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81. .:: Mina Rees Library: Subject & Reference Guides Directories & Reviews : Direct Find mina rees Library Subject Reference Guides Directories Reviews atYour Directories For You @D5A.com along with several other Webmaster Resources http://www.d5a.com/links/detail/1282 | |
82. PSIgate - Physical Sciences Information Gateway Search/Browse Results mina Spiegel rees Born 2 Aug 1902 in Cleveland, Ohio, USA Died 25 Oct 1997 inNew York City, USA Click the picture above to see four larger pictures Show http://www.psigate.ac.uk/roads/cgi-bin/search_webcatalogue2.pl?limit=175&term1=p |
83. Autres Mathématiciennes R. DANA and PJ HILTON An Interview of mina rees, pp. Phyllis FOX mina rees,pp. 175181 in PJ CAMPBELL and LS GRINSTEIN (voir ci-dessus). http://perso.ens-lyon.fr/natacha.portier/fem/biblio/biblio-1-13.html | |
84. Research Activities 1993 mina rees Award in Mathematics and Sciences, Hunter College , CUNY. 1993 mina rees Dissertation Year Fellowship Award, Graduate School and http://phys.chem.elte.hu/turi/turikut_en.htm | |
85. Sources, Vol. 2, Projects S - T Rabinow Jacob, Jan Rajchman, Norman J. Ream, Irving S. Reed, mina rees, IdaRhodes, Rex Rice, Nathaniel Rochester, Stanley Rogers, Milton Rosenberg, http://www.ieee.org/organizations/history_center/research_guides/sources2/projec | |
86. Aktuellt Har här inte tagit med hustrur, män eller barn till syskon till mina anor Har hittat föräldrar och farföräldrar m fl till Catharina De rees gift Apiarie http://www.roslagen.com/grubb/mia/Aktuellt.htm | |
87. Book Review The Journal Of American History, 89.4 The through Mary Sears; meteorology through Florence Van Straten; computer sciencethrough Grace Murray Hopper; and applied mathematics through mina rees. http://www.historycooperative.org/journals/jah/89.4/br_112.html | |
88. MS 578 Nina Roscher Papers, 1975-ongoing (WISE) rees, mina. 1985. 54. 23. Reichmanis, Elsa. 1999. 30. 4. Research Notes. 1990.54. 24. Rhoads, Sara Jane. 1993. 54. 25. Richards, Ellen Swallow. 1994 http://www.lib.iastate.edu/spcl/manuscripts/MS578.html | |
89. Miscellaneous Items In High Demand: Subject Index rees, mina Spiegel,1902 reese, FD reese, Pee Wee,1919- Reeve,Christopher,1952-Performances. ReferendumsConnecticutNew Canaan1950-1960. http://lcweb2.loc.gov/pp/cphSubjects440.html |
90. 00649901 GSUC Web ResourcesNew sites are added daily. Because these sites are beyond the control of the MinaRees Library, it cannot be responsible for their availability or content. http://lcweb2.loc.gov/cgi-bin/query/S?pp/ils:@FILREQ(@field(SUBJ @od1(Rees, Mina |
91. CUNY GC Neuroscience PROCEDURES Consult the Dissertation Assistant of the mina rees Library can be good photocopies) in the mina rees Library of The Graduate Center, http://web.gc.cuny.edu/Neuroscience/students/level03.html | |
92. Parents Of Brides & Grooms: Q-R mina. Rink. Anna Elizabeth. Book 1. 73. Rink. Christ. rees. mina. Rink. Katie.Book 1. 30. Rink. Christ. rees. mina. Rink. Minnie http://www.rootsweb.com/~ilkendal/VitalRecords/Parents/ParentsQ-R.htm | |
93. Bartlett's Rutland rees,MILDRED IDA, DAU BEN IDA 18951942, BL.RIVER N. reesE,CORA, NO DATES,FELTS MILS reesE,LORNA F. DAU FRED mina 1886-1887, FELTS MILS http://www.rootsweb.com/~nyjeffer/barrur.htm |
94. Project MUSE mina rees served as technical aide to the Applied Mathematics Panel of the NationalDefense Research Committee. Herself a mathematician, she participated in http://muse.jhu.edu/journals/technology_and_culture/v044/44.2vining.html | |
95. "Blodssystrar" Av Celia Rees - Dagensbok.com Celia rees är en påläst författare. Det fungerar bra i Häxa , spets deunga hjältarna har en hel del gemensamt med mina och Jonathan Harker och det http://www.dagensbok.com/index.asp?id=1682 |
96. The Computing Program Of The Office Of Naval Research, 1946-1953 mina rees was invited to be its head. The program she and her associatesplanned provided for the support of research in pure and applied mathematics, http://portal.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=30408.30415 |
97. Information Technology Computer Classrooms mina rees Library, Concourse Level. C415A. 29 Student Machines. mina rees Library,Concourse Level. C415B. 29 Student Machines. mina rees Library, Concourse http://inside.gc.cuny.edu/informationresources/gcir_computer_classrooms.htm | |
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