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61. East Meets West - Matteo Ricci This is the first part of what will be an ongoing series of articles exploring early contacts between the Eastern world and the Western world. matteo ricci http://www.suite101.com/article.cfm/oriental_history/90998 | |
62. The University Of Scranton - Matteo Ricci, S.J. matteo ricci, SJ Click for a larger image. The Frontispiece matteo ricci was an Italian Jesuit priest and missionary, scientist, humanist, http://matrix.scranton.edu/about/ab_matteo_ricci.shtml | |
63. EXPLORE Matteo Ricci - Dictionary Of Religious Figures matteo ricci. Article from free online dictionary of religious figures with over 2000 biographies. http://www.dictionaryofeverything.com/explore/198/Matteo_Ricci.html |
64. Ricci Library Catalog La Cartografia di matteo ricci Atti del Convegno internazionale di studi ricciani Fonti ricciane documenti originali concernenti matteo ricci e la http://riccilibrary.usfca.edu/listAuthor.aspx?authorID=51 |
65. Jonathan D. Spence, The Memory Palace Of Matteo Ricci Reviews And Prices In Biog Read reviews of Jonathan D. Spence, The Memory Palace of matteo ricci in Biographies. Compare Jonathan D. Spence, The Memory Palace of matteo ricci Book http://www.reviewcentre.com/reviews32976.html | |
66. October 6: China-bound Matteo Ricci Born matteo ricci s birth. That ia why matteo ricci was traveling disguised as a Buddhist monk. The gospel had to get to Peking and he thought he had found http://chi.gospelcom.net/DAILYF/2001/10/daily-10-06-2001.shtml | |
67. Matteo Ricci (1552-1610) matteo ricci was a renowned Catholic Missionary to China during the Ming Dynasty. He was born in Italy and attended Law School in Rome in 1568. http://www.yutopian.com/religion/missionary/Ricci.html | |
68. Tomb Of Matteo Ricci (1610) Tomb of matteo ricci (1610) matteo ricci s tomb is located two miles from the west gate of the Beijing city. The tomb is of the shape of a small hill. http://www.yutopian.com/religion/sites/TRicci.html | |
69. AllRefer.com - Matteo Ricci (Chinese And Taiwanese History, Biography) - Encyclo AllRefer.com reference and encyclopedia resource provides complete information on matteo ricci, Chinese And Taiwanese History, Biographies. http://reference.allrefer.com/encyclopedia/R/Ricci-Ma.html | |
70. Istituto Matteo Ricci Translate this page sito ottimizzato per una risoluzione 800x600. http://www.istitutomatteoricci.com/ | |
71. Istituto Matteo Ricci - News matteo ricci, in collaborazione con il Centro mondiale della poesia e della Yu San Le (Istituto matteo ricci per le relazioni con l Oriente, http://www.istitutomatteoricci.com/news.asp | |
72. Siris: Wisdom From Matteo Ricci Wisdom from matteo ricci. The Christian religion instructs us perfectly on these rules matteo ricci, True Meaning of the Lord of Heaven (Tianzhu shiyi) http://branemrys.blogspot.com/2004/10/wisdom-from-matteo-ricci.html | |
73. The Memory Palace Of Matteo Ricci (Penguin) Doi:10.1221/0140080988 The Memory Palace of matteo ricci Author(s) Spence, Jonathan D. Format Softcover DOI 10.1221/0140080988. Publisher s Catalog Page Buy the Book http://dx.doi.org/10.1221/0140080988 | |
74. The Seattle Times: School Guide Seattle Preparatory School/matteo ricci College 2400 11th Ave. E. Up to 40 12thgraders attend Seattle University through matteo ricci program. http://schoolguide.seattletimes.nwsource.com/schoolprofile.cfm?profileID=8059MCH |
75. BookCloseouts.com - The Bestseller In Bargain Books The Memory Palace of matteo ricci. Click here to enlarge the cover image In 1577, the Jesuit priest matteo ricci set out from Italy to bring Christian http://www.bookcloseouts.com/default.asp?R=0140080988B |
76. Culture Et Politique En Méditerranée: Information Et Identité Méditerranéen Translate this page matteo ricci rejoint linde Le 13 septembre 1583, les frères ricci et Ruggeri Le 11 mai 1610 matteo ricci meurt à Pékin. Pour la première fois dans http://www.babelmed.net/index.php?menu=208&cont=1387&lingua=fr |
77. The Tomb Of Matteo Ricci The tomb of the Jesuit missionary matteo ricci stands behind the French Church at 12 Maweigou matteo ricci was born in 1552 of a noble Italian family. http://www.china.org.cn/english/features/beijing/31024.htm | |
78. Discoverers Web Alphabetical List R matteo ricci (also known as Li Mateu, Italy, 1552-1610) 1583 Settles as a Joseph MacDonnell matteo ricci, SJ and his contribution to science in http://www.win.tue.nl/~engels/discovery/alpha/r.html | |
79. Matteo Ricci, The Grand Design, And The Disaster Of The 'Rites Controversy' He chose to make this historic call in the name of Father matteo ricci, the Jesuit missionary who opened the first sustained Christian mission in China in http://www.larouchepub.com/other/2001/2843m_ricci.html | |
80. CHAPTER XI THE ATTEMPT OF MATTEO RICCI TO LINK Hence, as the attitude of matteo ricci towards traditional Chinese culture is matteo ricci not only had a good command of Chinese, but also knew a great http://www.crvp.org/book/Series03/III-3/chapter_xi__the_attempt_of_matte.htm | |
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