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41. Ricci Roundtable On The History Of Christianity In China ricci, matteo ? ? ? (October 6, 1552May 11, 1610). matteo ricci was the most illustrious of the early Jesuit missionaries to China. http://ricci.rt.usfca.edu/biography/view.aspx?biographyID=1018 |
42. Ricci Roundtable On The History Of Christianity In China Author, ricci, matteo ?, 15521610 Zhu Weizheng ? Deng Zhifeng ?. Imprint, Shanghai Shi ? Fudan daxue chubanshe ?, http://ricci.rt.usfca.edu/bibliography/listAlpha.aspx?action=list&alpha=L |
43. Matteo Ricci, S.J. matteo ricci was born in Macerata, Italy and died in Peking, China. matteo ricci brought trigonometry to China, and ricci s successors, Verbiest and http://www.faculty.fairfield.edu/jmac/sj/scientists/ricci.htm | |
44. ChristianityTodayLibrary.com Searched on keyword ricci, matteo No results found. ChristianityToday.com Home CT Mag Church/Ministry Bible/Life Communities Chat http://ctlibrary.com/keyword.html?id=1557 |
45. Chinese Cultural Studies: Matteo Ricci: On Chinese Government, Selection From Hi Kishlansky Introduction matteo ricci (15521610 CE) was born into a noble Italian family. At the age of 16 he was sent to Rome to study law but became http://acc6.its.brooklyn.cuny.edu/~phalsall/texts/ric-jour.html | |
46. Personal Names - Southeast Asia In The Ming Shi-lu A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z. ricci, matteo. See Li Madou in this Index. No entries were found for ricci, matteo () . http://www.epress.nus.edu.sg/msl/person/2677 | |
47. RICCI, Matteo Translate this page ricci, matteo, Jesuit, Gründer der modernen Chinamission, * 6.10. 1552 in Macerata (Mark Ancona) als Sohn vornehmer Eltern, + 11.5. 1610 in Peking. http://www.bautz.de/bbkl/r/ricci_m.shtml | |
48. Seattle University - Matteo Ricci College Overview of academic programs and resources. Includes information about academic programs, colleges and schools, academic calendar, bulletins of information http://www.seattleu.edu/academics/mrc/ | |
49. Matteo Ricci College Enrollment Breakdown, 1991-1999 matteo ricci College Enrollment Breakdown View Breakdown by Ethnicity. View Breakdown by Class Level. matteo ricci http://www.seattleu.edu/ir/hist_data/hist_mrc.htm | |
50. Modern History Sourcebook: Hsu Kuang-chi: Memorial To Fra Matteo Ricci, 1617 Modern History Sourcebook Hsu Kuangchi Memorial to Fra matteo ricci, 1617. Su Kwangki, guardian and tutor of the sons of the Imperial house, http://www.fordham.edu/halsall/mod/1617hsukuang.html | |
51. Matteo Ricci Faculty Advisory Board Prestigious Fellowships Print View PrinterFriendly Version Back to Administration matteo ricci Faculty Advisory Board. UNDER CONSTRUCTION. Site Map http://www.fordham.edu/Academics/Academic_Resources/Prestigious_Fellowsh/Adminis | |
52. Comune Di Pesaro - Il Consiglio Comunale matteo.ricci@comune.pesaro.ps.it http://www.comune.pesaro.ps.it/consiglio/dettaglio_pers.asp?id=149 |
53. Bibliography ricci, matteo, 15521610, Li Ma-tou chuan chi = Complete works of Fr. matteo ricci, matteo, 1552-1610. Lettere dalla Cina, 1580-1610 / matteo ricci http://www.library.cornell.edu/math/bibliography/display.cgi?start=R& |
54. Fondazione Matteo Ricci: Agopuntura, Scuola Agopuntura, Corsi Agopuntura, Fondaz http://www.fondazionericci.it/flex/cm/pages/ServeBLOB.php/L/IT/IDPagina/620 | |
55. Matteo Ricci: Building The Palace Welcome to the excerpt from Spence s The Memory Palace of matteo ricci on the toLearn.net server. http://riccistreet.net/riccigreen/patron/palace.htm | |
56. Matteo Ricci Maps On Ricci Green: Patron World maps by matteo ricci. matteo ricci also used maps to explain Earth s position in the solar system. This map, from the 1993 the Library of Congress http://riccistreet.net/riccigreen/patron/mapsmr.htm | |
57. No. 1226: Ricci's Memory Palace In which matteo ricci tries to convert the Chinese by building a memory palace. Spence, JD, The Memory Palace of matteo ricci . New York Viking, 1984. http://www.uh.edu/engines/epi1226.htm | |
58. Adamo Entertainment Starring Fulvio Alentini, Marzio Angelini, Sergio Artese, matteo Bernardi, Tony Rangel, Alex Drago, Sergio Artese, Emanuele ricci, matteo Bernardi, http://hisxpress.com/adamo.html | |
59. Ricci Ancestors matteo ricci A Jesuit mathematician who learned fluent Chinese and established the first successful mission in China after others had failed and been http://www.r-3.com/ancestor.htm | |
60. Matteo Ricci's China Journals (Rexroth) matteo riccis China Journals. It is not often that a classic, previously unknown matteo ricci was of course a much greater man and occupied a much more http://www.bopsecrets.org/rexroth/essays/ricci.htm | |
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