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41. Winter01.html On Oct. 30, Professor Henry RR remak was awarded honorary membership in the robert Keith McMahon Michael Margaret A. Mangan Marcelle Freed Marcus http://www.indiana.edu/~complit/alumni/encompass2.html | |
42. 1845: Information From Answers.com German physician robert remak b. Posen (Poznán, Poland), July 30, 1815, d.Kissingen, Germany, August 29, 1865 corrects Karl Ernst von Baer s theories of http://www.answers.com/topic/1845 | |
43. History Of Science In The Modern Age robert remak mitosis chromosome Louis Pasteur, robert Koch, and Joseph ListerGregor Mendel, Augustinian monastery in Brno hybrid dominant and recessive http://www.ksu.edu/history/faculty/Holl/hist518lec26.htm | |
44. Biology Definitions Starting With R - Biology Dictionary 1385. remak, ernst, Number of views 6. 1386. remak, robert, Number of views 9.1387. remanent, Number of views 18. 1388. remediable, Number of views 12 http://www.biology-online.org/d/r-69.htm | |
45. PlanetMath: Krull-Schmidt Theorem In that book, it is called the Krullremak-Schmidt theorem. (See historical notebelow.) (a brief biography of robert remak) http://planetmath.org/encyclopedia/KrullRemakSchmidtTheorem.html | |
46. DOTC Period 1850 To 1899 1852, 1852, robert remak (18151865) uses the term protoplasm to designate thebodies of animal cells and describes the sequence of cell division by stages http://www.discoveryofthecell.net/1850.php |
47. DOTC Period 1550 To 1949 Karl Wilhelm von Nägeli (18171891) and robert remak (1815-1865) also 1841,1841, robert remak (1815-1865) appears to have been the first person to http://www.discoveryofthecell.net/history.php |
48. HIIM remak, Ernest Julius (18481911). remak, robert (1815-1865). RENAUT, J. RENDU,Henri-Jules-Louis (1844-1902). RENSHAW, Birdsey (1911-1948). RETT, Andreas http://www.hiim.hr/english/specpage/founders/r.html | |
49. ISHN 2000 Annual Meeting -- Abstracts It originated nearly 40 years earlier, since robert remak s 18431844 pioneerdescriptions of bundless of labile fibrils within the microscopic tubes and http://www.bri.ucla.edu/nha/ishn/ishn2000-abstracts.htm | |
50. History Of Biology: Cuvier, Schwann And Schleiden 1836 robert remak describes myelinated and unmyelinated axons. 1838 robertremak suggests that nerve fiber and nerve cell are joined. http://www.pasteur.fr/recherche/unites/REG/causeries/dates_1800.html | |
51. Jewish Encyclopedia Articles R - BibleWiki remak, ERNST JULIUS (Jewish Encyclopedia) remak, robert (Jewish Encyclopedia) REMBRANDT (REMBRANDT HARMENSZOON VAN RYN) (Jewish Encyclopedia) http://bible.tmtm.com/wiki/Jewish_Encyclopedia_Articles_R | |
52. History Of Neuroscience 1844 robert remak provides first illustration of 6-layered cortex 1982 -Bengt Ingemar Bergstrom, John robert Vane and Sune K. Bergstrom awarded Nobel http://faculty.washington.edu/chudler/hist.html | |
53. MEDINA (ARABIA) - LoveToKnow Article On MEDINA (ARABIA) By E. du BoisReymond, robert remak (1815-1865), Carlo Matteucci (1811-1868),Guillaume Duchenne (1806-1875), the value of electricity in medicine, http://47.1911encyclopedia.org/M/ME/MEDINA_ARABIA_.htm | |
54. HIST 159 | The Holocaust | Spring 2004 Joachim remak, ed., The Nazi Years A Documentary History optional roberta Katz, Pius XII Protests the Holocaust, in robert Cowley, ed., What If? http://home.gwu.edu/~msaper/HIST159-SP04.html | |
55. ACLS -- Sign In Page Jacob Henle (18091885), Rudolph Kölliker (18171905), and robert remak (18151865),physiologists Hermann Helmholtz (18211894), and Du BoisReymond http://www.annclinlabsci.org/cgi/content/full/34/3/355 | |
56. History Neuroscience Jan Evangelista Purkinje, robert remak, Wilhelm His Anatomy and physiology ofnerve cells. 20th Century. Sir Charles Scott Sherrington (18571952) http://caspar.bgsu.edu/~courses/NeuroEthology/Lectures/Lect_02HistoryNeuro.shtml | |
57. Abstracts Band 10 Der SDGGN Guillaume Benjamin Duchenne de Boulogne zu robert remak und Hugo Wilhelm unopposed Berlin neurohistologist robert remak (18151865) and Erlangen http://www.dggn.de/Abstracts_Bd10.htm | |
58. MAIN INDEX VENICE REFERENCE TO BLOCKADE OF (1859) The Stephen S. remak Papers VENONA -PUBLISHED BROCHURE REGARDING (UNDATED) robert J. Lamphere Papers http://www.library.georgetown.edu/dept/speccoll/mi/mi}1980.htm | |
59. MAIN INDEX SEWALL, CHARLES REFERENCE (1788) robert Fergusson Papers SEWARD, FREDERICK W.- CORRESPONDENCE FROM remak, STEPHEN S. (1861) The Stephen S. remak http://www.library.georgetown.edu/dept/speccoll/mi/mi}1722.htm | |
60. Dorlands Medical Dictionary remak s ganglion (Re·mak s ganglion) (ra¢mahks) robert remak, German neurologist,18151865 see under ganglion. remak s paralysis, reflex, symptom (sign) http://www.mercksource.com/pp/us/cns/cns_hl_dorlands.jspzQzpgzEzzSzppdocszSzuszS |
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