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81. Issai Schur Translate this page issai schur (1875 - 1941) Obtuvo su doctorado en 1901. Fue elegido miembrode la Academia de Berlín en 1922. Lema de schur. http://es.geocities.com/fisicas/cientificos/matematicos/schur.htm |
82. wV§¬ñ Translate this page Historical Introduction issai schur and the Early Development of the schurComplement.- Basic Properties of the schur Complement. http://www.svt-ebs.co.jp/subjects/newbooks/MAT200503.HTM | |
83. The Schur Transform Of A Generalized Schur Function And Operator Realizations Het proefschrift van Gerald Wanjala bouwt voort op werk van de wiskundige IssaiSchur uit het begin van de vorige eeuw. Destijds vormde dit het beginpunt http://dissertations.ub.rug.nl/faculties/science/2005/g.wanjala/ | |
84. Richard Dagobert Brauer, February 10, 1901April 17, 1977 | By J. A. Green | Bi There is no doubt that the profoundest influence among these was that of Issaischur. schur had been a pupil of G. Frobenius, and had graduated at Berlin in http://stills.nap.edu/readingroom/books/biomems/rbrauer.html | |
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