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81. 79(1) SR 105 - Enrolled Version - Bill Text richard louis Goodman. WHEREAS, The Senate of the State of Texas joins the citizens of Austin in mourning the loss of richard louis Goodman, who died May 28 http://www.capitol.state.tx.us/tlo/791/billtext/SR00105F.HTM | |
82. Wellspring Of Innovation Search Results MedicaLogic Inc, Samco, richard louis, BS 71 (Statistics), Humanities and Sciences. MedicaLogic Inc, Leavitt, Mark, PHD 76 (Electrical Eng); http://cgi.stanford.edu/~lhhill/cgi-bin/company_browse.pl?letter=m |
83. Homepage Language Redirection Biography, software, languages, tutorials, games, and links. Site available in five different languages. http://www.ljr.ch | |
84. SAA Bulletin 15(4): Louis Richard Caywood, 1906-1997 Obituary published in theSociety for American Archaeology newsletter. Work on Hudson Bay forts in the Northwest, mission sites in the Southwest, Meductic site in Canada, and Jamestown, made Caywood one of the early practitioners of North American historical archaeology. http://www.saa.org/publications/saabulletin/15-4/SAA13.html | |
85. CATHOLIC ENCYCLOPEDIA: Charles-Louis Richard Theologian and publicist. (17111794) http://www.newadvent.org/cathen/13042a.htm | |
86. Richard_Louis Biography of louis richard (17951849) louis richard was left with a physical impediment as a result of a childhood accident so he was unable to persue http://www-groups.dcs.st-and.ac.uk/~history/Mathematicians/Richard_Louis.html | |
87. ITEST BULLETIN --- SUMMER, 1997 Dr. richard J. Blackwell Department of Philosophy St. louis University. This paper was presented at the ITEST Conference on The State of the Art in March, 1980. Dr. Blackwell is well versed in the philosophy of science and has written many papers on various aspects of that field. http://itest.slu.edu/articles/90s/blackwell2.html | |
88. St. Louis Hegelians [Internet Encyclopedia Of Philosophy] Article by richard Field in the Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy, detailing the historical development and influence of this American philosophical school. http://www.utm.edu/research/iep/h/hstlouis.htm | |
89. Information Technology Case Studies Reports within Information Technologies section article First steps with XML extending HTML via XSLT http://www.ljr.ch/en/casestud.html | |
90. WQXR: Biography, abilities as organist, duties in the court of louis XIV, influence on late Baroque music, and stylistic development. From the Grove Concise Dictionary of Music entry at WQXR radio. http://www.wqxr.com/cgi-bin/iowa/cla/learning/grove.html?record=5140 |
91. Richard F. Harnacker, P.C. CPA firm based in St. louis. http://www.harnacker.com | |
92. CATHOLIC ENCYCLOPEDIA: Francis And Peter Kenrick Archbishops of Baltimore, Maryland, and of St. louis, Missouri. http://www.newadvent.org/cathen/08618a.htm | |
93. The Bonney Web Page louis and Patricia of New Forest, England. Information and photos. http://web.ukonline.co.uk/richard.bonney/ | |
94. St. Richard Parish - Home Page St. louis. Contact information, bulletin (in PDF), staff directory, Mass schedule. http://www.catholic-forum.com/churches/013strichard/ | |
95. Orthodontic Consultants Of Saint Louis - Home Page Doctors Gregory Hoeltzel, richard Nissen, and Earl Shepard provide oral care at two locations. http://www.orthostlouis.com/ |
96. Louis K. Meisel Gallery | Flash Detection Photorealism and Vintage original pinup art, and new realism. Featured artists include Robert Bechtle, Linda Bacon, Charles Bell, Chuck Close, Davis Cone, Robert Cottingham, richard Estes, Audrey Flack, Ralph Goings, and Mel Ramos. http://www.MeiselGallery.com |
97. Transformation Christian Church & World Outreach Center richard Burruss Ministries,Inc. is an inner city, multicultural ministry located in St. louis, Missouri. http://richardburrussministries.org | |
98. TIME 100: The Leakey Family Not only did louis, his wife Mary and their second son richard make the key discoveries that shaped our understanding of human origins, but they also http://www.time.com/time/time100/scientist/profile/leakey.html | |
99. Imago Mundi - Claude Richard / Louis Claude Richard. Translate this page richard (louis Claude Marie), botaniste né à Versailles le 4 septembre 1754, mort à Paris le 7 février 1821. Il était fils et petit-fils de jardiniers de http://www.cosmovisions.com/Richard.htm | |
100. Genealogy Data richard, louis Gender Male Parents. Father richard, Paul Mother LANDRY, Marine. Family. Marriage 21 FEB 1843 in louisiana Spouse http://www.geocities.com/~nancy-cyr-bush/html/dat55.htm | |
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