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21. Newton's Method - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia In 1690, joseph raphson published a simplified description in Analysis raphson again viewed Newton s method purely as an algebraic method and restricted http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Newton's_method | |
22. Timeline Of Algorithms - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia 1671 Newton-raphson method developed by Isaac Newton 1690 - Newton-raphsonmethod independently developed by joseph raphson 1805 - Cooley-Tukey http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Timeline_of_algorithms | |
23. Dictionary Of Eighteenth-Century British Philosophers Ramsay, Andrew wrote on metaphysics and religion raphson, joseph - Cambridgescholar and Newtonian Rees, Abraham - dissenting minister and teacher http://www.thoemmes.com/dictionaries/18entries.htm | |
24. Entries raphson, joseph (d 1713) , mathematician, Newtonian, wrote on Space RAY,John (16271705), major naturalist natural theologian http://www.thoemmes.com/dictionaries/17entries.htm | |
25. SIREV Volume 37 Issue 4 Keywords. nonlinear equations, iteration, Newtonraphson method, Isaac Newton,joseph raphson, Thomas Simpson. AMS(MOS) Subject Classifications. http://locus.siam.org/SIREV/volume-37/art_1037125.html | |
26. Math Forum - Ask Dr. Math Sometimes it is called the Newtonraphson method. Apparently Newton devised itfirst, about 1671, but it was published first by joseph raphson in 1691. http://mathforum.org/library/drmath/view/52255.html | |
27. Math Forum Discussions Rather remarkably joseph raphson was made a member of the Royal Society in 1691,the year before he graduated. His election to that Society http://mathforum.org/kb/thread.jspa?threadID=970816&messageID=3226509 |
28. History Of Astronomy: Persons (R) raphson, joseph (16481715). Short biography and references (MacTutor Hist. Math.)Rasch, Johann (ca.1540-1615). Very short biography (Or see German http://www.astro.uni-bonn.de/~pbrosche/persons/pers_r.html | |
29. History Of Astronomy: Index Of Persons Baldwin, joseph Mason (18781945); Ball, Leo Anton Carl de (1853-1916); Ball, Rankine, William John Macquorn (1820-1872); raphson, joseph (1648-1715) http://www.astro.uni-bonn.de/~pbrosche/persons/pers-index.html | |
30. Newton's Method A few years later, in 1690, a new step was made by joseph raphson (16781715)who proposed a method which avoided the substitutions in Newton s approach. http://deadline.3x.ro/Newton's method.html | |
31. Collections: Columbia Rare Book & Manuscript Library among the Newton holdings are several volumes from his library, including avolume of mathematical works by joseph raphson, Giovanni Cassini and others, http://www.columbia.edu/acis/textarchive/rare/rare12.html | |
32. Contributor raphson, joseph (16481715), Suttle, Gary, final, 370, green religion. Rappaport,Roy A. ( Skip ) (1926-1997), Glazier, Stephen, final, 1703, Science, http://www.religionandnature.com/encyclopedia/entries/all_entries.asp |
33. Origins Of Some Arithmetic Terms was carried out by joseph raphson in The Theory of Fluxions, Shewing in acompedious manner The first Rise of, and various Improvements made in that http://www.pballew.net/arithme1.html | |
34. Timeline Of Algorithms -- Facts, Info, And Encyclopedia Article 1690 (Click link for more info and facts about Newton-raphson method) Newton-raphsonmethod independently developed by joseph raphson http://www.absoluteastronomy.com/encyclopedia/t/ti/timeline_of_algorithms.htm | |
35. Electric Perspectives: Getting To Real-time Load-flow In the 17th and 18th centuries, neither joseph raphson nor Isaac Newton couldimagine an industry dedicated to the generation of electricity, let alone that http://www.findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_qa3650/is_200301/ai_n9168698 | |
36. NA Digest Monday, June 8, 1992 Volume 92 : Issue 23 joseph raphson FRS (16481715) published a variant of Newton s method in AnalysisAequationum universalis (1690). (I have not seen this work; the http://www.netlib.org/na-digest-html/92/v92n23.html | |
37. Subject NA Digest, V. 92, 23 NA Digest Monday, June 8, 1992 joseph raphson FRS (16481715) published a variant of Newton s method in AnalysisAequationum universalis (1690). (I have not seen this work; http://www.netlib.org/na-digest/92/v92n23 | |
38. Newton Manuscript Project Guide To Records - Bibliography BP Copenhaver, Jewish theologies of space in the scientific revolution HenryMore, joseph raphson, Isaac Newton and their predecessors , Annals of Science http://www.newtonproject.ic.ac.uk/catbiblio.htm | |
39. ISAA C NEW TO N - A SELEC T B IBLIOGRAPHY Dr Robert A. Hatch raphson, joseph. History of Fluxions. London, 1718. Rattansi, PM Newton salchemical studies. In AG Debus ed., Science, Medicine and Society. 2 vols. http://web.clas.ufl.edu/users/rhatch/pages/01-Courses/current-courses/03-t3newto | |
40. Works. (from Fourier, Joseph, Baron) -- Encyclopædia Britannica (from Fourier, joseph, Baron) e Oeuvres de Fourier, /e 2 vol. Includes abibliography. joseph raphson University of St.Andrews http://www.britannica.com/eb/article-2398 | |
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