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         Savart Felix:     more detail

1. Savart
Biography of Felix Savart (17911841)

2. Biografia De Savart, F Lix
ley de BiotSavart. Realiz investigaciones sobre ac stica y mec nica de fluidos e ide un instrumento (rueda dentada de Savart) para

3. The Biot-Savart Law
of the vector identity . Equation (3.150) is known as the ``BiotSavart law'' after the French physicists Jean Baptiste Biot and Felix Savart;

Savart, Felix. Savart estudio en el Colegio de Francia de 1828, volvi ndose un profesor all en 1836. l colabor con Biot en la teor a del

5. Hall Of Pioneers
In 1820, with Felix Savart, he discovered the law known as "Biot and Savart's Law." He was especially interested in questions relating to the

6. T1msn Encarta - F Lix Savart
Diccionario biling e. Atlas din mico. M s informaci n sobre F lix Savart de Otras funciones de Encarta. Buscar en Encarta F lix Savart

7. T1msn Encarta - Resultados De La B Squeda - F Lix Savart
Multimedia. Felix Adler *Felix Wankel *Mar a F lix. T1msn Encarta Premium. M s resultados de "F lix Savart" 31 resultados en T1msn Encarta

8. MSN Encarta - Resultados De La B Squeda - F Lix Savart
Multimedia. Felix Adler *Felix Wankel *Mar a F lix. MSN Encarta Premium. M s resultados de "F lix Savart" 31 resultados en MSN Encarta

9. MSN Encarta - F Lix Savart
Diccionario biling e. Atlas din mico M s informaci n sobre F lix Savart de Otras funciones de Encarta. Buscar en Encarta F lix Savart

10. 5 String Rational Trapezoidal Viola Of Felix Savart By Jon Rose
5 String Rational Trapezoidal Viola of Felix Savart by Jon Rose Song Music Downloads

11. Felix Savart - Wikipedia
Translate this page Baptiste Vuillaume arbeitete eng mit Félix Savart zusammen, um die Qualitätseiner Instrumente zu verbessern. NAME, Savart, Felix. ALTERNATIVNAMEN
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Felix Savart
aus Wikipedia, der freien Enzyklop¤die
Felix Savart 30. Juni in Charleville-M©zi¨res Ardennen 16. M¤rz in Paris ) war ein franz¶sischer Arzt und Physiker, der im fr¼hen 19. Jahrhundert gemeinsam mit Jean Baptiste Biot den Zusammenhang zwischen elektrischem Strom und Magnetismus untersuchte ( Biot-Savart-Gesetz Savart untersuchte ebenfalls die Eigenschaften von schwingenden Saiten und baute eine trapezf¶rmige Violine , deren klangliche Eigenschaften nicht ¼berzeugen konnten. Das Original befindet sich im Museum der " ‰cole Polytechnique " in Paris. Eine in Mittenwald angefertigter verbesserter Nachbau von befindet sich im Deutschen Museum M¼nchen Der bekannte franz¶sische Geigenbauer Jean Baptiste Vuillaume arbeitete eng mit F©lix Savart zusammen, um die Qualit¤t seiner Instrumente zu verbessern. Auf Holzstreifen von (180 mm x 25mm x 2,5mm ) welche dem Boden von Stradivarius und Guarnerius Geigen entnommen wurden, streute Savart Sand und strich mit einem Geigenbogen entlang der Kante des Holzstreifens und erzeugte jedesmal den Ton E und im Sand bildeten sich zwei parallele Linien. Den gleichen Versuch unternahm er mit der Decke entnommenen Streifen und stellte fest, daŸ bei diesen hochwertigen Geigen der mit dem Deckenstreifen erzeugte Ton um genau einen Ton h¶her lag als der dem Boden entnommener. Bei Versuchen mit herk¶mmlichen Geigen, lag die Differenz mindesten bei einer Terze und konnte mehr als eine Quarte betragen.

12. Felix_Savart - Lexikon - Felix_Savart - Beschreibung - Physik
Translate this page Felix Savart. aus Physik, der freien Enzyklopädie. Felix Savart * 30. Juni 1791in Mézières (Ardennen) † 16. März 1841 in Paris, war ein französischer Arzt

13. Biografie
savart felix (1791-1841) - fizyk francuski, który prowadzil warunkami rozchodzeniasie fal akustycznych w róznych osrodkach. Wspólnie z JB Biotem podal
Ampére André Marie - (1775-1836) - fizyk i matematyk francuski. W r. ustali³ wzajemne oddzia³ywanie dynamiczne przewodników, przez które przep³ywa pr±d elektryczny, okre¶li³ regu³ê kierunkow± Ampére`a tzw. regu³ê prawej d³oni,tzn. zale¿no¶ci miêdzy kierunkiem pr±du p³yn±cego w przewodniku i kierunku wytworzonego przez ten pr±d pola magnetycznego. Opracowa³ formu³ê okre¶laj±ca zjawisko magnetyzmu. W dowód uznania jego osi±gniêæ jednostka natê¿enia pr±du elektrycznego nazwana zosta³a amperem (A). Baird John Logie - (1888-1946) - wynalazca angielski, jeden z twórców podstaw wspó³czesnej telewizji. Prowadzi³ badania nad sposobem przekazywania obrazu telewizyjnego. Pocz±tkowo prowadzi³ badanie nad telewizj± mechaniczn±, nastêpnie nad telewizj± elektryczn± z zastosowaniem lamp jarzeniowych jako mozaiki i wreszcie nad udoskonalon± metod± z tarcz± Nipkowa. Od 1928r. prowadzi³ prace nad telewizj± barwn±, uwieñczone powodzeniem w 1939r. Baudot Jean Maurice Emile - (1845-1903) - wynalazca francuski w dziedzinie telegrafii 1870r. opatentowa³ aparat telegraficzny w³asnego pomys³u. Wynalazek ten zosta³ zatwierdzony dopiero w 1874r. a w 1877r. przeprowadzono pierwsz± próbê dzia³ania aparatu miêdzy Pary¿em a Bordeaux. W latach 1874-1876 uzyska³ Baudot patenty na aparaty telegraficzne wielokrotne. Bell Aleksander Graham - (1847-1922) - fizyk amerykañski pochodzenia szkockiego, wynalazca telefonu (tzw. telefon Bella - 1876r.). W 1877r. Bell uzyska³ patent na membranê zasadnicz± czê¶æ sk³adow± mikrofonu telefonicznego 1886r. wyda³a prace dotycz±ce sposobu rejestrowania ( zapisywania) i odtwarzania mowy.

14. CASL Individual Files
Name, savart, felix savart 1819 memoire and the Ernst Freidrich FlorensChladni 1809 treatise (French translation).
The Catgut Acoustical Society Library
File #:
Name: Savart, Felix
See also:
F6120 - Fletcher, D A; C7450 - Condax, Louis.
General Information:
A pioneer acoustician and expert experimentalist who started on a medical career, but when patients
were slow in coming he turned to experiments with the violin and began to devote himself to the study of
acoustics and explored a wide range of subjects from the acoustics of air, the human voice, bird songs,
vibrating solids and the sounds in flowing liquids. This latter is particularly interesting to cardio-vascular
researchers today, so much so that V.A. McKusick and H.K. Wiskind wrote a monograph on Savart's
life and work with extensive references to his many publications (see copy in file). Savart's pioneering research on the acoustics of the violin is basic to much of the work being done today, such as the Chladni pattern method of tuning violin plates, vibrations of the air in he violin, and of the bowed string. Much of this was also described in his MEMOIRE of 1819 as well as in his lectures reproduced in the periodical l'INSTITUT. The CAS obtained copies of these in French which were translated by Donald

15. CASL Individual Files
See also, F6160 Fletcher, William Harvey (father); S2650 - savart, felix When the writings of savart in l Institut were finally found in the library
The Catgut Acoustical Society Library
File #:
Name: Fletcher, Donald Atkinson
d. 1977
See also: F6160 - Fletcher, William Harvey (father); S2650 - Savart, Felix
General Information:
A first cousin of CMH who, after spending eight years studying organ and architecture at the Beaux
Arts in Paris, was able to read French and type the English translation directly. He became very much
interested in the new instruments of the Violin Octet and was most helpful in the early stages of their
development, suggesting design concepts and ways to make them into a cohesive family of instruments.
When the writings of Savart in l'Institut were finally found in the library of the Philadelphia Academy of
Sciences (The pages were torn out of the copy in Widner, the volume missing at the Library of Congress and the Smithsonian) Donald offered to translate the whole series of articles concerning Savart's research on the violin. This has been most helpful over the years as many of Savart's ideas and experiments are basic to current research. He also translated the early work of Maupertuis which is based on the concept that the different length reeds of the spruce violin top reinforce the various frequencies, a discarded concept. Much of the information in the file is related to family matters.

16. Savart
Biography of felix savart (17911841) felix savart taught at the Collège deFrance from 1828, becoming a professor there in 1836.
Felix Savart
Died: 16 March 1841 in Paris, France
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Version for printing
Felix Savart Biot on a theory of magnetism. Magnetic fields produced by electric currents can be calculated using the law discovered in 1820 by Savart in his joint work with Biot . They took magnetism as the fundamental property rather than the approach which treated it as derived from electric circuits. Savart also carried out experiments on sound which became important for later students of acoustics. He developed the Savart disk, a device which produced a sound wave of known frequency, using a rotating cog wheel as a measuring device. Article by: J J O'Connor and E F Robertson List of References (2 books/articles) Mathematicians born in the same country Honours awarded to Felix Savart
(Click a link below for the full list of mathematicians honoured in this way) Fellow of the Royal Society Elected 1839 Previous (Chronologically) Next Biographies Index Previous (Alphabetically) Next Main index
History Topics

Societies, honours, etc.

17. References For Savart
References for the biography of felix savart. Articles. felix savart, Nouvellebiographie générale (Paris, 1969), 387389.
References for Felix Savart
Version for printing
  • Biography in Dictionary of Scientific Biography (New York 1970-1990). Articles:
  • Felix Savart, (Paris, 1969), 387-389. Main index Birthplace Maps Biographies Index
    History Topics
    ... Anniversaries for the year
    JOC/EFR December 1996 School of Mathematics and Statistics
    University of St Andrews, Scotland
    The URL of this page is:
  • 18. Savart, Felix
    savart, felix. (1791 1841) Laplace tomuto zákonu dal matematický kabát.savart provádel také mnoho pokusu se zvukem.
    Savart, Felix
    Francouzský fyzik, který spoleènì s Biotem zformuloval v roce 1820 Biotùv -Savartùv zákon, podle kterého lze z rozložení elektrických proudù dopoèítat vytvoøené magnetické pole. Laplace tomuto zákonu dal matematický kabát. Savart provádìl také mnoho pokusù se zvukem.

    19. Short Biographies: Savart
    savart, felix 30 June 1791 16 Mar 1841 French He taught at the Collège de Francefrom 1828, becoming a professor there in 1836. He collaborated with Biot
    Savart , Felix
    30 June 1791 - 16 Mar 1841
    on a theory of magnetism. They took magnetism as the fundamental property rather than the approach which treated it as derived from electric circuits. Savart also carried out experiments on sound which became important for later students of acoustics.
    JOC/EFR February 1995

    20. Biot-Savart Law: Information From
    Biotsavart Law The Biot-savart Law describes the magnetic field set up by asteadily flowing Jean Baptiste Biot; felix savart; magnetism vorticity
    showHide_TellMeAbout2('false'); Business Entertainment Games Health ... More... On this page: Wikipedia Mentioned In Or search: - The Web - Images - News - Blogs - Shopping Biot-Savart Law Wikipedia Biot-Savart Law The Biot-Savart Law describes the magnetic field set up by a steadily flowing line current: the field produced by a current element is where
    is the magnetic constant I is the current, measured in amperes is the unit displacement vector from the element to the field point
    For a particle with charge q moving at a constant velocity , the magnetic field produced is
    Hence, integrating, the field produced by current flowing in a loop is The Biot-Savart law is fundamental to magnetostatics just as Coulomb's law is to electrostatics . It is equivalent to Amp¨re's law The Biot-Savart law is also used to calculate the velocity induced by vortex lines in aerodynamic theory . (The theory is closely parallel to that of magnetostatics; vorticity corresponds to current, and induced velocity to magnetic field strength.) For an vortex line of infinite length, the induced velocity at a point is given by

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