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61. Lexikon Georg Joachim Rheticus georg joachim rheticus aus der freien Enzyklopädie http://lexikon.freenet.de/Georg_Joachim_Rheticus | |
62. Georg Joachim Rheticus Biography .ms georg joachim von Lauchen rheticus was born in 1514 at Feldkirch, Austria anddied in 1574 at Kosice, Hungary. He was a cartographer, navigational and other http://georg-joachim-rheticus.biography.ms/ | |
63. Suggested Authors: HIST 320, Renaissance Creativity 15001575), theology; rheticus, georg joachim (1514-1574), science; Risner,Friedrich (d. 1580), science; Rio, Martin de (1551-1608), theology; Sadoleto, http://www.isu.edu/~owenjack/rencr/authors.html | |
64. Nicolaus Copernicus In 1539 a young mathematician named georg joachim rheticus (15141574) from theUniversity of Wittenberg came to study with Copernicus. http://plato.stanford.edu/entries/copernicus/ | |
65. Personajes Segunda Quincena De Febrero Translate this page rheticus (georg joachim von Lauchen) (1514-76) Astrónomo y matemático nacido enFeldkirch, Austria. De los primeros en adoptar y difundir la teoría http://www.tayabeixo.org/biografias/feb_2q.htm |
66. Science And Engineering Library Nicholas Copernicus landmark work, De revolutionibus, might never have beenpublished had it not been for georg joachim rheticus. In the sixteenth century, http://www.lib.umn.edu/libdata/page.phtml?page_id=1288 |
67. NDVII Abstracts Almost all historians of astronomy know that it was georg joachim rheticus, anintrepid young mathematics professor from the University of Wittenberg, http://www.nd.edu/~histast4/ndviiinfo/abstractvii.html | |
68. NDIV Abstracts Publication of Copernicus De revolutionibus georg joachim rheticus (15321543) .This project concentrates upon the life and work of rheticus from the http://www.nd.edu/~histast4/histprog/abstractIV.html | |
69. Nicolaus Copernicus Museum In Frombork georg joachim von Lauchen (rheticus), arrives at Frombork and begins his workwith Copernicus to prepare the manuscript of De Revolutionibus for publication http://www.frombork.art.pl/Ang12.htm | |
70. NCU - Patron georg joachim van Lauchen, known as rheticus, a young professor of mathematicsand astronomy at the University of Wittenberg, who came to Frombork in 1539, http://www.umk.pl/en/university/patron/ | |
71. Nat' Academies Press, Eclipse: The Celestial Phenomenon That Changed The Course rheticus, georg joachim, 273. Rider, Barbara, 222. Rio Grande railroad, 200.Rocky Mountain News, 202, 208, 209. Roman Catholic Church, 368, 390, 393 http://www.nap.edu/openbook/030907438X/html/465.html | |
72. Nat' Academies Press, Eclipse: The Celestial Phenomenon That Changed The Course georg joachim rheticus (15141576) Because Mercury and Venus are sunward of theEarth they, like the Moon during a solar eclipse, may pass across the face http://www.nap.edu/books/030907438X/html/273.html | |
73. The Founders Of Classical Mechanics :: Nicolaus Copernicus when in 1539 georg joachim rheticus, a great mathematician at Wittenberg, Philipp Melanchthon had arranged with several astronomers for rheticus to http://about-physicists.org/copernic.html | |
74. Jesse Kraai's Homepage work is The Astrological Philosophy and Coincidences which lead to thepublication of Copernicus De Revolutionibus georg joachim rheticus (15321543). http://www.uni-bielefeld.de/iwt/gk/kollegis/kraai.htm | |
75. Virtually Missouri | Browse Digitized Collections georg joachim rheticus. Narratio Prima, 1540 Launch Website Atlas PortatilisCoelestis, Linda Hall Library of Science, Engineering Technology http://www.virtuallymissouri.org/vmdigcoll.aspx | |
76. Molecular Expressions: Science, Optics And You - Timeline - Nicolaus Copernicus A young scholar georg joachim rheticus, who lived with Copernicus for a periodbetween 1539 and 1542, was integral in moving the project forward. http://microscopy.fsu.edu/optics/timeline/people/copernicus.html | |
77. Zeitreisen Translate this page der helfen sollte, das heliozentrische Weltbild zu verbreiten georg joachimrheticus. georg joachim de Porris alias rheticus wurde am 15. http://www.wienerzeitung.at/DesktopDefault.aspx?TabID=3939&Alias=wzo&cob=194205& |
78. Lexikon Translate this page Wie der Vorarlberger georg joachim rheticus zum einzigen Schüler des DomherrenNikolaus Kopernikus So trug er sich als georg joachim rheticus in der http://www.wienerzeitung.at/Desktopdefault.aspx?TabID=3946&Alias=wzo&lexikon=Wis |
79. OSSIANDER'S PREFACE The printing of the manuscript in Nürnberg was carried out under the generalsupervision of georg joachim, known under the Latin name of rheticus, who was http://condor.stcloudstate.edu/~physcrse/astr106/ossiander.html | |
80. Spacedinoart.com - The Meeting Of Science And Faith! In his last dying moments, with withered, shaking hands, he passes on his secretmanuscript to georg joachim rheticus for safekeeping Finally, my son, http://www.spacedinoart.com/pnote0.html | |
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