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Sacrobosco Johannes De: more detail | |||||||
61. Encyclopedia Topics From Answers.com sacrobosco, johannes de (English mathematician astronomer) Sacy, AntoineIsaac, Baron Silvestre de (French orientalist scholar) http://www.answers.com/library/Encyclopedia %2D People-letter-1S | |
62. 1485: Information From Answers.com Erhard Ratdolt prints an edition of johannes de sacrobosco s astronomy bookTractatus de spheara ( a treatment of spheres ), the first printed book to use http://www.answers.com/topic/1485 | |
63. RENAISSANCE MAN: THE RECONSTRUCTED LIBRARIES OF EUROPEAN SCHOLARS, 1450-1700 Ser de sacrobosco, johannes, de sphaera, (Antwerp, 1547), which seems to be Roberts Watson Catalogue number 1061. Both volumes are probably John dee s. http://www.ampltd.co.uk/collections_az/RenMan-1-4/contents-of-reels.aspx | |
64. Bruno, Giordano (1548-1600) johannes de sacrobosco http://www.eresie.it/id564.htm | |
65. S Translate this page sacrobosco, johannes de. Sacro Macello in Valtellina. Sadoleto, Jacopo. Sagarelli,Gherardo. Sagramentari. Saint-Amour, Guglielmo di http://www.eresie.it/id35.htm | |
66. Melanchthons Astrologie Translate this page und eigene Werke Melanchthons johannes de sacrobosco, Claudius Ptolemäus, Francisco Petrarca*, Philipp Melanchthon, johannes de sacrobosco, http://astrologix.de/melanchthon/ |
67. Biblioteca Histórica Marqués De Valdecilla De La UCM Translate this page johannes de sacrobosco Opusculum de sphera mundi cum additionibus etfamiliarissimo comentario Petri Ciruelli In alma Complutensi Universitate, http://www.ucm.es/BUCM/foa/exposiciones/01BulaCisneriana/johannes42.htm | |
68. Lecture 4 also known as John Halifax, John of Holywood, or johannes de Sacre Bosco On the wall behind sacrobosco hang his observing instruments (quadrant and http://eee.uci.edu/clients/bjbecker/ExploringtheCosmos/lecture4.html | |
69. Servizio Bibliotecario Provinciale - Incunaboli - G - L Translate this page 260) johannes de sacrobosco. Sphaera mundi. Comm. Giorgio da Monferrato.Venezia, (Jacopo Penzio), ed. Giorgio da Monferrato, 28 I 1500. 4°, got. e rom., http://www.sbprovigo.it/incunaboli/suggG.htm | |
70. University Of Wales Swansea - History Department Petrus Peregrinus de Maricourt , Caspar Peucer , johannes de sacrobosco ,and Paul Wittich , in T. Hockey (ed.), Biographical Encyclopedia of http://www.swan.ac.uk/history/staff/mosley/mosleypublications.html | |
71. The Schoyen Collection: 2 History-- 2.6 Medieval History ALEXANdeR de VILLA deI CARMEN de ALGORISMO; johannes de sacrobosco TRACTUSde SPHERA; HISTORY OF BRITAIN FROM CAESAR TO GUTHLAC, POSSIBLY EXCERPTED http://www.nb.no/baser/schoyen/4/4.2/426.html | |
72. UNESP Editora (PESQUISA CATÁLOGO) Brinde.Brinde do livro Bertrand Russel, nas compras acima de R$ 50,00. http://www.editoraunesp.com.br/index.php?m=2&busca=JOHANNES DE SACROBOSCO&campo= |
73. AIM25: University College London: De Sacro Bosco's 'De Sphera' And Other Tracts Administrative/Biographical history johannes de Sacro Bosco (John of Holywood to the modern period (eg The Sphere of sacrobosco and its Commentators, http://www.aim25.ac.uk/cgi-bin/search2?coll_id=1612&inst_id=13 |
74. Globalisierung - Raumbewußtsein Und Erdkugelmodell Im Europäischen Mittelalter Translate this page Jahrhundert von johannes de sacrobosco und Gossouin de Metz - und zeigen eineglobal gedachte Seefahrt und eine ebenso global gedachte Wanderung des http://www.fortunecity.de/lindenpark/schwitters/149/arenosus_globus.html | |
75. Globusbibliographie Translate this page johannes de sacrobosco de sphaera mundi, in Lynn Thorndike The «Sphere» of johannes de sacrobosco / John of Holywood de sphaera mundi auf deutsch http://www.fortunecity.de/lindenpark/schwitters/149/globusbibliographie.html | |
76. Lebensdaten Von Mathematikern Translate this page sacrobosco, johannes de (1195 - 1256) de Saint-Venant, Adhemar (1797 - 1886)Saint-Vincent, Gregorius (1584 - 1647) Saks, Stanislaw (1897 - 1942) http://www.mathe.tu-freiberg.de/~hebisch/cafe/lebensdaten.html | |
77. Le Fonds Ancien : Présentation - Centre D'Études Supérieures De La Renaissanc Translate this page Aldrovandi (Bologne, 1606), des mathématiciens anciens (Euclide, Bâle, 1546),des astronomes médiévaux (johannes de sacrobosco, de sphæra, Lyon, 1607). |
78. Older Printed Books Of The CESR Translate this page and editions of ancient mathematicians (Euclide, Basle, 1546), as well as ofmedieval astronomers (johannes de sacrobosco, de sphæra, Lyon, 1607). | |
79. Malcolm Bull's Calderdale Companion : Foldout He was also known as johannes de sacrobosco, John of the Holy Wood, John Holywood,John of Halifax, or John Halifax. He became a canon of the Order of St http://members.aol.com/calderdale/mms19.html | |
80. :::Theologische Fakultaet Trier::: Translate this page Disposition, Pierre Duhem, Erlebnis, Furcht, Gefühl, Habitus, johannes Buridanus,johannes de sacrobosco, Konkret, Annelise Maier, Moralismus, Pathos, http://www.uni-trier.de/uni/theo/mitarbeiter.php?id=70112 |
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