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         Schur Issai:     more detail
  1. Studies in Memory of Issai Schur
  2. Uber Eine Klasse Von Matrizen: Die Sich Einer Gegebenen Matrix Zuordnen Lassen (1901) (German Edition) by Issai Schur, 2010-09-10
  3. Über Eine Klasse Von Matrizen, Die Sich Einer Gegebenen Matrix Zuordnen Lassen (German Edition) by Issai Schur, 2010-04-08
  4. Gesammelte Abhandlungen (German Edition) by Issai Schur, 1973-07-30
  5. Gesammelte Abhandlungen by Issai Schur, 1973-06
  6. Germans of Belarusian Descent: Issai Schur, Alesia Graf, Reuben Brainin, Andrei Tivontchik, Andrej Klimovets, Anton Kavalewski, Cioma Schönhaus
  7. Vorlesungen uber Invariantentheorie. by Issai Schur, 1968
  8. Uber Eine Klasse Von Matrizen: Die Sich Einer Gegebenen Matrix Zuordnen Lassen (1901) (German Edition) by Issai Schur, 2010-09-10
  9. Vorlesungen über Invariantentheorie. (Grundlehren der mathematischen Wissenschaften) (German Edition) by Issai Schur, 1968-01-01
  10. Schur Multiplier: Schur Multiplier, Mathematics, Group Theory, Finite Group, Issai Schur, Group Cohomology, Abelian Group, Sylow Theorems, Dihedral Group of Order 6
  11. Gesammelte Abhandlungen Band I by Issai Schur, 1973-01-01
  12. Gesammelte Abhandlungen Band II by Issai Schur, 1973

21. Schur.html
issai schur proved the first Ramsey Theorem (way before Ramsey). He proved thatif you color the integers from 1 to n by rcolors, you are GUARANTEED (if n
A 2-Coloring of [1,N] Can Have (1/22)N**2+O(N) Monochromatic Schur Triples, But Not Less!
by Aaron Robertson , and Doron Zeilberger [Appears in Electronic Journal of Combinatorics , v. 5(1998), R19.] Written: Feb. 27, 1998. If you hate Schur triples, you must learn to put up with them. Nevertheless, you may still want to 2-color in such a way as to MINIMIZE these buggers. If the number of colors is 2, Ron Graham, in SOCA 96' (Tianjin, June 1996), offered 100 dollars for the asymptotic minimal number of these Schur triples. This is yet another example of an a posteriori trivial theorem. It is highly non-trivial to CONJECTURE the statements that lead to the solution, using the Maple package RON , but the difficulty is that of experimental math , not `rigorous' math. Once the right statements are conjectured, the formal proof is ROUTINE, and can be safely left to the obtuse reader. Tomasz Schoen, a student of Tomasz Luczak, has independently solved this problem. Here is our part of the prize Help yourself to the following versions of the paper Plain TeX version .dvi version (for previewing)

22. Copyright 1999 By Aaron Robertson ISSAI Is A Short Maple Package
colored avoiding monochromatic schur k and l tuples colors are 0 and 1Issai=proc(n,k,l) local i,j,C,R,B,a,b,c,X,Y,s,x,t1,t2,flag,y with(combinat)
<= `,n): fi: od: end: # returns a list of all 2 coloring of [1,n] as a list of lists of the # form [[red],[blue]] Allcolors:=proc(n) local i,S,A,t1,t2: option remember: if n=1 then RETURN([ [[1],[]], [[],[1]]]): else S:=[]: A:=Allcolors(n-1): for i from 1 to nops(A) do t1:=A[i][1]: t2:=A[i][2]: S:=[op(S),[t1,[op(t2),n]],[[op(t1),n],t2]]: od: S: fi: end:

23. CMS/CSHPM Summer 2005 Meeting
issai schur (18751941) and the Early Development of the schur Complement Following some biographical remarks about issai schur, we present the
Org: Richard O'Lander and/et Ronald Sklar (St. John's)
ROBERT BARONE, Buffalo State College, 1300 Elmwood Avenue, Buffalo, NY 14222
History of Floquet's Characteristic Equation
A second order ordinary differential equation with real periodic coefficients mathematically describes synthetic or naturally occurring systems that involve periodic structure. The solution to this type of equation was fully investigated by G. Floquet in 1883. Floquet's characteristic equation is an eigenvalue equation that arises in the determination of a solution to the differential equation. Floquet's theorem states that when the roots of the characteristic equation are distinct, the solutions satisfying the differential equation are linearly independent. Floquet's characteristic equation has found wide application in stability theory and wave propagation in periodic structure spanning many fields of science and engineering. We trace the history of Floquet's characteristic equation beginning in the late nineteenth century through the twentieth century and finally into the new millennium.
ROBERT DAWSON, Saint Mary's University, Halifax, Nova Scotia

24. They Might Be Giants
Click here issai schur. A Fellow of the Royal Society. He wrote one of thefirst monographs on combinatorics. Well known for his work on partitions.
They Might Be Giants
He was born in Byelorussia and died in (what is now) Israel. A student of Frobenius. Numerous fundamental constructions bear his name, including a lemma and a cohomology group. [Click here: Issai Schur
A Fellow of the Royal Society. He wrote one of the first monographs on combinatorics. Well known for his work on partitions. [Click here: Major Percy MacMahon
A student of Hilbert, he spent nearly twenty years at the Institute for Advanced Study. Wrote an influential treatise (Volume 1 of the Princeton Mathematics Series) that is, in the words of Roger Howe, "wonderful and terrible." [Click here: Hermann Weyl
Belongs on everyone's top 10 list of mathematicians. Born in Switzerland, he held positions in St. Petersburg and Berlin. Probably bears as much responsibility as anyone for the invention of generating functions. [Click here: Leonhard Euler
Hmm. This guy might be a ringer. [Click here:
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25. Uppsala University Library - Ångstr Oum-Beurling Library - New
Gesammelte Abhandlungen / issai schur ; hrsg. von Alfred Brauer und Hans Rohrbach. Berlin ; New York Springer-Vlg., 1973. - 3 Bde.
@import url(; /*css for IE och NN6*/ New books : September 2004
September 2004
Alfabetical By Subject Print-out format
Alfabetical list
Abelli, Björn 1961 Programmeringens grunder : med exempel i C# / Björn Abelli. - Lund : Studentlitteratur, 2004. - [2], 362 s. ; 23 cm. ISBN 91-44-03597-7
Adobe InDesign CS Adobe InDesign CS : den officiella övningsboken från Adobe / [författare: Adobe Creative Team ; översättning: Jerker Thorell. - Sundbyberg : Pagina, 2004. - [2], 484 s. : ill. ; 23 cm + 1 CD-ROM. (Allt i en bok (Pagina) ISBN 91-636-0804-9
Annual review in automatic programming Annual review in automatic programming. 6 / administrative editors, Mark I. Halpern, Christopher J. Shaw ; contributing editors, Louis Bolliet. - Oxford : Pergamon, 1971. - 323 : ill. (Annual review in automatic programming, 0066-4138 ; 6) ISSN 0066-4138 (hela verket) ISBN 0-08-016007-7
Anstrell, Johan, 1973 Workstation related security : access to company Intranet and The Internet / Johan Anstrell. - Uppsala, 2004. - 66 s. (UPTEC F 1401-5757 ; 04004)
Applied mathematics research express print Applied mathematics research express AMRX. - Cairo Hindawi Publishing corporation. - 2003. ISSN 1687-1200

26. TAzM_Titelliste
Translate this page schur, issai Über Potenzreihen, die im Innern des Einheitskreises beschränkt sind . Ledermann, Walter issai schur and his school in Berlin.

TEUBNER-ARCHIV zur Mathematik / TAzM
Gauß, Carl Friedrich /
Riemann, Bernhard /
Minkowski, Hermann
Gaußsche Flächentheorie, Riemannsche Räume und Minkowski-Welt
Fotomechanische Nachdrucke von:
Gauß, Carl Friedrich: Selbstanzeige.
Gauß, Carl Friedrich: Allgemeine Flächentheorie.
Riemann, Bernhard: Ueber die Hypothesen, welche der Geometrie zu Grunde liegen.
1854. Teubner-Verlag 1876. Riemann, Bernhard: Commentatio mathematica, qua respondere tentatur quaestioni ab ... 1861. Teubner-Verlag 1876. Minkowski, Hermann: Raum und Zeit. 1908. Teubner-Verlag 1911. Neben Fotos / unveröffentlichten Archivalien / Literatur- und Sachverzeichnis sowie einem neu verfassten kommentierenden Anhang der Herausgeber enthält der Band auch die neu verfasste Übersetzung: Neumann, Olaf (Übersetzung a. d. Lateinischen): Riemann, Bernhard: Commentatio mathematica, qua respondere tentatur quaestioni ab ... Hrsg.: Reichardt, Hans / Böhm, Johannes. (TAzM, Bd. 1)

27. Math Lessons - Issai Schur
Math Lessons issai schur. An ancillary result was the existence of theschur decomposition which nowadays he is best known for.
Mathematics Encyclopedia and Lessons
Popular Subjects
algebra arithmetic calculus equations ... more
applied mathematics mathematical games mathematicians more ... Combinatorists
Issai Schur
Issai Schur January 10 in Mogilyov January 10 in Tel Aviv ) was a mathematician who worked in Germany for most of his life. He studied at Berlin . He obtained his doctorate in , became lecturer in and, after a stay at Bonn professor in He felt rather German than Jewish , even though he had been born in the Russian Empire in what is now Belarus , and brought up partly in Latvia . For this reason he declined invitations from the United States and Britain in . Nevertheless he was dismissed from his chair in and, at the instigation of Bieberbach , he had to resign from the Prussian Academy in . Under further humiliations he emigrated to Palestine where he died on his 66th birthday As a student of Ferdinand Georg Frobenius , he worked on group representations but also in combinatorics and even theoretical physics . An ancillary result was the existence of the Schur decomposition which nowadays he is best known for.

28. Math Lessons - Issai Schur
Math Lessons issai schur. issai schur. (Redirected from schur). issaischur (January 10, 1875 in Mogilyov - January 10, 1941 in Tel Aviv) was a
Mathematics Encyclopedia and Lessons
Popular Subjects
algebra arithmetic calculus equations ... more
applied mathematics mathematical games mathematicians more ... Combinatorists
Issai Schur
(Redirected from Schur Issai Schur January 10 in Mogilyov January 10 in Tel Aviv ) was a mathematician who worked in Germany for most of his life. He studied at Berlin . He obtained his doctorate in , became lecturer in and, after a stay at Bonn professor in He felt rather German than Jewish , even though he had been born in the Russian Empire in what is now Belarus , and brought up partly in Latvia . For this reason he declined invitations from the United States and Britain in . Nevertheless he was dismissed from his chair in and, at the instigation of Bieberbach , he had to resign from the Prussian Academy in . Under further humiliations he emigrated to Palestine where he died on his 66th birthday As a student of Ferdinand Georg Frobenius , he worked on group representations but also in combinatorics and even theoretical physics . An ancillary result was the existence of the Schur decomposition which nowadays he is best known for.

29. Schur Decomposition -- Facts, Info, And Encyclopedia Article
the schur decomposition or schur triangulation (named after (Click link formore info and facts about issai schur) issai schur) is an important (Click
Schur decomposition
[Categories: Matrix theory]
In the mathematical discipline of (The part of algebra that deals with the theory of linear equations and linear transformation) linear algebra the Schur decomposition or Schur triangulation (named after (Click link for more info and facts about Issai Schur) Issai Schur ) is an important (Click link for more info and facts about matrix decomposition) matrix decomposition
If A is a square matrix over the (A number of the form a+bi where a and b are real numbers and i is the square root of -1) complex numbers , then A can be decomposed as
where Q is a (Click link for more info and facts about unitary matrix) unitary matrix Q is the (Click link for more info and facts about conjugate transpose) conjugate transpose of Q and U is an (Click link for more info and facts about upper triangular matrix) upper triangular matrix whose diagonal entries are exactly the (Click link for more info and facts about eigenvalue) eigenvalue s of A
If A is a (Click link for more info and facts about normal matrix) normal matrix , then U is even a (A square matrix with all off-diagonal elements equal to zero) diagonal matrix and the column vectors of Q are the (Click link for more info and facts about eigenvector) eigenvector s of A and the Schur decomposition is called the (Click link for more info and facts about spectral decomposition) spectral decomposition . Furthermore, if

30. RGP-Explore
issai schur is mainly known for his fundamental work on the representation theoryof groups, but he also worked in number theory, analysis and other topics.

31. Lexikon Issai Schur
issai schur aus der freien EnzyklopädieWikipedia und steht unter der GNU Lizenz. Die Liste der Autoren ist unter

Mitglieder Community Suche ... Hilfe document.write(''); im Web in in Shopping Branchen Lexikon Artikel nach Themen alphabetischer Index Artikel in Kategorien Weitere Themen
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Sie sind hier: Startseite Lexikon Issai Schur
Issai Schur
Issai Schur 10. Januar in Mahileu 10. Januar in Tel Aviv ) war ein Mathematiker , der die meiste Zeit seines Lebens in Deutschland arbeitete. Er studierte in Berlin , wo er 1901 promovierte, habilitierte und - nach f¼nf Jahren in Bonn - zum Professor ernannt wurde. Obwohl er Jude war, lehnte er nach Hitlers Macht¼bernahme Einladungen in die USA und nach GroŸbritannien ab, weil er sich in erster Linie als Deutscher sah. Dennoch wurde er von seinem Lehrstuhl entlassen und auf Betreiben Bieberbachs gezwungen, die PreuŸische Akademie der Wissenschaften zu verlassen. Unter weiteren Dem¼tigungen emigrierte er nach Pal¤stina , wo er an seinem 66.

32. Schur
Translate this page ständen lebende issai schur für eine Gastvorlesung an die ETH nach Zürich eingeladen.Der junge Eduard Stiefel arbeitete die Vorlesung aus und gab sie in
heraus. Es handelt sich dabei um einen der ersten, ganz der
Darstellungstheorie gedwidmeten Texte.
der Einleitung gehen wir auf die Biographie von Issai Schur ein

issai schur. 18. A Coloring Solution of a Colored Problem schur Theorem. Two Lives between the Two Wars issai schur and Pierre Joseph Henry Baudet.
Mathematics of Coloring
and The Colorful Life of Its Creators
by Alexander Soifer This book is dedicated to problems involving colored objects, and to results about existence of certain exciting and unexpected properties that occur regardless of how these objects (points in the plane, space, integers, real numbers, subsets, etc.) are colored. In mathematics these results comprise Ramsey Theory. The book will also include some problems that can be solved by inventing colorings, and results that prove the existence of certain colorings, most famous of the latter being, of course, The Four-Color Theorem. Most books in the field present mathematics as a flower, dried out between the pages of an old dusty volume, so dry that colors are faded and only theorem-proof narrative survives. Along with my previous books, Mathematical Coloring Book will strive to become a live account of a live area. I hope the book will present mathematics as a human endeavor: the reader should expect to find in it not only results, but also portraits of their creators; not only mathematical facts, but also open problems; not only new mathematical research, but also new historical investigations; not only mathematical aspirations, but also moral dilemmas of the times between and during the two World Wars of the twentieth century. Indeed, new facts and artifacts will be presented that are related to the history of the Chromatic Number of the Plane problem, the early history of Ramsey Theory, life of

34. Geombinatorics Back Issues
issai schur, 18751995. On the 120-th Anniversary of the Birth of schur issai schur Ramsey Theory before Ramsey by Alexander Soifer New Essays
Volume 2 - Issue 1 Issue 2 Issue 3 Issue 4
Volume 3 - Issue 1 Issue 2 Issue 3 Issue 4
Volume 4 - Issue 1 Issue 2 Issue 3 Issue 4
Volume 5 - Issue 1 Issue 2 Issue 3 Issue 4
Volume 6 - Issue 1 Issue 2 Issue 3 Issue 4
Volume 7 - Issue 1 Issue 2 Issue 3 Issue 4
Volume 8 - Issue 1 Issue 2 Issue 3 Issue 4
Volume 9 - Issue 1 Issue 2 Issue 3 Issue 4
Volume 10 - Issue 1 Issue 2 Issue 3 Issue 4
Volume 11 - Issue 1 Issue 2 Issue 3 Issue 4 Volume 12 Issue 1 Issue 2 Issue 3 Issue 4 Volume 13 Issue 1 Issue 2 Issue 3 Issue 4 Volume 14 - Issue 1 Issue 2 Issue 3 Issue 4 Volume 15 - Issue 1 Issue 2 Issue 3 Issue 4 Blue = Contents listed Gray = Yet to be published RETURN TO GEOMBINATORICS HOMEPAGE AUTHORS INDEX 1991 - PRESENT NOTE: Best viewed using Arial 12 pt. font Table of Contents, June 1991 ( Vol I, Issue 1 )
  • Editor's Letter Odd Polyhedra by Branko Grünbaum Triangles in a Two-Colored Plane by Alexander Soifer
Page RETURN TO INDEX AT TOP OF PAGE Table of Contents, September 1991 ( Vol I, Issue 2 )

35. Ludwig Bieberbach (2)
Daraufhin wurde issai schur am 7. April gezwungen, aus der Kommission der
[L. Bieberbach (1)] [Mathematiker-Liste] [A. Bloch (1)]
Ludwig Bieberbach
Biographie NS-Zeit
Lebensdaten ). Dass KOEBE 1907 HILBERTs 22. Problem ( HILBERTs 23 Probleme Als darauf Ernst ZERMELO ( Lebensdaten Lebensdaten , Foto auf Seite L.Bieberbach(1) Lebensdaten ) zusammen, welches dieser wie auch das 22. Problem in seinem Pariser Vortrag 1900 dargelegt hatte, und verwendete diese Abhandlungen als seine Habilitationsschrift. Bieberbachsche Vermutung O.Blumenthal Issai SCHUR Lebensdaten
"Everyone who was there had to make a little speech about the rejuvenation of Germany etc. and Bieberbach did this quite nicely and then he said 'A drop of remorse falls into my joy because my dear friend and colleague Schur is not allowed to be with us today.'" Lebensdaten "I find it surprising that Jews are still members of academic commissions." Lebensdaten
- [1] K. Hirsch, Sixty years of mathematics, Mathematical Medley 14 (1986), 35-50.
- [2] H. Mehrtens, Ludwig Bieberbach and Deutsche Mathematik, in E. R. Phillips (ed.),
Studies in the history of mathematics (Washington DC, 1987), 195-241.

36. Issai Schur
Translate this page Begrifferklärung issai schur. Dieser Artikel basiert auf dem Artikel issaischur (http// aus der freien Enzyklopädie

37. Read This: Pioneers Of Representation Theory
as developed independently by Jacques Deruyts and issai schur. His treatmentof schur is more leisurely and detailed, but it is still not an easy
Read This!
The MAA Online book review column
Pioneers of Representation Theory:
Frobenius, Burnside, Schur, and Brauer
by Charles W. Curtis
Reviewed by Andrew Leahy
Pioneers of Representation Theory: Frobenius, Burnside, Schur, and Brauer by Charles W. Curtis is not a book I'd recommend to many people, but there are certain segments of the mathematical community for whom this book is a must-read. Curtis' book is the fifteenth in a series of history of mathematics books published jointly by the American Mathematical Society and the London Mathematical Society. Its goal is to acquaint the reader with the history of the theory of representations of finite groups through a detailed analysis of the major papers of the founders of the discipline (Frobenius, Burnside, Schur, and Brauer) and other mathematicians. The book follows the development of this twentieth century field of mathematics in more-or-less chronological order, beginning with a chapter on the pre-requisite mathematics of the nineteenth century. A chapter each is then alloted to the turn-of-the-century work of Frobenius and Burnside and an additional two chapters apiece are devoted to the later work of Schur and Brauer. There are parts of the book that will appeal to any reader with an interest in the history of mathematics. For instance, there are biographies of each of the major contributors at the beginnings of the chapters, and numerous smaller biographical sketches are scattered throughout the text. There are also revealing glimpses into the mathematical culture of the early twentieth century found in the numerous citations from the correspondence between these men. In one example, describing an exchange between Ferdinand Frobenius and Adolf Hurwitz, Curtis notes:

38. Read This: The Universal Book Of Mathematics
very fond of puzzles and recreational mathematics, especially recreationalnumber theory; thus Frederick Schuh gets an entry, but issai schur does not.
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Read This!
The MAA Online book review column
The Universal Book of Mathematics:
From Abracadabra to Zeno's Paradoxes
by David Darling
Reviewed by Warren Johnson
This is a curious book. The introduction says "If you want a comprehensive, academic dictionary of mathematics, look elsewhere. If you want rigor and proof, try the next shelf. Herein you will find only the unusual and the outrageous, the fanciful and the fantastic: a compendium of the mathematics they [those villains!] didn't teach you in school." The second sentence is spot on, and the author is to be commended for putting in the first sentence, but since the word "only" in the third sentence is not accurate, I fear that some people will still buy this book (for $40) thinking that it is a dictionary of mathematics. It is certainly a dictionary of something, with alphabetical entries from abacus to zonohedron. The subtitle, From Abracadabra to Zeno's Paradoxes , enhances the effect. Quite a few of the entries have no obvious connection with mathematics, for example those on Jorge Luis Borges, John Cage, Ernst Florens Friedrich Chladni, John Dee and Lord Edward Plunkett Dunsany, all of whom get more space than Cauchy. I got tired of looking for these pretty quickly, but catch-22 is here too, and so is swastika, apparently because it is a 20-sided polygon. The author is clearly very fond of puzzles and recreational mathematics, especially recreational number theory; thus Frederick Schuh gets an entry, but Issai Schur does not. He also likes exotic plane curves, games (backgammon gets half a page, with no attempt to justify its inclusion in what is ostensibly a mathematics book), optical illusions and extremely large numbers. (Ron Graham, who could be the subject of a very good book, gets 1/3 the space of his eponymous number.) If you share these predilections, and if you are not too pedantic, then you would probably enjoy this book. I didn't care for it much myself.

39. Ferdinand Georg Frobenius
issai schur who was awarded his doctorate in 1901, and Robert Remak who was Frobenius collaborated with schur in representation theory of groups and
Ferdinand Georg Frobenius
Weierstrass and Fuchs list 15 topics on which Frobenius had made major contributions during these years: the development of analytic functions in series, the algebraic solution of equations whose coefficients are rational functions of one variable, the theory of linear differential equations, Pfaff's problem, linear forms with integer coefficients, linear substitutions and bilinear forms, adjoint linear differential operators, the theory of elliptic and Jacobi functions, the relations among the 28 double tangents to a plane of degree 4, Sylow's theorem, double cosets arising from two finite groups, Jacobi's covariants, Jacobi functions in three variables, the theory of biquadratic forms, and the theory of surfaces with a differential parameter. In his work in group theory, Frobenius combined results from the theory of algebraic equations, geometry, and number theory, which led him to the study of abstract groups. He published a paper in 1879, which looks at permutable elements in groups. This paper also gives a proof of the structure theorem for finitely generated abelian groups. In 1884, he published his next paper on finite groups in which he proved Sylow's theorems for abstract groups . The proof which Frobenius gives is the one still used today in most undergraduate courses. Then Frobenius filled the chair at the University of Berlin that became vacant when Kronecker died. He did great work there, but he did not get along with his colleagues. He was known for giving fast-paced, varied, and deep lectures that were not terribly stimulating.

40. BSHM: Bulletin (formerly Newsletter)
An expanded version of the article from Bulletin 1 on issai schur s posthumousnotes on issai schur s posthumous notes on elementary number theory,
The British Society for the History of Mathematics HOME About BSHM BSHM Council Join BSHM ... Search
27 July 2005 - Bulletin 5 has been published
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Contents of recent BSHM Bulletins and Newsletters
An expanded version of the article from Bulletin 1 on Issai Schur's posthumous notes on elementary number theory by Walter Ledermann and Peter Neumann is available from the Editor: contact for details. Eleanor Robson's article " Iraq: the history of mathematics and the aftermath of war " in Newsletter 49 is available on the web, complete with colour illustrations. Click on thumbnail for a larger image. Click on link below pictures or scroll down for contents list. Click on thumbnail for a larger image. Click on link below for contents list. Enquiries about back numbers should be addressed to the BSHM,.20 Dunvegan Close, Exeter, Devon EX4 4AF, UK or by email to Return to the top.

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