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81. CEP Subcommittee On Undergraduate Courses F. Thomas Bond (Chemistry), Vice Chair David R. ringrose (History) Fitz john P.Poole (Anthropology), Chair Michael P. Monteon (History) http://www-senate.ucsd.edu/committees/history/cepugcrses.htm | |
82. DIVISIONAL REPRESENTATIVES TO THE ASSEMBLY OF THE ACADEMIC SENATE 197879 john J. Holland (Biology) Sanford A. Lakoff (Political Science) David R. ringrose (History) David S. Woodruff (Biology) 1996-97 http://www-senate.ucsd.edu/committees/history/divreps.htm | |
83. December 2004 john ringrose, 22 Srinivasa Ramanujan, 23 Georgii Pfeiffer, 24 Charles Hermite,25 Antoni Zygmund. 26 john Conway, 27 Johannes Kepler, 28 http://mathforum.org/~judyann/calendar/December2004.html | |
84. Crews1 2 john ringrose 3 David A. Quarmby 4 William JL Wallace 5 Nick A. TattonBrown6 Lord David Davies 7 E. Graham Hutchinson Str Rodney M. Timpson http://www.srcf.ucam.org/~kcbc/crews/crews5.html | |
85. ALPHA CHI RHO - MU CHI PHI - SUNY ALBANY john ringrose, Syracuse University Judge, State of New York. Edward Duncan,Cornell University Judge, Circuit Court. *, Lyman Smith, Cornell University http://www.albany.edu/~axp/famous.html | |
86. Doranvita1997 Richard V. Kadison and john R. ringrose. Birkhäuser Boston, Inc., Boston, MA 1992.pp. ixv and 174-859. Language English. MR 93g 46052. (book). (1993). http://faculty.tcu.edu/doran/vita.htm | |
87. Irish Mountain Running Association john ringrose. Number of Results Recorded, 1. Average Position, 52.0. AveragePercentage of Winning Time, 170.0%. Results from 2005 (Race Number 1018, http://www.imra.ie/?sec1=runnerdetails&id=5820 |
88. 1881 Census: Residents Of Market Harborough Union Workhouse john ringrose, U, 62, M, Inmate, No Occ, Imbecile, Braybrook, Northampton.Stephen ROBINSON, U, 13, M, Inmate, Scholar, Gt Bowden, Leicester http://users.ox.ac.uk/~peter/workhouse/MarketHarborough/MarketHarborough1881.htm | |
89. WEO[Y(John Ringrose) Translate this page The summary for this Japanese page contains characters that cannot be correctly displayed in this language/character set. http://www.aga-search.com/92johnringrose.html | |
90. INGELSIDE CEMETERY Age 22y d/o john Esther ringrose, Esther , Spouse of john , Died 5/6/1878 ,Age 69y ringrose, Esther, V. , Died 10/28/1861 , Age 17y d/o john Esther http://www.paintedhills.org/STEUBEN/IngelsideCem.htm | |
91. Applegate Directory Ltd Reynolds, Peter Sales and Marketing Manager john A Sparks and Co Ltd ringrose, K Managing Director Kestrel Mechanical Services Ltd http://www.applegate.co.uk/indexes/people/all-r.htm | |
92. PROFESSOR BOLA O. BALOGUN August 4, 2001 (1.0) PERSONAL DATA (a 9) 93c 46064 Phillips, N. Christopher; ringrose, john R. Exponential rank inoperator algebras. Current topics in operator algebras (Nara, 1990) 395413, http://www.math.buffalo.edu/mad/PEEPS/BALOGUN.Bola.O.txt |
93. Boardhost: File Not Found Brian ringrose My Bonnie john Stone - Temporarily Disconnected Corinna Cordwell -The Old Water Wheel Ann Pascoe - On The Menu http://members4.boardhost.com/JRRI/msg/13505.html | |
94. Algebras.bib @BOOK{MR98f46001b, AUTHOR = {Kadison, Richard V. and ringrose, JohnR.}, TITLE = {Fundamentals of the theory of operator algebras. {V}ol. http://www.princeton.edu/~hhalvors/teaching/phi538_s2004/algebras-bib.html | |
95. Hamnett PINHEY Al) Whelen Tom Wiggins Sapora Wilson see Hunt Wilson, haymaker Wilson Fanny WilsonJohn of Torbolton Wilton, washing Woods ringrose B86 Woodward, http://www.bytown.net/pinhey.htm | |
96. Olwen Ringrose At Cross Rhythms Direct Found 1 items matching Olwen ringrose RRP £11.99, Olwen ringrose BritishBand/Artist, Live At The Chapel Royal new Audio samples online, 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 http://direct.crossrhythms.co.uk/bands/Olwen Ringrose/ | |
97. Limerick Leader - November 3rd, 2001 - Sport - Soccer Roundup Abbey Rvs. Liam Kennedy, Paul O Riordan, Derek Hannon, Donal Lavery, BrianRingrose, john Hayes, Kieran O Halloran, Trevor McInerney, Thomas Hannon, http://www.limerick-leader.ie/issues/20011103/sport06.html |
98. Ìåæäóíàðîäíûé Èíôîðìàöèîííûé Öåíòð, ýëåêòð The summary for this Russian page contains characters that cannot be correctly displayed in this language/character set. http://www.miclibrary.ru/index-ea=1&ln=1&shp=1&ea=1&ln=1&shp=1&chp=showpage&pare | |
99. Missing You - UK Missing Persons : No Regional Information http://www.missing-you.net/NoInfo.php?startnum=12540 |
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