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21. Some Symbolical Soup The obelus was first used by johann rahn (16221676) in 1659 in Teutsche Algebra.According to recent research, John Pell, who edited rahn s algebra, http://www.geocities.com/CollegePark/Field/7896/symbols.html | |
22. Johann Gottlieb Fichte johann Gottlieb Fichte. johann Gottlieb Fichte Born 19May-1762 It had beenarranged that he should return to Zürich and be married to johanna rahn, http://www.nndb.com/people/162/000093880/ | |
23. GroomRA rahn, Frank J. 1916 Sep 15. Ericksen, Ella K. rahn, johann Carl Friedrich.1896 Oct 3. Petersen, Dorothea Paulina Nissen. rahn, johann Carl Friedrich http://www.qcmemory.org/Genealogy/MarrCert/GroomRA.htm | |
24. The Science Bookstore - Chronology 1621 AD. Francois, Rene, Baron de Born 7/7/1622, 1622 AD. Viviani, VincenzoBorn 4/5/1622 Died 9/22/1703, 1622 AD. rahn, johann H. Born 3/10/1622 http://www.thesciencebookstore.com/chron.asp?searchstring=Math |
25. Lunenburg Passenger Lists rahn, George Philip, 20, Isenbourg, Joiner. rahn, johann Laurence, 30, Isenbourg,Joiner. Rehn, Hendrick, 40, Palatinate, Farmer http://www.rootsweb.com/~canns/lunenburg/shiplist1.html | |
26. Passenger Lists For Ships Carrying The Foreign Protestants To Translate this page Anthony 17 Wurtemberg Baker Pernette, Unknown 25 Alsace Officer rahn, GeorgePhilip 20 Isenbourg Joiner rahn, johann Laurence 30 Isenbourg Joiner Rehn, http://www.rootsweb.com/~canwgw/archives/ns/lunenburg/ships/shiplist1.txt | |
27. "Meyer" Bei ZVAB - Verzeichnis Antiquarischer Bücher (antiquarische Bücher Onl Translate this page johannes Meyer Frontispiz zu johann Heinrich rahn Eidtgenößische Geschicht-Beschreibung1690 17. Gründungsnotiz Collegium Insulanum 1679 18. http://www.zvab.com/angebote/meyer.html | |
28. Articles: Signs For Sums The symbol for division, ÷, was first used by johann rahn in Teutsche Algebra in1659, though it may be that John Pell, who edited rahns book, could really http://www.worldwidewords.org/articles/signs.htm | |
29. GODLIKE: Der Flieger: The First Of His Kind In 1923, rahn s father, johann rahn, a veteran of the war and later a NationalSocialist, was killed during the failed Beer Hall Putsch masterminded by http://www.arcdream.com/godlike/derflieger.shtml | |
30. Genealogy Data rahn, Janeen LeAnn Gender Female Family Schwanke, johann Birth 4 APR 1816Gender Male Parents. Father Schwanke, johann http://www.oelke.com/data/dat32.htm | |
31. March 1 - Today In Science History The obelus was first used by johann rahn (16221676) in 1659 in Teutsche Algebra.rahns book was interpreted into English and published, with additions http://www.todayinsci.com/3/3_01.htm | |
32. Names Of Mennonite Petitioners In 1868 johann Hofbesitzer 244 Orloff rahn, J. - Kaufmann 238 Neukirch Regehr, Joh.- Hofbesitzer 238 Neukirch Regehr, johann - Hofbesitzer 238 Neukirch http://users.foxvalley.net/~goertz/pet1868.html | |
33. Immigrant Ancestor Postings Index, R - Palatines To America rahn, johann Georg St. Andrew 26 SEP 1737 Philadelphia,PA RAHRIG, John Peterunknown bef 1837 New York, NY? RAINMANN/REINMANN/REIMAN/RYMAN William P. http://palam.org/idx_r.htm | |
34. Earliest Uses Of Symbols Of Operation The asterisk (*) was used by johann rahn (16221676) in 1659 in Teutsche Algebra The obelus (÷) was first used as a division symbol by johann rahn (or http://members.aol.com/jeff570/operation.html | |
35. Earliest Uses Of Symbols Of Set Theory And Logic symbol ( consisting of three dots )was first published in 1659 in the originalGerman edition of Teusche Algebra by johann rahn (16221676) (Cajori vol. http://members.aol.com/jeff570/set.html | |
36. Upper Lester Cemetery, Douglas County, IL rahn, Hans b. Dec 2, 1830 d. May 30, 1907. rahn, johann P. - Gestorben _1884 - 1y 6m - sohn von johann und Maria rahn . rahn, Magretha - b. 1837 d. http://www.iltrails.org/douglas/uplestercem.html | |
37. Earliest Uses Of Symbols Of Operation And Grouping The asterisk (*) was used by johann rahn (16221676) in 1659 in TeutscheAlgebra (Cajori vol. 1, page 211). By juxtaposition. In a manuscript found buried http://www.veling.nl/anne/templars/operation.html | |
38. Henry Oldenburg FRS Henry Oldenburg FRS An Unpublished Letter From An unpublished letter from Henry Oldenburg to johann Heinrich rahn The Swissmathematician johann Heinrich rahn studied under John Pell in Zurich in the http://www.pubs.royalsoc.ac.uk/notes_content/abstracts/malcolm.html | |
39. NGZ Neujahrsblatt 1947 rahn-Escher, David (1769-1848); rahn-vonOrelli, johann Heinrich (1749-1812); Rikli, Martin (1868 1946); Ritter, http://www.ngzh.ch/Neuj1947.html | |
40. Genealogy Family Group Sheets - Surnames - Ra rahn, Wilhelm johann married Auguste Wilhelmine Henriette Albertine K., 8children from 1851 to 1865 Rahring Rahring, Henry - born 1842, married johanna http://www.washcowis.com/grps0035.html | |
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