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Reidemeister Kurt: more books (21) | ||
21. Members Of The School Of Mathematics Translate this page reidemeister, kurt W. RYSER, Herbert J. SANTAL, Luis A. SEIFERT, Herbert SHERMAN,Seymour SILVERMAN, Edward TRANSUE, William R. von Laue, Max WONG, Yue Kei http://www.math.ias.edu/1940.html | |
22. Members Of The School Of Mathematics Translate this page reidemeister, kurt W. 1948-50. REIDER, Igor, 1988-90. REIMER, David, 1996-97.REINER, Irving, 1947-48, 1954-56. REINGOLD, Omer, 1999-04 http://www.math.ias.edu/rnames.html | |
23. Reviews For Reidemeister Knot Theory. kurt reidemeister This book is a 1983 translation of the 1932celebrated book by kurt reidemeister. It is subdivided into three chapters. http://www.harbornet.com/bcsassociates/rev_rei.html | |
24. Table Of Contents For Reidemeister This book is a 1983 translation of the 1932 celebrated book by kurt reidemeister.It is subdivided into three chapters. The first one is an introduction to http://www.harbornet.com/bcsassociates/toc_rei.html | |
25. Knot Theory Online - The Web Site For Learning More About Mathematical Knot Theo Finally, German mathematician kurt reidemeister (18931971) proved that all the In 1926, kurt reidemeister (ride-a-my-stir) proved that if we have http://www.freelearning.com/knots/intro.htm | |
26. Math Lessons - Kurt Reidemeister Math Lessons kurt reidemeister. kurt reidemeister. kurt Werner Friedrichreidemeister (October 13, 1893 - July 8, 1971) was a mathematician born in http://www.mathdaily.com/lessons/Kurt_Reidemeister | |
27. Kurt Heegner -- Facts, Info, And Encyclopedia Article kurt Heegner (18931965) was a (Capital of Germany located in eastern Germany)Berlin (A public kurt reidemeister EM Wright Carl Hindenburg http://www.absoluteastronomy.com/encyclopedia/k/ku/kurt_heegner.htm | |
28. Knot Theory -- Facts, Info, And Encyclopedia Article (Click link for more info and facts about kurt reidemeister) kurt reidemeister, These operations, now called the reidemeister moves, are http://www.absoluteastronomy.com/encyclopedia/k/kn/knot_theory.htm | |
29. Knot Theory Vocabulary: Reidemeister Moves kurt reidemeister was able to prove that any ambient isotopy with knots and linkscan be expressed in the terms of only three types of moves. http://library.thinkquest.org/12295/data/Vocabulary/Reidemeister_Moves.html | |
30. An Introduction To Knot Theory: The Reidemeister Moves kurt reidemeister was able to prove that any ambient isotopy can be performedwith only three types of moves. These moves became known as the reidemeister http://library.thinkquest.org/12295/data/Knots/Articles/Knots_I_1.html | |
31. Lakatos Collection Authors Q-S reidemeister, kurt, 1893 Raum und Zahl. Berlin Springer, 1957. QA9.A5 R35 LAK.Normal loan. Reilly, Francis Eagan, 1922- Charles Peirce s theory of http://library-2.lse.ac.uk/collections/lakatos/lakatos_q.htm | |
32. Kurt Reidemeister's Contributions To Knot Theory: Epistemic Configurations In Ma Abstract In 1932, the German mathematician kurt reidemeister published a littlebooklet entitled Knotentheorie . It was the first monography in a field http://www.ivh.au.dk/kollokvier/moritz_epple_27_10_99.dk.html | |
33. Knot Theory: Information From Answers.com JW Alexander and GB Briggs, and independently kurt reidemeister, demonstratedthat two These operations, now called the reidemeister moves, are http://www.answers.com/topic/knot-theory | |
34. Mathematics List Pt. 9. reidemeister, kurt. Knoten und Gruppen 723 pp. Mathematischen Seminar desHamburgischen Universitat. Band V, Helf 1/2. Teubner Leipzig 1926. http://www.significantbooks.com/mthl9.htm | |
35. Knot Theory kurt reidemeister showed in 1932 that any diagram of a knot can be turned intoany other diagram of the same knot using a kit of 3 moves called the http://f2.org/maths/kt/ | |
36. Dictionary Of The History Of Ideas kurt reidemeister (also a mathematician who called the circle s attention toLudwig Wittgenstein s Tracta tus Logico-Philosophicus), Otto Neurath (sociolo- http://etext.lib.virginia.edu/cgi-local/DHI/dhi.cgi?id=dv3-69 |
37. Motivate : Stephen's Talk In 1926 the topologist kurt reidemeister proved that two projections of the sameknot can be related by a sequence of moves, which we now call the http://motivate.maths.org/conferences/conf28/c_28_talk.shtml | |
38. Mathematische Fakultät Göttingen: Kurt Reidemeister Translate this page kurt reidemeister. reidemeister wurde am 13. Oktober 1893 in Braunschweig geboren.Er kam Anfang der zwanziger Jahre in Hamburg mit Blaschkes http://www.math.uni-goettingen.de/Personen/Bedeutende_Mathematiker/reidemeister. | |
39. GÖDEL AND THE NATURE OF MATHEMATICAL TRUTH II [7.27.05] - A Talk With Verena Hu Even at that time, mostly from stories that Pinze reidemeister told, I had adistinct impression that kurt Gödel never assimilated to American life, http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/f-news/1457348/posts | |
40. American Mathematical Monthly, The: Knots: Mathematics With A Twist At this point it is worth making a digression about the reidemeister moves.In the 1920s kurt reidemeister proved an elementary and important theorem that http://www.findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_qa3742/is_200411/ai_n9471591 | |
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