismo/multilinguismo_unione_europea_en.htm | |
67. Multilinguismo? Sì, Grazie!"- Materiali A Cura Dell'Antenna Del Servizio Di Tra selten, reinhard (1997). http://www.uemilano.it/multilinguismo/multilinguismo_unione_europea.html | |
68. IPI 25 selten, reinhard (Red. 1997) The costs of european linguistic selten,reinhard (1997) I costi della (non)comunicazione linguistica europea. http://esperantic.org/ced/ipi25.htm | |
69. Adaptive Behavior And Coordination Failure Harsanyi, John and reinhard selten, A General Theory of Equilibrium Selection in selten, reinhard, Properties of a Measure of Predictive Success, http://erl.tamu.edu/JVH_gtee/OS3.HTM | |
70. GEW Conference 2004. Information About A Participant. selten, reinhard rselten@wiwi.unibonn.de Affiliation University of Bonn,Laboratory of Experimental Economics Paper title Stationary concepts for http://www.cerge-ei.cz/multiversity/gew/People.asp?id=32 |
71. Biografia De Selten, Reinhard Translate this page selten, reinhard. (1930- ) Economista y matemático alemán, n. en Breslau, actualWroc9aw (Pol.). Estudió matemáticas en la Universidad de Francfort, http://www.biografiasyvidas.com/biografia/s/selten.htm | |
72. Lexikon Reinhard Selten reinhard selten aus der freien http://lexikon.freenet.de/Reinhard_Selten | |
73. Reinhard Selten - Nositel Nobelovy Ceny Za Ekonomii Za R. 1994 reinhard selten nositel Nobelovy ceny za ekonomii za r. 1994. Biografie Bibliografie Publikace ve fondu Knihovny VE-CIKS a ve fondu vybraných http://ciks.vse.cz/Edice/nobel/Selten/default.asp | |
74. English Books > Psychology > Cognitive Psychology Gigerenzer, Gerd selten, reinhard Paperback; ; ISBN 0262571641. Bounds of Reason.Steuerman, Emilia (Brunel University) Hardback; Book; ; ISBN 0415222672 http://book.netstoreusa.com/index/bkbpv800B.shtml | |
75. Oliver Curry Reviews Bounded Rationality: The Adaptive Toolbox Edited By Gerd Gi edited by Gerd Gigerenzer and reinhard selten (2002). Gigerenzer (and coeditorreinhard selten) illustrate what they call the fast and frugal http://human-nature.com/nibbs/03/selten.html | |
76. DFG - Jahresbericht 2004 / Annual Report 2004 selten, reinhard · Bonn selten, reinhard ·Bonn ; Schreckenberg, Michael · Duisburg ; Troitzsch, Klaus G. · Koblenz http://www.dfg.de/jahresbericht/fach_1_1_SOZ_112_11201.htm | |
77. SELTEN, REINHARD Translate this page *selten, reinhard Blame Avoidance as Motivating Force in the First *selten,reinhard Die konzeptionellen Grundlagen der Spieltheorie einst und jetzt. http://www.bbaw.de/pbl/seltenreinhard2001.html | |
78. Selten, Reinhard Translate this page Dr. reinhard selten. Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn Institut fürGesellschafts- und Wirtschaftswissenschaften. Adenauerallee 24-42 http://www.bbaw.de/personen/seltenreinhard.html | |
79. Reinhard Prechtel - ResearchIndex Document Query 20 selten, reinhard, 1999. The Scenario Bundle Method pp. 291325 I thankthe participants, especially reinhard selten, for an inspiring discussion as http://citeseer.ist.psu.edu/cis?q=Reinhard Prechtel |
80. Reinhard Ernst - ResearchIndex Document Query Five months later, reinhard selten and Rosemarie Nagel (1998) replicated the theGerman edition of Scientific American by reinhard selten and Rosemarie http://citeseer.ist.psu.edu/cis?q=Reinhard Ernst |
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