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61. Fixed Point Theorems In Infinite-dimensional Spaces - Linix Encyclopedia The first result in the field was the schauder fixed point theorem, proved in1930 by juliusz schauder. Quite a number of further results followed. http://web.linix.ca/pedia/index.php/Fixed_point_theorems_in_infinite-dimensional | |
62. Zentralblatt MATH - Journals And Serials Database The juliusz schauder Centre for Nonlinear Studies, Torun. The Nicolaus CopernicusUniversity, Torun. English, French, German. http://www.zblmath.fiz-karlsruhe.de/MATH/serials/view?&query_start=81&letter=t&d |
63. Zentralblatt MATH - Journals And Serials Database The juliusz schauder Centre for Nonlinear Studies, Torun. The Nicolaus CopernicusUniversity, Torun. English, French, German. Show Details Database Query http://www.zblmath.fiz-karlsruhe.de/MATH/serials/zbl/journals/all/t/dir?query_st |
64. MENIS the Jean Monnet Centre for European Studies, the juliusz schauder Centre forNonlinear Studies, the National Laboratory of Atomic, Molecular and Optical http://www.men.waw.pl/menis_en/higher_education/u_torun.php | |
65. Mathematicians During The Third Reich And World War II schauder, juliusz Pawel Killed by Gestapo 1943 in Poland. Tauber, Alfred diedin Theresienstadt 1942. Imprisoned Balas, EgonBALAS Will to Freedom http://www5.in.tum.de/~huckle/mathwar.html | |
66. List Of Scientists By Field Translate this page schauder, juliusz Pawel. Schaudinn, Fritz Richard. Schaudinn, Fritz Richard.Scheele, Carl Wilhelm. Scheele, Carl Wilhelm. Scheffé, Henry. Scheffers, Georg http://www.indiana.edu/~newdsb/s.html | |
67. New Dictionary Of Scientific Biography Translate this page schauder, juliusz Pawel Scheffé, Henry Scheffers, Georg Scheuchzer, Johann JakobSchickard, Wilhelm Schläfli, Ludwig Schmidt, Erhard http://www.indiana.edu/~newdsb/math.html | |
68. Katedra Metod Komputerowych I Statystyki: Lista Publikacji Lecture Notes in Nonlinear Analysis 3, juliusz schauder Center for NonlinearStudies, Nicholas Copernicus University, 159 189, 2002 http://www.im.uj.edu.pl/instytut/katedry/publikacje/kmks/ | |
69. Index.html Lecture Notes in Nonlinear Analysis 3, juliusz schauder Center for NonlinearStudies, Nicholas Copernicus University, 159 189, 2002. http://www.im.uj.edu.pl/JerzyOmbach/index1.html | |
70. Last Names Beginning With Q Through R Professor Emeritus of Music (also Extension) Rabinowitz, Paul H., Ph.D., EdwinBurr Van Vleck and juliusz P. schauder Professor of Mathematics Radano, http://www.wisc.edu/pubs/home/archives/gopher/lettsci94/00000195.html | |
71. Shiki.List 1999 Torun juliusz schauder Center , c1993. . Algebras and representationtheory. Kluwer Academic Publishers. http://www.lib.ehime-u.ac.jp/SHIRYO/YOZATU99/shinki.html | |
72. Here Are The Names Currently [April 1999] In The Index At Http Doris Schattschneider, Doris W. schauder, J. schauder, juliusz Pawel Schaumann,Rolf Schaumont, Patrick Schawlow, Arthur L. Schechter, Martin Scheff e, http://www.math.niu.edu/~rusin/known-math/99/photos |
73. Månadens Erbjudande! Presenttips Författarporträtt Bläddra I Bok av Gorniewicz, Lech (juliusz schauder Center for Nonlinear Studies, NicholasCopernicus University, Torun, Poland) Andres, Jan (Department of Mathematical http://www.akademibokhandeln.se/db/caweb/cc_listor.lista_artikellista?chuvudlist |
74. Talanta juliusz schauder Center, Poland. ISSN 12303429 1.Mathematics. 1999 V.13(1-2),V.14(2), 2000 V.14(1), V.15(1-2), V.16(1-2), 2001 V.17(1-2), V.18(1) http://www.srlst.com/alljt.htm | |
75. Periodici Japan Academy, Japan Society of Applied Physics (JAP), John Hopkins universitypress, John Wiley, juliusz schauder Center, Kinokuniya company, Kluwer http://www.bibmif.unipi.it/riviste/periodici.php | |
76. BibScout - Schauer, Juliusz Pavel Translate this page juliusz Pawel schauder. - Warszawa PWN, Ed. Scientifique de Pologne, 1978Bibliotheken. Erstellt von BibScout täglich aktualisiert http://titan.bsz-bw.de/bibscout/SA-SP/SF1000-SF9900/SF7310-SF8255/SF.7370 | |
77. Encyklopedia - Has³a Zaczynaj±ce Siê Na Ju juliusz Paetz juliusz Pawel schauder juliusz Rómmel juliusz Sieradzki juliusz Slowacki juliusz Verne juliusz Zulauf juliusz Luciuk juliusze http://katalog-stron.luman.biz/kat/Ju | |
78. Dowcipy juliusz P. schauder. Matematyk, który juz nie moze uprawiac matematyki zajmujesie jej nauczaniem, gdy i to przestaje mu wychodzic zaczyna zajmowac sie http://www.szkoly.edu.pl/gim.margonin/rozrywka/dowcip.html | |
79. S³ynni Lwowiacy wojny inni lwowscy matematycy Stefan Kaczmarz, Antoni Lomnicki, WlodzimierzStozek, Stanislaw Ruziewicz, Herman Auerbach, Pawel juliusz schauder). http://www.lwow.home.pl/lwowianie.html | |
80. Suscripciones Vigentes Bibliotecas De La UNAM 2003 Translate this page juliusz schauder Center for Nonlinear Studies. INST.EN MATEMATICAS APLICADAS YSISTEM.BIBLIOTECA. Topology. Pergamon. INSTITUTO DE MATEMATICAS.BIBLIOTECA http://www.ibt.unam.mx/biblioteca/vigentes2003/lettert.htm | |
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