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Rudolff Christoff: more detail | ||||
41. Pink Plaisance, 1732 rudolff Reichert. Matthes Müller. Johann Jacob Koch. Johannes Hunsicer christoff Albrecht Lang. Johann Wilhelm Straub. Jerg Bernhart Mohn http://www.genealogygoldmine.com/martin/shiplists/1732Plaisance.html | |
42. À§´ëÇѼöÇÐÀÚ ¸ñ·Ï rudolff, christoff rudolff Born 1499in Jauer, Silesia (now Jawor, Poland) Died 1545 in Vienna, Austria http://www.mathnet.or.kr/API/?MIval=people_seek_great&init=R |
43. UPF - Àrea D'Història De La Ciència The reduction of theoretically possible 27 types of quadratic equations to eightby christoff rudolff mirrors the concern about the domain of admissible http://www.upf.es/huma/hciencia/abstracts.htm | |
44. The Radical Symbol The symbol radical symbol was introduced by christoff rudolff in 1525 in his bookDie Coss. It is believed this symbol was used because it resembled a small http://www.und.nodak.edu/dept/math/history/radical.htm | |
45. The Most Complete Listing Of Library Reference Recources, Including Books, Dicti Rubbia, Carlo. Rubens, Peter Paul. Rubin,. Rudio, Ferdinand. rudolff, christoff.Rudolph, Wilma. Ruffing, Red. Ruffini, Paolo. Ruiz, Tania. Rumaysa bint Milhan. http://www.infolinks.us/index.cfm?page=Lib.Biographies&cat=People&scat=R |
46. Historia De La Matemática Translate this page 1525, El matemático alemán christoff rudolff emplea el símbolo actual de la raízcuadrada. 1545, Gerolamo Cardano publica el método general para resolver http://www.sectormatematica.cl/historia.htm | |
47. Êâàäðàòíûé êîðåíü èç 2 The history of the famous sign ? goes back up to 1525 in a treatise named Cosswhere the German mathematician christoff rudolff (14991545) used a similar http://algolist.manual.ru/maths/count_fast/sqrt2.php | |
48. Charming Quark - Weblog Translate this page Der Deutsche christoff rudolff erfand 1525 das Zeichen für die Quadratwurzel 8 Der Engländer John Wallis erfand die liegende Acht als Zeichen für http://www.charmingquark.de/entry.php?id=00608 |
49. Historia Matematica Mailing List Archive: [HM] Peter Roth the Coss of christoff rudolff. So, it could well be that the Author of themanuscript mentioned by DE Smith was not B. or Britenus but Peter or Petrus Roth. http://sunsite.utk.edu/math_archives/.http/hypermail/historia/sep98/0078.html | |
50. Notazioni Translate this page Il simbolo più vicino a quello nostro si trova nei lavori di christoff rudolff,un matematico tedesco dei primi del 500. Dopo lacquisizione di tale http://xoomer.virgilio.it/mathontheweb/curiosita3.htm | |
51. Untitled Document Translate this page Ain New Gordnet Rechen Biechlin 1514. christoff rudolff 1525. Coss 1525.John Schöner (Gerdanus) 1534. Algorithmus Demonstratus 1534. Nicolo Tartaglia http://www.prandiano.com.br/html/m_arq2.htm | |
52. Rudersport Bei Zusuche.de - ZU® Translate this page 7. Rudersport ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTU VWXYZ / Rottmeyer, Franz Robert - rudolff,christoff (11/25) / Rudenkirtag Rüdiger von Bechelaren / Rudersport / Rudersport http://zutriathlon.de/catalog/2066/Rudersport.html | |
53. Autoren Deutscher Rechenbücher Translate this page 1525 christoff rudolff. 1527 Petrus Apianus Willibald Peer. 1532 Michael StifelJohann Brandt. 1534 Johann Albert. 1545 Kaspar Hützler. http://www.adam-ries.de/meister1.html | |
54. H. Schreyber - Mathematiker Translate this page christoff rudolff Ende des 15. Jahrhunderts - Michael Stifel um 1487 - JohannesWidmann um 1462. Wie ist nun die Situation bezüglich der Lebensdaten http://www.adam-ries.de/schreyb01.html |
55. Biografía Matemáticos:Simon Stevin (3/4) Translate this page 1350), por el matemático alemán christoff rudolff (1530), y por el francés F.Viète en 1579. Además, en dicho folleto, Stevin planteó la unificación del http://www.divulgamat.net/weborriak/Historia/MateOspetsuak/Stevin2.asp | |
56. Algebraens Historie Det moderne rottegnet ble innført av tyskeren christoff rudolff i hans algebrabokfra 1525. I 1557 innfører Robert Recorde to parallelle linjer = som tegn http://www.afl.hitos.no/mahist/algebra/ | |
57. Histoire De La Science-Fiction - La Renaissance christoff rudolff, est un des premiers livres ?utiliser lesyst?em?rique et le symbole actuel de la racine carr?; L artiste Allemand http://www.surf.be/membres/pds/HistoireSF/Renaissance.htm | |
58. List Of Poles - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia christoff rudolff. Stanislaw Ruziewicz. Czeslaw RyllNardzewski. Stanislaw Saks.Friedrich Schottky. Waclaw Sierpinski. Roman Sikorski. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_famous_Poles |
59. List Of Poles - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia christoff rudolff. Stanislaw Ruziewicz. Czeslaw RyllNardzewski. Stanislaw Saks.Friedrich Schottky. Waclaw Sierpinski. Yulian Sokhotsky. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Poles | |
60. STIFEL (auch Stiefel, Styfel, Stieffel), Michael Translate this page W. Meretz, Standortnachweise der Drucke und Autographen von HeinrichSchreyber (Grammateus, vor 1496 bis 1525), christoff rudolff (1500? bis 1545? http://www.bautz.de/bbkl/s/s4/stifel_m.shtml | |
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