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81. @BOOK{MOST1, AUTHOR={Andrzej Mostowski}, TITLE={Constructible Academic Press}, YEAR = {1966}, VOLUME = {I}, ADDRESS = {Warsaw, New York andLondon}} @BOOK{rasiowaSIKOR, AUTHOR = {rasiowa, helena and Sikorski, http://merak.pb.bialystok.pl/mizardoc/external.bib |
82. @MISC{LATTICE3.MIZ, AUTHOR = {Bancerek, Grzegorz}, TITLE @BOOK{rasiowaSIKOR, AUTHOR = {rasiowa, helena and Sikorski, Roman}, TITLE = {TheMathematics of Metamathematics}, PUBLISHER = {PWN}, YEAR = {1968}, http://merak.pb.bialystok.pl/mizarbib/lattice3.bib |
83. Hiroakira Ono Algebraic semantics for predicate logics and their completeness, Logic at work;Essays dedicated to the memory of helena rasiowa, ( to appear ). http://www.jaist.ac.jp/is/labs/ono-ishihara-lab/members/ono.html | |
84. Philosophenlexikon R Translate this page Die polnische Logikerin und Mathematikerin helena rasiowa wurde am 20. Juni 1917in Wien geboren 1938 ging helena rasiowa an die Warschauer Universität. http://www.susannealbers.de/PhilosophenlexikonR.html | |
85. KortelÄs Translate this page 57 rasiowa, helena. An algebraic approach to non-classical logics. 58 rasiowa,helenaand Sikorski»Roman The^mathematics of metamathematics2-d ed http://vaizdai.lnb.lt/Uzs/Korteles.asp?skirtukas=Rasch |
86. Frank Wolter Logic at Work, Essays in honour of helena rasiowa, editor E. Orlowska,SpringerVerlag, 1998, 168 186. F. Wolter On Logics with Coimplication, http://www.csc.liv.ac.uk/~frank/publ/publ.html | |
87. Polibuda.info Wstep do atematyki wspólczesnej helena rasiowa, 20,00, Tomek, 37. Algebra dlastudentów J.Kulkowski I. Nabialek, 25,00, Tomek, 37 http://www.polibuda.info/kiermasz.php | |
88. Polibuda.info Wstep do atematyki wspólczesnej helena rasiowa, 20,00, Tomek, 40. Algebra dlastudentów J.Kulkowski I. Nabialek, 25,00, Tomek, 40 http://www.polibuda.info/kiermasz.php?id_typu=1 |
89. KGS: Publications by Joachim Hilgert, John C. Simms, Thomas Jech, Erwin Engeler, Eckehart Köhler,helena rasiowa, Hao Wang, Ulrich Felgner, Robert F. Tichy, ARD Mathias. http://kgs.logic.at/index.php?id=9 |
90. JANCL Summaries List Special Issue dedicate to the memory of helena rasiowa Obituary helenarasiowa On an Automated Translation of Modal Proof Rules into Formulas of the http://www.irit.fr/ACTIVITES/EQ_ALG/Jancl/Abstracts/Volumes_1_to_10/sommaire_glo |
91. Oferta De Disciplinas Do Mestrado Em Sistemas E Computação Translate this page rasiowa, helena. An Algebraic Approach to Non-Classical Logics. Ed. North HollandPub. Company, 1974 Ítem 6. Lawvere, FW et al Conceptual Mathematics. http://www.ppgsc.ufrn.br/oferta041.html |
92. Helena Lepp Koski - ResearchIndex Document Query BetaReduction As Unification - Kfoury (1996) (Correct) (5 citations) Dedicatedto the memory of Professor helena rasiowa Abstract. http://citeseer.ist.psu.edu/cis?q=Helena Leppäkoski |
93. B @techreport{BM91, Author = {Y. Bargury And J. Makowsky}, Title AP and Taitslin, MA}, title = {On problems of databases over a fixed infiniteuniverse}, note = {To appear}, booktitle = {helena rasiowa in memoriam}, http://www-mgi.informatik.rwth-aachen.de/FMT/BibTeXDB/B.bib |
94. Studia Informatyczne Na Uniwersytecie Wroc³awskim: Przedmioty Obowi±zkowe helena rasiowa, Wstep do matematyki wspólczesnej, PWN, Warszawa 1990. Jerzy Tiuryn,Wstep do teorii mnogosci i logiki, Skrypt Uniw. Warszawskiego, 1994. http://www.ii.uni.wroc.pl/program/obowiazkowe04.html | |
95. Publications By Maarten Marx Modal logic of relations Yde Venema Maarten Marx In Logic At Work, MemorialVolume for helena rasiowa. Mosaics and stepby-step. http://turing.wins.uva.nl/~marx/papers.html |
96. Modjeska, Or Modrzejewska, Helena -- Britannica Student Encyclopedia Modjeska, or Modrzejewska, helena (18401909). After establishing a successfulcareer in Poland, actress helena Modjeska moved to the United States and http://www.britannica.com/ebi/article-9330293 | |
97. Stays Abroad Lecturer at the Symposium on LOGIC, ALGEBRA and COMPUTER SCIENCE in memoriam ofHelena rasiowa, December 6December 20 http://www.in.tu-clausthal.de/~dix/act_staysabroad.php | |
98. Philosophinnen Und Logikerinnen Sloniewska, Halina Sophie Charlotte von Preußen Sosipatra http://www.philosophenlexikon.de/women.htm | |
99. SUB - Reine Mathematik, Neuerwerbungsliste 4. Quartal 1999 http://www.sub.uni-goettingen.de/cgi-bin/vlib/gauss_order.cgi?db=neu_107/i1.htm |
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