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Ramsden Jesse: more detail | ||||||
81. The Ordnance Survey : Royal Observatory : Past Exhibitions : What's On : Nationa It was built by the London instrument maker jesse ramsden and the base measures3ft (910 mm) in diameter. To carry out observations at Greenwich, http://www.nmm.ac.uk/server/show/conWebDoc.716/setPaginate/No | |
82. - Port Cities This telescope is made by jesse ramsden with optics by John Dollond andinscribed Fait par ramsden pour Dollond, London. It is a 3.5ft (106 cm) transit http://www.portcities.org.uk/london/server/change/storyInPictures/contentType/Co | |
83. Historical Telescopes In The Netherlands Portable equatorial telescope by jesse ramsden. Achromatic refractors byDollond, jesse ramsden, Herbage, Jan Harmanus van Deijl, Lerebours Secrétan http://www.phys.uu.nl/~vgent/telescope/telescopenl.htm | |
84. WebGED: Noyes Family Data Page We find her on her son jesse s marriage record. Nehemiah Lee Quimby. ramsden,Joseph (*1622 ) - male spouse Eaton, Rachel (~1625 - ) http://noyes.rootsweb.com/wga137.html | |
85. The History Of The Sextant finest 18th century instrument maker was the Englishman jesse ramsden. Heres a small brass sextant that ramsden made shortly before his death in http://www.mat.uc.pt/~helios/Mestre/Novemb00/H61iflan.htm | |
86. MUSEO DELL OSSERVATORIO ASTRONOMICO jesse ramsden, il più abilecostruttore di strumenti della seconda metà del XVIII secolo, costituisce un http://www.guidastudentepalermo.net/musei/astrono/ | |
87. Malcolm Bull's Calderdale Companion : R Brother of Henry ramsden. He died at York. ramsden, jesse 17351800 Scientificinstrument maker and inventor, and maker of the first effective http://members.aol.com/calderdale2/r.html | |
88. 1361-1362 (Uppslagsbok För Alla) ramsden, jesse, eng. optiker, f. 1735, d. 1800. Uppf. delningsmaskinen mm Ramses,egypt. kgr. 1) R. II, gr. Sesostris, 1388/22 f. K, eröfr. http://runeberg.org/uppsalla/0683.html | |
89. Oct_1q Translate this page jesse ramsden (1735-1800) Óptico inglés. Precursor en el diseño de instrumentosde precisión. Perfeccionó un modelo de oculares para telescopios que lleva http://www.tayabeixo.org/biografias/oct_1q/oct_1q.htm |
90. Jesse Ramsden Université Montpellier II Translate this page jesse ramsden (1735-1800). Cette image et la biographie complète en anglaisrésident sur le site de luniversité de St Andrews Écosse http://ens.math.univ-montp2.fr/SPIP/article.php3?id_article=1701 |
91. Ramsden, J. Translate this page ramsden, jesse. 6 de octubre de 1735 (Halifax, Inglaterra) - 5 de noviembre de1800 (Brighton, Inglaterra). Matemáticas, óptica, física. Foto ramsden http://www.mec.es/mnct/hispano/fichas/productor/ramsden.htm | |
92. Liceo Foscarini - Museo Virtuale Di Fisica: Macchina Elettrica Di Ramsden Translate this page Macchina elettrica di ramsden, Malfi, © S 1994 Il culmine dei vari dal modelloinventato verso il 1770 da jesse ramsden (1735 - 1800) che venne http://www.liceofoscarini.it/fisica94/ramsden.html | |
93. Project MUSE of a New Construction ofEyeGlasses for Such Telescopes as May be Applied to Mathematical Instruments......ramsden, jesse and Joseph Banks. 1783. A http://muse.jhu.edu/journals/perspectives_on_science/v010/10.4schickore.html | |
94. Ramsden Okulár jesse ramsden alakította ki az okulárok ezen típusát 1782ben. Szintén kétsíkdomború lencsét tartalmaz, de itt a két lencse fókusztávolsága egyenlo, http://www.macsbk.hu/tavcso/okularok/ramsden.html | |
95. L'EVOLUZIONE DEL TELESCOPIO A RIFLESSIONE Translate this page 9 Sestante di Hadley, costruito da jesse ramsden, conservato presso il Museo Circa nello stesso periodo in Inghilterra operava anche jesse ramsden, http://www.orsapa.it/saggi/evtele.htm | |
96. [Dingler: Über Die Geschichte] Translate this page Cassini selbst stand mit jesse ramsden (1735-1800), dem großen englischenInstrumentenbauer in Verbindung, hat ihn auch 1787 besucht und die Zusage von ihm http://www.infosoftware.de/DinglerII.html | |
97. Technology/ Engineering Translate this page ramsden, jesse. Rankine, William John Macquorn. Rateau, Auguste Camille Edmond.Réaumur, René-Antoine Ferchault de. Redtenbacher, Ferdinand Jakob http://www.indiana.edu/~newdsb/tech.html | |
98. Ciência Em Portugal - Episódios Translate this page Depois de tentativas, feitas por outros, jesse ramsden (1731-1800), entre 1768e 1773, concebeu e desenvolveu a máquina de dividir escalas circulares (Fig http://www.instituto-camoes.pt/cvc/ciencia/e20.html | |
99. Latitude Longitude Translate this page Depois de tentativas, feitas por outros, jesse ramsden (1731-1800), entre 1768e 1773, Fig.2-Maquina de dividir circular inventada por jesse ramsden. http://www.cienciaviva.pt/latlong/anterior/nonio1.asp | |
100. Jesse -- Encyclopædia Britannica jesse in the Old Testament, the father of King David. jesse was the son of Ohed,and the grandson of Boaz and Ruth. He was a farmer and sheep breeder in http://www.britannica.com/eb/article-9043574 | |
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