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61. USS Samuel B. Roberts - FFG 58 Official Community Site of USS samuel B. roberts FFG 58. http://www.military.com/HomePage/UnitCreatedPage/0,11003,201116,00.html | |
62. Montgomery County Cemeteries roberts, samuel H. (son of Collin Susan) (Sept. 30, 1891April 25, 1892) roberts, James A. (son of roberts, samuel (died July 13, 1822aged 63 years) http://www.tngenweb.org/montgomery/cemroberts.html | |
63. Genealogy Data roberts, samuel Birth 3 Sep 1775 Deerhurst, Gloucester, England Death 15 Feb 1814 England roberts, samuel roberts, Nancy http://fixvcr.tripod.com/html/dat1.htm | |
64. USS Samuel B. Roberts (FFG 58) USS samuel B. roberts is the third ship in the US Navy to bear this name. After nearly six months at sea, USS samuel B. roberts returned to its homeport http://navysite.de/ffg/FFG58.HTM | |
65. USS Samuel B. Roberts (DD 823) Crew List Back to USS samuel B. roberts Page. to end of page Add yourself to the Crew List of USS samuel B. roberts. Report an offensive or inappropriated entry http://navysite.de/crew.php?action=ship&ship=dd_823 |
66. African American Registry: Richard S. Roberts Photographed Excellent Pictures The birth of Richard samuel roberts in 1880 is celebrated on this date. He was an AfricanAmerican still photographer. http://www.aaregistry.com/african_american_history/1520/Richard_S_Roberts_photog | |
67. The Robert Wood Johnson Health & Society Scholars Program At Columbia University samuel roberts is Assistant Professor of History. Specializing in AfricanAmerican history, his recent publications include The Rise of the City and the http://chssp.columbia.edu/Person.asp?uid=60 |
68. FFG 58 Samuel B. Roberts USS samuel B. roberts (FFG 58) deployed on Sept. 25, 2003. The roberts set sail with the Silverbacks of Helicopter Antisubmarine Squadron Light (HSL) 44 http://www.globalsecurity.org/military/agency/navy/ffg-58.htm | |
69. Samuel B. Roberts Intercepts 7,000-lb. Drug Shipment GlobalSecurity.org is the leading source for reliable military news and military information, directed by John Pike. http://www.globalsecurity.org/military/library/news/2004/01/mil-040109-nns01a.ht | |
70. Contemporary Realism: Bettie And Samuel Roberts Contemporary Realism, featuring the works of Bettie and samuel roberts will be on view in Fairfield University s Thomas J. Walsh Gallery in the Regina A. http://www.tfaoi.com/aa/2aa/2aa611.htm | |
71. Music And Film Index For The Letter S - Find All Music And Film Content For S Li samuel E. Wright samuel L Jackson samuel Le Bihan samuel L. Jackson Scott roberts Scott Silver Scott Speedman Scott Tera Scott Thompson http://www.contactmusic.com/new/home.nsf/webpages/artists | |
72. In The Path Of Virtue: By Samuel K. Roberts - Books Of The Bible .com samuel K. roberts is professor of Christian ethics and director of the doctor ministry program at the Virginia Union University School of Theology. http://www.booksofthebible.com/p1758.html | |
73. SurfWax: News, Reviews And Articles On Samuel Roberts Noble Foundation News, Reviews, and Articles on samuel roberts Noble Foundation from news sites, newspapers and magazines around the world. http://news.surfwax.com/nonprofit/files/Samuel_Roberts_Noble_Foundation.html | |
74. Samuel D. Roberts Sergeant samuel D. roberts has been with the Metropolitan Police Department (MPD) since 1997 Sam can be reached at 410312-4426 or samuel.roberts@jhu.edu. http://marcpi.jhu.edu/marcpi/MARCPIBios/SamuelDRobertsBio.cfm | |
75. OSU Graduate Students Benefit From Research Alliance With The Samuel Roberts Nob Oklahoma State University and The samuel roberts Noble Foundation, Inc., announce a collaboration to bring the researchers of each institution together to http://www2.okstate.edu/pio/noble_pr.html | |
76. Robert Samuel Roberts Robert samuel roberts was born about 1789 in Pendleton District, SC. He was married in July 1813 in samuel Houston roberts b 08 Jun 1870 d 1954 +unmar http://www.roanetn.com/roberts/robsam.htm | |
77. J. Roberts Haggart Family Photograph Collection - Image, Institute For Regional samuel G. roberts in his law office, Fargo, ND samuel G. roberts seated at desk in law office. On desk are papers and legal books and against far wall http://www.lib.ndsu.nodak.edu/ndirs/collections/photography/20412112.htm | |
78. Waterways Engineers And Surveyors From Rennie, John Sir Around this date he was employed as assistant to Charles roberts. He, samuel Weston and James Barnes made surveys for narrow and barge canals from http://easyweb.easynet.co.uk/jim.shead/Engineers13.html | |
79. Bartholomew Roberts' Plunder Report 1720 When ordering Bartholomew roberts Plunders the samuel 1720 please include the following information to personalize your document 1. Captain s Name http://www.piratedocuments.com/Admiralty Reports/bart_roberts_plunders_samuel_17 | |
80. Etherington & Roberts. Dictionary--Mearne, Samuel The same set of tools can be traced from samuel Mearne to Elliott, by way of Charles Mearne, Robert Steele, and Jane Steele. http://palimpsest.stanford.edu/don/dt/dt2203.html | |
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