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81. Education - Information - Educational Resources - Encyclopedia - Music - Ad adriaan Blaauw adriaan de Groot adriaan van Maanen adriaan van roomen adriaan van Wijngaarden Adriaen Block Adriaen Brouwer Adriaen Isenbrant http://www.music.us/education/Ad.htm | |
82. Encyclopedia: List Of Famous Belgians adriaan van roomen (29 September 1561 _ 4 May 1615), also known as AdrianusRomanus, was a Belgian mathematician. Andreas Vesalius or Andreas Vesal http://www.nationmaster.com/encyclopedia/List-of-Famous-Belgians | |
83. Encyclopedia: List Of Belgians adriaan van roomen (29 September 1561 _ 4 May 1615), also known as AdrianusRomanus, was a Belgian mathematician. http://www.nationmaster.com/encyclopedia/List-of-Belgians | |
84. Bibliografisch Overzicht Universiteitsgeschiedenis Der NederlandenBibliographie P. Bockstaele, The Correspondence of adriaan van roomen (15611615). Correctionsand additions, 1594-1615 , Lias, 19.1 (1992) 3-20. http://www.kuleuven.ac.be/archief/studgen/nbr/1997_1/bibliogr.htm | |
85. New Amsterdam (New York) Reformed Dutch Church Records In New Netherland & New Y John Daeyiy space left blank en Geertruyd roomen. adriaan Quakkenbosch JMvan N. Alb., met Annetje Cornelis, JD van N. Haarlem. getrouwt tot Haarlem http://olivetreegenealogy.com/nn/church/rdcmarr1701.shtml | |
86. MathBirthdays - September 2005 All day event, 1561 adriaan van roomen mathBirthdays. Thu, Sep 29 All day event,1803 Jacques Charles François Sturm mathBirthdays. Thu, Sep 29 http://educationaltechnology.ca/dan/calendars/month.php?cal=mathBirthdays&getdat |
87. Short Biographies Rh After this a friendship grew up between the two men. roomen, adriaan van 29 Sept1561 4 May 1615 Belgian Spent some time with Clavius in Rome in 1585. http://www.grammar.net.nz/dept_html/dept_common/scotch_college/maths/Rh.htm |
88. H - Page 419 - Loan 69 - The Online Loan Information And Advice Resource R Index 823) Rohn , Karl (117*) Rolle , Michel (232) Romanus , Adrianus (419)roomen , adriaan van (419) Rosanes , Jakob (132*) Rosenhain , Johann (146 http://h_-_page_419.loans69.com/UK/ | |
89. R Index André (341) Roche, Estienne de La (275) Rogers, Ambrose (456*) Rohn, Karl (117)Rolle, Michel (232) Romanus, Adrianus (419) roomen, adriaan van (419) Rosanes http://www.bg-rams.ac.at/intranet/Physik/history/R.html | |
90. May Week 1 :: London's History :: Discover Its Great, Its Strange, Its Seedy And 1561, Sunday Death of the Belgian mathematician adriaan van roomen. 1611,Saturday Birth of the Italian architect Carlo Rainaldi. http://storyoflondon.com/modules.php?op=modload&name=News&file=article&sid=85&mo |
91. Broadmining: Romanus roomen Version for printing. adriaan van roomen is often known by his Latin nameAdrianus Romanus. After studying at the Jesuit College http://www.broadmining.com/Romanus&t= | |
92. Biography-center - Letter V www.olympic.org/uk/athletes/heroes/bio_uk.asp?PAR_I_ID=87831; van roomen, Adriaanwwwhistory.mcs.st-and.ac.uk/~history/Mathematicians/Ro omen.html http://www.biography-center.com/v.html | |
93. Author Index - R adriaan van Roomenmathematician 1561 1615, wiki, google. Hans Roosenschooncomposer1952, google. Cyril Bradley Rootham composer Bristol 1875 - Cambridge http://www.ph.surrey.ac.uk/~phx1mr/author/r.html | |
94. Addu Adhémar Raynault Adjustable Rate Mortgage Adanel Addu Adhémar Raynault Adjustable Rate Mortgage Adanel AlsoLiterature, Arts, History for Canadians. http://www.masterliness.com/7i/Ad.htm | |
95. 16¥@¬ö¨ä¥L°ê®a¼Æ¾Ç®a The summary for this Chinese (Traditional) page contains characters that cannot be correctly displayed in this language/character set. http://www1.emath.pu.edu.tw/mkuo/æ¸å¸å®¶çå°æ äº/IV/1 | |
96. 16¥@¬ö¼w°ê¼Æ¾Ç®a The summary for this Chinese (Traditional) page contains characters that cannot be correctly displayed in this language/character set. http://www1.emath.pu.edu.tw/mkuo/æ¸å¸å®¶çå°æ äº/IV/1 | |
97. USB Köln - DFG-Projekt - Liste http://www.ub.uni-koeln.de/usb/digbib/digbild/liste.htm | |
98. Human Indexes Of My Books On Mathematics; Hu(bu, Pu) In Japanese Translate this page The summary for this Japanese page contains characters that cannot be correctly displayed in this language/character set. http://www.com.mie-u.ac.jp/~kanie/tosm/humanind/jinmeih3.htm | |
99. Lessico Intellettuale Europeo - Schede Delle Pubblicazioni - I http://www.iliesi.cnr.it/pubblicazioni/catasch1.htm | |
100. Adrian - Hutchinson Encyclopedia Article About Adrian Online Dictionary Spelling Center. encyclopedia - dictionary home page, Generaldictionary, Computing dictionary, Medical dictionary, http://encyclopedia.farlex.com/Adrian | |
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