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21. The Mathematics Genealogy Project - Update Data For Mina Rees If you have Mathematics Subject Classifications to submit for an entire group ofindividuals (for instance all those that worked under a particular advisor) http://www.genealogy.math.ndsu.nodak.edu/html/php/submit-update.php?id=6161 |
22. American Mathematical Monthly, The: Mina Rees And The Funding Of The Mathematica Full text of the article, mina rees and the funding of the mathematical sciences from American Mathematical Monthly, The, a publication in the field of http://www.findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_qa3742/is_200212/ai_n9150715 | |
23. Lemelson Center Archives Computer Oral History Collection 5, rees, mina (Tape 1) Transcript, 3/19/69. 6, rees, mina (Tape 2) Transcript,9/14/72. 7, rees, mina (Tape 3) Transcript, 10/20/72. 8, Rhodes, Ida http://invention.smithsonian.org/resources/fa_comporalhist_list_001.aspx | |
24. Lemelson Center Archives Computer Oral History Collection 106, rees, mina, 3/16/69 (7 ). Rhodes, Ida, 3/21/73. Rice, Rex, 10/10/72 rees, mina, 3/19/69. rees, mina, 9/14/72. rees, mina, 10/20/72 http://invention.smithsonian.org/resources/fa_comporalhist_list_005.aspx | |
25. Mina Rees Library, Graduate Center, City University Of New York Welcome to the mina rees Library, Graduate Center, City University of New YorkDissertation/Thesis Submission Site. This submission process is intended for http://dissertations.umi.com/minarees/ | |
26. Mina Rees Library, Graduate Center, City University Of New York mina rees Library, Graduate Center, City University of New York Dissertation/ThesisSubmission Site. Log out My Account, poweredbybepress http://dissertations.umi.com/minarees/resources.html | |
27. Women In Computers mina rees was born on August 2, 1902 in Cleveland, Ohio. Ms. rees earned her BAfrom Hunter College in 1923 and her MA from Columbia University in 1925. http://laika.ed.csuohio.edu/fall98/edb567/Women_in_computers/MinaRees.htm | |
28. DBLP: Mina Rees 1987. 1, mina rees The Computing Program of the Office of Naval Research, 19461953.Commun. ACM 30(10) 830-848 (1987). DBLP Home Search Author, http://www.informatik.uni-trier.de/~ley/db/indices/a-tree/r/Rees:Mina.html | |
29. Author-Index rees, Kearton rees, MD rees, MJ rees, Michael rees, Michael J. rees,mina rees, N. rees, NW rees, Owen rees, Philip rees, RC rees, http://www.informatik.uni-trier.de/~ley/db/indices/a-tree/A2488.html | |
30. Mina Rees Translate this page mina rees gehört zu den US-Mathematikerinnen, die durch ihren Arbeitsplatz währenddes 2. mina rees wurde am 2. August 1902 in Cleveland, Ohio, geboren, http://www.frauen-informatik-geschichte.de/web/index.php?id=64 |
31. Forschungsförderung Translate this page Ein maßgebliche Rolle in diesem Zusammenhang spielte die Mathematikerin mina rees.Als technische Mitarbeiterin und geschäftsführende Assistentin des http://www.frauen-informatik-geschichte.de/web/index.php?id=79 |
32. Biography-center - Letter R rees, mina wwwhistory.mcs.st-and.ac.uk/~history /Mathematicians/rees.html;rees, mina www.agnesscott.edu/lriddle/women/rees.htm; Reeves, Keanu http://www.biography-center.com/r.html | |
33. 2be Irish Directory: The Mina Rees Library - Ireland - Information On Irish Trav Ireland Information Directory of Irish websites with free email, live chat,discussions, pen pal finder and information about Ireland. http://www.2beirish.com/2be/directory/category/319/site/395/ | |
34. 2be Irish Directory: Irish Studies - Ireland - Information On Irish Travel And T The mina rees Library The mina rees Library New York online resource library withover 6000 links. http//library.gc.cuny.edu/research/irish.asp, MORE http://www.2beirish.com/2be/directory/category/319/ | |
35. The University Of Chicago Alumni Association rees, Albert E., AM47, PhD50 rees, mina S., PhD31 (1971) Reinert, Msgr.Paul C., SJ, PhD44 (1958) Ribicoff, Abraham A., SB33 (1961) http://www.alumni.uchicago.edu/awards-winners.html | |
36. AIP International Catalog Of Sources rees, mina Spiegel, 1902. Thompson, Philip Duncan. Veblen, Oswald, 1880-1960.Von Neumann, John, 1903-1957. Ware, Willis H. Wigner, Eugene Paul, 1902- http://www.aip.org/history/catalog/25312.html | |
37. Wars Change Lives Of mina rees, it used to be said that if you had a contract from the mina reesbecame head of the mathematics branch at ONR, and Grace Hopper went from http://www.siam.org/siamnews/03-02/wars.htm | |
38. SIAM: The Author And Her Subject: Kathleen Broome Williams On Grace Murray Hoppe The same could be said even more fittingly of mina rees, who really made nomathematical contributions but did make great contributions to the support and http://www.siam.org/news/news.php?id=57 |
39. Biographies Of Computer Pioneers K-Z rees, mina Spiegel ; (1902 ); Ridenour, Louis; (1911-59); Ritchie, DennisM.; (1941) developed with Kernigan Unix en C (2) - developed the UNIX computer http://www.thocp.net/biographies/biographies2.htm | |
40. A Guide To The Mathematical Association Of America. History Of American Mathemat Lewis, Albert C. Price, G. Baley (Griffith Baley), 1905. rees, mina. Reingold,Nathan, 1927-. Rosser, J. Barkley (John Barkley), 1907- http://www.lib.utexas.edu/taro/utcah/00210/cah-00210.html | |
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