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41. At: Postdoc (3+3 Y; Doctorate Math Or Rel; Backgrnd PDE's Or Variational Problem AT THE johann radon INSTITUTE FOR COMPUTATIONAL AND APPLIED MATHEMATICS (RICAM) OF THE AUSTRIAN ACADEMY OF SCIENCES, AUSTRIA http://www.math-jobs.com/0269.html | |
42. At: PhD Position (3 Y; Specialization Diploma/master Thesis In One Of Numerics O or inverse problems desirable; project Approximation of optimal control problems governed by PDE s) / johannradon-Institut (RICAM); Linz http://www.math-jobs.com/0287.html | |
43. Campus Event Calendar: Alfred K. Louis (11/16/2001 In 27 - Hörsaal Gebäude Von johann radon zur Computertomographie . Speaker. Alfred K. Louis. From. Saarbruecken. If other. Event Type. Ringvorlesung Geschichte der Mathematik http://domino.mpi-sb.mpg.de/internet/events.nsf/0/5b63850925df8273c1256af40032bc |
44. Arizona Math Awareness Week 1998 In 1917, a mathematician named johann radon worked out the mathematics of reconstructing a function from a set of projections. http://math.arizona.edu/~maw1998/catscan/page2.html | |
45. Biography-center - Letter R radon, johann wwwhis tory.mcs.st-and.ac.uk/~history/Mathematicians/radon.html www.agnesscott.ed u/lriddle/women/ragsdale.htm; Rah n, johann http://www.biography-center.com/r.html | |
46. Bibliography radon, johann, 18871956, Gesammelte Abhandlungen / herausgegeben von der Osterreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften unter Mitwirkung von Peter Manfred http://www.library.cornell.edu/math/bibliography/display.cgi?start=R& |
47. Johann Schein - Encyclopedia Article About Johann Schein. Information about johann Schein in Free online English dictionary and encyclopedia. johann Philipp von Stadion johann radon johann Reinhold Forster http://encyclopedia.thefreedictionary.com/Johann Schein | |
48. FBP News and Symbolic Scientific Computing at the johannes Kepler University, and the johann radon Institute for Computational and Applied Mathematics. http://fbpnews.org/ | |
49. Vol_MI-5_no_4" A Tribute to johann radon; H. Hornich p. 169. PAPERS. On the Determination of Functions From Their Integral Values Along Certain Manifolds; J. radon p. 170 http://www.ieee-tmi.org/TMI/Journal_Contents/Published_Issues/vol_05_no_4.html | |
50. Spezialforschungsbereich SFB F013 The johann radon Institute for Computational and Applied Mathematics RICAM (Linz, Austria) hosts a Special Semester on Computational Mechanics from http://www.sfb013.uni-linz.ac.at/main.html | |
51. Web Server Of HYKE /event.php Numerical and Symbolic Scientific Computing at the johannes Kepler University, and the johann radon Institute for Computational and Applied Mathematics. http://hyke.org/event.php | |
52. WIAS - Guests Pereverzev, Sergei V. johann radon Institute for Computational and Applied Mathematics, Austrian Academy of Sciences Guest of FG6 May 1 31, 2005 http://www.wias-berlin.de/main/about/guests/index.cgi.en | |
53. WIAS - Gäste johann radon Institute for Computational and Applied Mathematics, Austrian Academy of Sciences Gast der FG6 1. 31. http://www.wias-berlin.de/main/about/guests/index.cgi.de | |
54. IPNet Digest Volume 12, Number 04 April 2, 2005 Today S Editor 8 Mar 2005 The johann radon Institute for Computational and Applied Wide Web http//www.indmath.unilinz.ac.at/ and johann radon Institute for http://www.mth.msu.edu/ipnet/ipnet_archive/digests/Digest_v12n04 | |
55. IPNet Digest Volume 12, Number 01 January 3, 2005 Today S Editor and the johann radon Institute for Computational and Applied Mathematics. Wide Web http//www.indmath.unilinz.ac.at/ and johann radon Institute http://www.mth.msu.edu/ipnet/ipnet_archive/digests/Digest_v12n01 | |
56. European Science Bytes -- Staff, 2003-01-17, EUROPE -- Science's Next Wave The johann radon Institute for Computational and Applied Mathematics has opened The johann radon Institute will focus on basic research in the field of http://nextwave.sciencemag.org/cgi/content/full/2003/01/16/3 | |
57. Sydney University Algebra Seminar In 1921 the Austrian mathematician johann radon published(as a lemma), an innocentsounding result Any set of d+2 points in d-space can be split in two http://www.maths.usyd.edu.au/u/AlgebraSeminar/00abstracts/tverberg.html | |
58. Thesis: A Novel Approach To Spectral MRI Senior Thesis Tiffany A. Fetzner The inverse radon transform, (IRT) is named after johann radon, in honor of his 1917 paper entitled, On the Determination of Functions From Their Integrals http://www.cis.rit.edu/research/thesis/bs/1998/fetzner/Thesis_TF_thesis.html | |
59. Mehr Zu "Johann_Radon" Bei Metando Translate this page johann radon promovierte 1910 an der Universität Wien zum Doktor der Philosophie. johann radon Institute for Computational and Applied Mathematics . http://www.metando.de/search_Johann_Radon_0.html | |
60. Mathematics IV, Uppsala University The radon transformation, introduced by johann radon in 1917, provides the mathematical foundation for computerized tomography (CT). http://www.math.uu.se/research/iv/ | |
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