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81. Uboat.net - Allied Warships - Destroyer Escort USS Samuel B. Roberts (i) Of The USS samuel B. roberts (i) (DE 413). Destroyer Escort of the John C. Butler class. Navy, The US Navy. Type, Destroyer Escort. Class, John C. Butler http://uboat.net/allies/warships/ship/1696.html | |
82. Navy Supply Corps Newsletter: USS Samuel B. Roberts Receives Blue "E" Full text of the article, USS samuel B. roberts receives Blue E from Navy Supply Corps Newsletter, a publication in the field of News Society, http://www.findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m0NQS/is_6_67/ai_n8586832 | |
83. Samuel Johnson By Sir SC Roberts A biography of samuel Johnson by Sir SC roberts , an exmaster of Pembroke College. http://www.ourcivilisation.com/smartboard/shop/rbrtssc/johnson/chap6.htm | |
84. Genealogy Data Page 432 (Family Pages) Father LADD, samuel Mother CORLISS, Martha. Children. roberts, Mary b. 20 JUN 1718 Haverhill, Mass. roberts, samuel b. 6 DEC 1720 Haverhill, Mass. http://newenglandgenealogy.pcplayground.com/f_1af.htm | |
85. Crunruh Books Samuel Roberts Clock Maker Little is known in detail about the work of the country craftsmen who, before the concentration of traditional skills at factory locations during the http://crunruh.zoovy.com/product/0854850716 | |
86. Gabriola Museum Archives: Roberts Family David samuel Reece roberts was born on December 3, 1846, David samuel Reece roberts died, a widower, on March 14, 1925, in San Antonio, Texas, USA. http://www.island.net/~gm_chin/roberts.html | |
87. USS Samuel B. Roberts DD-823 We are seeking information on the USS samuel B. roberts and her crews. Files and photos may be Emailed to us and we will incorporate them into these pages. http://www.destroyersonline.com/usndd/info/infdg823.htm | |
88. Wern Lwyd Clock Made By Samuel Roberts, Llanfair Caerenion, 1776 [image 1 Of 2] The Wern Lwyd clock made by samuel roberts is named after the farmhouse in Berriew, near Welshpool, where it was first discovered in the 1940s. http://www.gtj.org.uk/en/item1/21019 | |
89. Cloc Wern Lwyd A Wnaed Gan Samuel Roberts, Llanfair Caereinion, 1776 [delwedd 1 Cafodd cloc Wern Lwyd ei wneud gan samuel roberts a i enwi ar ôl y ffermdy yn Aberriw, ger Y Trallwng, lle cafodd y cloc ei ddarganfod yn ystod y 1940au. http://www.gtj.org.uk/cy/item1/21019 | |
90. The Front-Runners On Roe - What Bush's Shortlist Thinks About Abortion. By Emily roberts position, which was adopted by the Supreme Court, barred doctors The regulators In 1991, Judge samuel Alito (US Court of Appeals for the 3rd http://slate.msn.com/id/2122003/ | |
91. Gilbert And Sullivan Archive Contributors Ed Ritchie edwardr AT serv DOT net; Allan roberts aroberts AT mediaone Rowena Silver VYTAS_ AT prodigy DOT net; samuel Silvers SSilvers AT http://math.boisestate.edu/gas/html/contributors.html | |
92. National Coalition Against Censorship (NCAC) NCAC Remembers Board Members samuel Rabinove and Nanette roberts. Summer 2002. NCAC mourns the loss of two longtime Board members, samuel Rabinove and http://www.ncac.org/cen_news/cn86obituary.htm | |
93. DD-823 DANFS The second samuel B. roberts ( DD823) was laid down on 27 June 1945 by the samuel B. roberts operated in the Atlantic and Caribbean from early 1953 http://www.hazegray.org/danfs/destroy/dd823txt.htm | |
94. DANFS: USS Samuel B. Roberts (DE-413) The first samuel B. roberts (DE413) was laid down on 6 December 1943 by Brown Shortly after dawn on 25 October 1944, samuel B. roberts was protecting http://www.ibiblio.org/hyperwar/USN/ships/dafs/DE/de413.html | |
95. HyperWar: USS Samuel B. Roberts (DE-413) , history, and photograph(s) of Destroyer Escort USS samuel B. roberts (DE413) in WWII....... http://www.ibiblio.org/hyperwar/USN/ships/DE/DE-413_SamuelBRoberts.html | |
96. World Survey 2001 - Index United Kingdom CUL; roberts, Michael International Organizations - IAEA; roberts, samuel USA - LLE; robertson, Janet P. USA - ORNL; robertson, http://epub.iaea.or.at/fusion/public/ws01/ws_indexr.html | |
97. All Around Town: The Photographs Of Richard Samuel Roberts:Johnson, Dinah; Rober Buy All Around Town The Photographs of Richard samuel roberts by Johnson, Dinah; roberts, Richard samuel for $11.96 at eCampus.comISBN0805054561. http://www.ecampus.com/bk_detail.asp?isbn=0805054561 |
98. Libdex: Samuel Roberts Noble Foundation, Ardmore, USA samuel roberts Noble Foundation. Library Site, http//www.noble.org/admin/library/. City, Ardmore. Province/State, Oklahoma. Country, USA http://www.libdex.com/data/22/11438.html | |
99. OSCN Found Document:Samuel Roberts Noble Foundation, Inc. V. Vick samuel roberts Noble Foundation, Inc. v. Vick 1992 OK 140 840 P.2d 619 63 OBJ 2931 Case Number 73757 Decided 10/13/1992 Supreme Court of Oklahoma http://www.oscn.net/applications/oscn/DeliverDocument.asp?citeID=15456 |
100. The Avalon Project : Proceedings Of The Inhabitants Of Philadelphia; June 18, 17 Thomas Willing, George Clymer, samuel Howell, Joseph Reed, John roberts (miller), Thomas Fitzimons, George roberts, samuel Ervin, Thomas Mifflin, http://www.yale.edu/lawweb/avalon/amerrev/amerdocs/proc_in_pa_1774.htm | |
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