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41. DBLP: Richard Louis Weis SIGCSE 1993 170174. 1989. 1, richard louis Weis Software Engineering in a BS in Computer Science. CSEE 1989 304-309 http://www.informatik.uni-trier.de/~ley/db/indices/a-tree/w/Weis:Richard_Louis.h | |
42. Find A Grave Cemetery Records- Rowland Bourke Rowland richard louis Bourke. Birth, Nov. 28, 1885. Death, Aug. 29, 1958. British Victoria Cross War Medal Recipient. Served as a LieutenantCommander in http://www.findagrave.com/cgi-bin/fg.cgi?page=gr&GRid=7724004&pt=Rowland Bourke |
43. Quote.com: Insider NYSEWYE Insider activity for CARRION richard louis. Updated 04 August 2005, 207pm ET. NYSEWYE Insider Trading for CARRION richard louis. http://finance.lycos.com/qc/research/insider.aspx?datatype=Person&person=1228379 |
44. Oxford University Press: Managing The Chinese Environment: Richard Louis Edmonds Edited by richard louis Edmonds. bookshot Add to Cart richard louis Edmonds is Senior Lecturer in Geography with reference to China at the School of http://www.oup.com/us/catalog/general/subject/Politics/InternationalStudies/Inte |
45. Oxford University Press: The People's Republic Of China After 50 Years: Richard Edited by richard louis Edmonds, Senior Lecturer in Geography, School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London. Add to Cart button http://www.oup.com/us/catalog/general/subject/Politics/InternationalStudies/?vie |
46. British Library Direct: Order Details Article Title Managing the Chinese Environment, edited by richard louis Edmonds. Author Shapiro, J. Appears in China Journal canberra- 2001; ISSU 45; http://direct.bl.uk/research/50/0F/RN092200668.html | |
47. MURPHY, Richard Louis - Biographical Information MURPHY, richard louis, a Senator from Iowa; born in Dubuque, Dubuque County, Iowa, November 6, 1875; attended the public schools of Dubuque; reporter for http://bioguide.congress.gov/scripts/biodisplay.pl?index=M001103 |
48. Richard Louis Lanctot By 173d.com 173d.com is remustering the Vietnam War KIA s to their perspective unitseliminating the fragmentation of personel that occured both during and after the http://www.173d.com/memorial/lanctotrl.htm | |
49. Richard Louis Edmonds (University Of London King's College) - Curriculum Vitae ( Dr. richard louis Edmonds (b.1948, d. ), ( Prev Next ). POSITION(S) / JOB TITLE(S). Visiting Lecturer. AREAS OF EXPERTISE http://www.getcited.org/mbrz/11060991 | |
50. Korean War Educator: Memoirs - Richard Louis Carpenter The Korean War Educator is dedicated with appreciation and rememberance to the thousands of American veterans who served and fought in wartorn Korea in http://www.koreanwar-educator.org/memoirs/carpenter/ | |
51. Search DDM-Online Zimdars, richard louis. An Annotated Translation of Theodor Pfeiffer s Studien bei Hans von Bulow and Its Supplement by Jose Vianna da Motta together with a http://www.music.indiana.edu/cgi-bin/chmtl/isearchddm?DATABASE=ddm&SEARCH_TYPE=B |
52. Search DDM-Online Cann, richard louis. Speech Analysis/Synthesis for Electronic Vocal Music. Ph.D., Music, Princeton University, 1978. 191 p. DDM Code 71ekCanR; DA no. http://www.music.indiana.edu/cgi-bin/chmtl/isearchddm?DATABASE=ddm&SEARCH_TYPE=B |
53. MSU Chemistry - Individual Genealogy richard louis Bateman. This page shows the individual chemical genealogy of, and lists the students who received their graduate degrees at MSU under the http://www.chemistry.msu.edu/Genealogy/PID597.shtml | |
54. I530: Richard Louis BANKS (30 JUN 1904 - 25 JAN 1990) richard louis BANKS. S1 S121 S173 S174 Family 2 Wynell VANLANDINGHAM. MARRIAGE 26 APR 1944, San Angelo, TX. Family 3. Richard Joe BANKS http://ccwf.cc.utexas.edu/~banks/gene/D0004/I530.html | |
55. Article En Ligne, Macau, Macau In The Pearl River Delta And Beyond Source richard louis Edmonds and William John Kyle, Land Use in Macau Changes Between 1972 and 1994, Land Use Policy, Vol. 15, No. 4, 1998, pp. http://www.cefc.com.hk/uk/pc/articles/art_ligne.php?num_art_ligne=4402 |
56. Lone Star Go Local Toupal, richard louis. 7230 Briar Pl San Antonio, Texas 78221 (210) 9219191 Licensed dentist specializing in orthodontics. http://golocal.uthscsa.edu/details.cfm?Service=13279 |
57. My Family bullet richard louis Link was born on Jun 1 1941. Parents Vinal Thurston Link and Edna Krieger. He was married to Mary Anna Shaw on Jun 10 1961. http://www.matlack.com/history/d15.htm | |
58. Research MAAS, richard louis, MD Medicine Genetics Brigham and Women s Hospital Thorn Research Building, Room 1019A 20 Shattuck Street Boston, MA 02115 http://facultyresearch.bwh.harvard.edu/cgi-bin/search.cgi?id=37 |
59. HST Faculty richard louis Maas, MD, Ph.D. HST Affiliated Faculty. Professor of Medicine, HMS, BWH. Courses Taught. HST 199 Research in Health Sciences and Technology http://hst.mit.edu/servlet/ControllerServlet?handler=PeopleHandler&action=viewOn |
60. Music India OnLine - Music Listing Lyrics richard louis Movie Name Amma (2001) Music Director Keeravani MM Singer Doddanna, Lakshman, richard louis Year 2001 http://www.musicindiaonline.com/l/18/m/lyrics.1039/ | |
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