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41. Malcolm Bull's Calderdale Companion : E Oldest son of sir henry Edwards. He lived at Pyenest House. This and associatedentries use material Eland, Baron savile of. Eland, henry de 1?1? http://members.aol.com/calderdale/e.html | |
42. Welcome To Carcanet XCV To sir henry savile. XCVI To John Donne. XCVII On the New Motion. XCVII Tosir Thomas Roe. XCIX To the Same. C On Playwright http://www.carcanet.co.uk/cgi-bin/scribe.cgi?book=1857547055 |
43. Department Of English - Projects - ICAMET The Life and Letters of sir henry Wotton. Bd II. Oxford Clarendon Press, 1966 . To savile (1673). 85. To his wife (1673). 86. To his wife (1674) http://anglistik1.uibk.ac.at/ahp/projects/icamet/letter_corpus/index_author_3.ht | |
44. Lords Of The Manor sir henry had several children but he outlived them all and his baronetcy becameextinct. The Manor then passed to his half brother sir John savile who was http://www.methley-village.fsnet.co.uk/body_lords_of_the_manor.html | |
45. HandHeld History: Blue Plaques SMS Codes Gbasevi, BASEVI, George, 17 savile Row, W1. Jbazalgette, BAZALGETTE, sir JosephWilliam Hstanley, STANLEY, sir henry Morton, 2 Richmond Terrace, SW1 http://www.handheldhistory.com/plaquessms.htm | |
46. HandHeld History: Blue Plaques Story Codes IRVING, sir henry, 15a Grafton Street, W1. 17621816 SHERIDAN, Richard Brinsley,14 savile Row, W1. 16601753. SLOANE, sir Hans, 14 Doughty Street, WC1 http://www.handheldhistory.com/plaquesvoice.htm | |
47. Isaac Casaubon In 1613 he was taken to Oxford by sir henry savile, where, Though sir henrysavile ostensibly patronized him, yet Casaubon could not help suspecting http://www.nndb.com/people/642/000094360/ | |
48. Nov 30 - Author Anniversaries 1549 sir, henry savile 1554 sir, Philip SIDNEY 1667 Dean, Jonathan SWIFT ( psLemuel GULLIVER) 1670 John TOLAND 1745 Prof, JeanLouis BAUDELOCQUE http://www.kingkong.demon.co.uk/aa/nov30.htm | |
49. Jan 24 - Author Anniversaries Thomas Arthur LEVI 1954 Rev, John savile TUCKER 1954 sir, henry SHARP 1955Rev, Frederic PLATT 1956 LtCol, Norman Graham THWAITES 1956 sir, http://www.kingkong.demon.co.uk/aa/jan24.htm | |
50. Brief History Elizabeth, his daughter, married henry savile of Bradley Hall, Greetland and sir John was Baron of the Exchequer in 1598. sir henry was tutor to Queen http://www.longleyoldhall.co.uk/brief_history.htm | |
51. Maximilian Genealogy Master Database 2000 - Pafg395 - Generated By Personal Ance She married henry SLINGSBY sir. They had the following children Thomas SLINGSBYsir 2nd Bart Parents married Sarah savile. http://www.peterwestern.f9.co.uk/maximilia/pafg395.htm | |
52. The Savile Family History Elizabeth savile was the daughter of henry savile of Bradley, Elland, and Elizabeth sir henry savile, Provost of Eton College, Berks b 30 November 1549 http://www.daphnejohnson.btinternet.co.uk/Mason/TurnerHamp/MasonHamp/Holdsworth/ | |
53. Bibliography Sandfield Road 86 Sandford 29,62,63,. savile, sir henry 45. schools BedfordHouse School 26. Boys Central School 19,24 Charity schools 23 http://www.oxfordinscriptions.com/bibliography.htm | |
54. Oxford University contemporary of his, sir henry savile (15491622), Warden of Merton and laterProvost of Eton, who left his library of scientific books to the Bodleian. http://www.oxfordinscriptions.com/oxford_university.htm | |
55. The Descendants Of William Spencer Of Rodborne (20 Generations) Married (2) sir henry Compton, 1st Baron Compton, son of Peter Compton and LadyAnne Talbot George savile, 1st Marquis of Halifax, son of sir William http://worldroots.com/gitte/famous/s/spencerdesc.htm | |
56. Worldroots.com Lady Anne savile, daughter of William savile, 2nd Marquess of Halifax and ElizabethGrimston son of sir henry Bedingfield, of Oxburgh, 2nd Baronet and http://worldroots.com/brigitte/famous/m/maryenglanddesc1496-3.htm | |
57. House Of Lords Journal Volume 7: 17 July 1645 | British History Online Ordinance concerning the Wardship of sir Wm. savile s Heir. An Ordinance toconfirm sir henry Vane Junior in his Place of Treasurer of the Navy. http://www.british-history.ac.uk/report.asp?compid=33363 |
58. House Of Lords Journal Volume 4: 7 April 1641 | British History Online Wiseman, Earl of Barkshire, sir henry Garraway Alderman of London. sir EdwardOsborne, sir Wm Pennyman, sir William savile, sir Edward Rhodes, sir Tho. http://www.british-history.ac.uk/report.asp?compid=35566 |
59. Spy4 Crossley, sir savile Brinton, Bart., MP, Lowestoft, 20 Frere, sir henry,The Slave Trade, 20. Galloway, The Earl of, Army Reorganisation, 20 http://freespace.virgin.net/fine.art/spy4.htm |
60. Constable Of Flamborough And North Cliffe, E Yorkshire 1.2 Agnes Constable, dead by 1520 and married to sir henry Thwaite of Lund and He remarried Anne daughter of sir John savile of Thornhill and Elizabeth http://freespace.virgin.net/owston.tj/consnc.htm | |
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