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61. Schrödinger, Erwin Schrödinger, erwin. Austrian physicist. He advanced the study of wave mechanicsto describe the behaviour of electrons in atoms. In 1926 he produced a solid http://www.tiscali.co.uk/reference/encyclopaedia/hutchinson/m0016203.html | |
62. Quantum Indeterminacy - A Whatis.com Definition - See Also: Schrodinger's Cat, Q Schrödinger s cat is a famous illustration of the principle in quantum theory ofsuperposition, proposed by erwin Schrödinger in 1935. http://whatis.techtarget.com/definition/0,,sid9_gci341236,00.html | |
63. Home Translate this page Die Seite beschreibt Leben und Werk des Physikers, der die Wellenmechanik begründete. http://rosa.physik.tu-berlin.de/~dschm/lect/schrdlek/ | |
64. Erwin Schrödinger - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia erwin Schrödinger, as depicted on the former Austrian 1000 Schilling bank note.Enlarge O Connor, Robertson, MacTutor biography of erwin Schrödinger http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Erwin_Schrödinger | |
65. The Straight Dope: The Story Of Schroedinger's Cat (an Epic Poem) Schroedinger, erwin! Professor of physics! Wrote daring equations! Said erwin, Don t panic, No grease monkey I, but a quantum mechanic. http://www.straightdope.com/classics/a1_122.html | |
66. Erwin Schroedinger Winner Of The 1933 Nobel Prize In Physics erwin SCHRÖDINGER. 1933 Nobel Laureate in Physics. for the discovery of newproductive forms of atomic theory. Background. 18871961 Residence Austria http://almaz.com/nobel/physics/1933a.html | |
67. Alsos: Browse Heisenberg, Werner / Born, Max / Schrödinger, erwin / Auger, Pierre, On ModernPhysics, Book. Hentschel, Klaus / Hentschel, Ann M., Eds. http://alsos.wlu.edu/qsearch.aspx?browse=people/Schrödinger, Erwin |
68. Schrödinger, Erwin - Personnages Historiques - Histoire erwin Schrödinger. Schrödinger, erwin (1887 - 1961) http://www.123-fr.com/123annuaire/dir/cat-927610-schrödinger,_erwin.html | |
69. Startseite Translate this page Ein Physik-Deutsch-Projekt zu erwin Schrödinger des Akademischen Gymnasiums Innsbruck. http://www.agi.tsn.at/projekte/Schroedinger/ | |
70. SCHRÖDINGER Erwin erwin Schrödinger byl rakouský fyzik, ijící v letech 1887 1961. Je zakladatelemvlnové mechaniky, základní práce publikoval roku 1926. http://nobelsoftware.com/vedci/schr.htm | |
71. ESI The Erwin Schrödinger International Institute For Mathemaical Physics Vienna, Austria. http://www.esi.ac.at/ |
72. ESI The Erwin Schrödinger International Institute For Mathematical Physics 1550 Zhou Gang, IM Sigal Asymptotic Stability of Nonlinear SchrödingerEquations with Potential PS PDF 63 pages; 1549 Giuseppe D Appollonio, http://www.esi.ac.at/preprints/ESI-Preprints.html | |
73. References Schrödinger,erwin. Reference. Context. QPhil, Equation. Seedark, Cat hypotheticalexperiment. Qcomp1, Cat hypothetical experiment http://members.fortunecity.com/templarser/s1-1.html | |
74. Schrödinger Erwin - Www.libreriauniversitaria.it Translate this page Autore Schrödinger erwin Bollati Boringhieri, 1987 Visualizza dettagli edisponibilità, 18.08 Autore Schrödinger erwin Garzanti Libri, 1987 http://www.libreriauniversitaria.it/goto/author_Schrödinger Erwin/shelf_BIT/Sch | |
75. L' Immagine Del Mondo - Schrödinger Erwin Schrödinger erwin; Traduttore Verson A.Editore Bollati Boringhieri; Data di Pubblicazione 1987 http://www.libreriauniversitaria.it/BIT/8833904067/L__immagine_del_mondo.htm | |
76. What Is Life? Erwin Schrödinger erwin Schrödinger. What is Life? Schrödinger erwin erwin Schrödinger Nobel laureate erwin Schrödinger s What is Life? is one of the great science http://www.vms-service.de/What-is-Life-000001144786.html | |
77. Erwin Schrödinger Translate this page Begrifferklärung erwin Schrödinger. Dieser Artikel basiert auf dem Artikelerwin Schrödinger (http//de.wikipedia.org/wiki/erwin_Schr%C3%B6dinger) aus http://www.netzwelt.de/lexikon/Erwin_Schrödinger.html | |
78. SCHRÖDINGER, ERWIN: Todos Sus Libros Y Obras En Su Libreria Casa Del Libro Translate this page Acercarte a Casa del Libro, tu espacio de venta de libros. Podrás comprar librosen la librería online de una de las mayores librerías de Europa. http://www.casadellibro.com/fichas/fichaautores/0,1463,SCHR%C3%96DINGER32ERWIN,0 |
79. Schrödinger, Erwin Translate this page erwin Schrödinger. Foto. Schrödinger, erwin, * 12. 8. 1887 Wien, 4. 1. Briefmarken-Album, 100. Geburtstag von Prof. Dr. erwin Schrödinger http://www.aeiou.at/aeiou.encyclop.s/s375491.htm | |
80. Physics Nobel Laureates 1925 - 1949 SCHRÖDINGER, erwin, Austria, Berlin University, Germany, * 1887, + 1961; and.DIRAC, PAUL ADRIEN MAURICE, Great Britain, Cambridge University, * 1902, http://www.matpack.de/Info/Chronics/physics_laureates_2.html | |
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