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         Rado Richard:     more detail
  1. Studies in Pure Mathematics. Papers in Combinatorial Theory, Analysis, Geometry, Algebra, and the Theory of Numbers Presented to Richard Rado. by L [Ed] Mirsky, 1971
  2. World War Ii Spies for the Soviet Union: Kim Philby, Richard Sorge, Sándor Radó, Arthur Wynn, Branko Vukelic, Alfred Henningsen, Ruth Kuczynski
  3. Commonality of machine centers: opportunities for product line extension.(Survey): An article from: Forest Products Journal by Emmanuel T., Jr. Kodzi, Rado Gazo, et all 2007-05-01
  4. Studies in Pure Mathematics

41. Richard Aldrich - L-Z
Aldrich, richard J. Legacies of Secret Service Renegade SOE and the Karen Struggle in From January to July 1945, Alexander rado the GRU chief in
Richard J. Aldrich
L - Z
Aldrich, Richard J. "Legacies of Secret Service: Renegade SOE and the Karen Struggle in Burma, 1948-50." Intelligence and National Security 14, no. 4 (Winter 1999): 130-148. During World War II, it proved relatively easy for secret services to foment insurgencies. However, in the postwar period, the issue became one of how to handle such forces. The Karens had worked loyally alongside SOE during the war, and in its aftermath some former SOE officers returned in a "private" capacity to aid the hill tribes against the central Rangoon government. Aldrich, Richard J. "Policing the Past: Official History, Secrecy and British Intelligence since 1945." English Historical Review [RefMats/Release/UK] Aldrich, Richard J. "OSS, CIA and European Unity: The American Committee on United Europe, 1948-1960." Diplomacy and Statecraft 8, no. 1 (Mar. 1997): 184-227. [CA/Eur] Aldrich, Richard J. "Putting Culture into the Cold War: The Cultural Relations Department (CRD) and British Covert Information Watfare." Intelligence and National Security 18, no. 2 (Summer 2003): 109-133.

42. New York Times 3-4-66
richard James rado Eleanor ..Rosemary Harris Philip, King of France.
"Lion In Winter" Opens
Preston Stars in Drama by James Goldman
by Stanley Kauffmann
The New York Times - March 4, 1966 THE LION IN WINTER , a play by James Goldman. Staged by Noel Willman;
presented by Eugene V. Wolsk, Walter A. Hyman and Alan King, with Emanuel
Azenberg; scenery and costumes by Will Steven Armstrong; lighting by Tharon
Musser; incidental music by Thomas Wagner; production manager, Jose
Vega. At the Ambassador theater, 215 West 49th Street. Henry II, King of England.............Robert Preston
Alais....................................Suzanne Grossmann
John.................................................Bruce Scott
Geoffrey......................................Dennis Cooney Richard............................................. James Rado Eleanor......................................Rosemary Harris Philip, King of France.............Christopher Walken The title character of "The Lion in Winter," which opened last night at the Ambassador, is King Henry II of England. The play is about Henry's trials and troubles with his wife and his three sons in the matter of choosing his successor. James Goldman has written the work with intelligence, some astringent wit and much theatrical skill; but all through the evening, the wrong question keeps growing in us, What is Henry's successor to us? In other words, Mr. Goldman's play for all its considerable cleverness of construction, pith and mercurial storming of moods never really shakes or concerns us. His characters are recognizable but not affecting; his drama is discernible but not gripping; and a theme to justify the existence of the play here and now is hard to find.

43. Royal Society | About The Society | History Of Science | Biographies Of Fellows
rado, richard. Biographical Memoirs 1991 vol 37 pp 411426, plate, by CA Rogers. Rae, John. Proceedings 1896-1897 vol 60 pp v-vii signed by FG

44. DMV - Fachgruppe Diskrete Mathematik - Richard-Rado-Preis Für Diskrete Mathemat
Translate this page richard-rado-Preis für Diskrete Mathematik ,DMV - Fachgruppe Diskrete Mathematik.
var HrefTUdVersion = ""; var HrefZentrumMathdVersion = ""; var HrefInstitutdVersion = "/"; var HrefHarvestsdVersion = ""; var HrefEnglishVersion = ""; Hauptseite des Lehrstuhls Konferenzen und Workshops Symposium Diskrete Mathematik 2000 Richard-Rado-Preis
Diskrete Mathematik
Deutschen Bank Symposiums Diskrete Mathematik 2000
Prof. Dr. Martin Aigner

Arnimallee 3
14195 Berlin Prof. Dr. Bernhard Ganter

Zellescher Weg 12-14
01062 Dresden Prof. Dr. Peter Gritzmann
Zentrum Mathematik Unter den Linden 6 10099 Berlin Richard Rado

45. Online NewsHour: Milosevic On Trial - February 13, 2002
GABY rado At that stage, the British judge, richard May, cut off Mr. Milosevic s microphone to ask a question. Later he dismissed the former President s
February 13, 2002
Independent Television News reporter Gaby Rado has an update on the war crimes trial of Slobodan Milosevic.
GABY RADO : This trial always promised surprises and a clashes of wills between Slobodan Milosevic and the judges, and so it turned out. With just half an hour to go before the end of this afternoon's session, the former President of Yugoslavia disdainfully challenged both the legality of the War Crimes Tribunal, and the even- handedness of the men sitting in judgment on him. SPOKESMAN: Mr. Milosevic, it's now your opportunity to address the chamber. SLOBODAN MILOSEVIC (Translated): I challenge the very legality of this tribunal, because it was not set up on the basis of the law. The Security Council could not transfer the right that it does not have to this tribunal, and therefore, this tribunal does not have the competence to try. GABY RADO: Without pausing, the man charged with violating the human rights of hundreds of thousands of people in the Balkans then claimed his own rights had been violated when he was arrested and extradited to the Hague.

46. Online NewsHour: Bosnian Elections -- September 16, 1996
Bosnian Election GABY rado The counting of ballot papers is still going on nearly 48 Bosnian Election ELIZABETH FARNSWORTH Now to richard Holbrooke,
SEPTEMBER 16, 1996
TRANSCRIPT No results are available yet for the Bosnian elections, held over the weekend. The balloting has been surrounded by delays in the count, lost voter registrations, and low turnout by Muslims in Serb controlled territory. An Independent Television News update is followed by a Newsmaker interview with Ambassador Richard Holbrooke. A RealAudio version of this NewsHour segment is available. Sept. 13, 1996
Two retired State Department Yugoslav experts preview the Bosnian elections.

Sept. 13, 1996
An ITN background report on election preparations.

Aug. 6, 1996
Assistant Secretary of State John Kornblum discusses preparations for the Bosnian elections.

July 22, 1996
Richard Holbrooke discusses his efforts to remove Radovan Karadzic from power.

May 8, 1996
State Department ambassador-at-large Robert Gallucci discusses election preparations in Bosnia.

Browse the NewsHour's Bosnia Index
ELIZABETH FARNSWORTH: In the elections, Bosnians, Serbs, Muslims, and Croats went to the polls to elect leaders of a unified Bosnian state. Those living in the Muslim-Croat part of Bosnia chose a Muslim and a Croat for the newly created three-member national presidency. Those living in the Bosnian Serb area selected the Serb member. Both groups also chose national and regional legislators. We'll talk to Richard Holbrooke, architect of the Dayton Peace Accord, but first this report from Gaby Rado of Independent Television News. GABY RADO: The counting of ballot papers is still going on nearly 48 hours after polling stations closed. That's partly due to the complex nature of the election, partly to political posturing which delayed the count. One gloomy statistic which did emerge, less than 15,000 out of a possible 200,000 refugees crossed the former front line called the I.E.B.L. This evening, the chief election scrutineer said at least there'd been no violence.

47. South West Arts Links
rado. richard Holloway. Information/Communications Officer. Russell Stockley. Email Education Campus. Coffs Harbour NSW 2457
Home This page was printed from the South West Arts Inc. website at About Outback theatre Photos What's On ... Projects
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Script resources
Maverick Musicals Samuel French

48. Baudet's Conjecture -- From MathWorld
van der Waerden, BL How the Proof of Baudet s Conjecture Was Found. Studies in Pure Mathematics (Presented to richard rado). London Academic Press, pp.
INDEX Algebra Applied Mathematics Calculus and Analysis Discrete Mathematics ... Alphabetical Index
DESTINATIONS About MathWorld About the Author Headline News ... Random Entry
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MATHWORLD - IN PRINT Order book from Amazon Discrete Mathematics Combinatorics Partitions ... Solved Problems Baudet's Conjecture If are sets of positive integers and where is the set of positive integers, then some contains arbitrarily long arithmetic progressions . The conjecture was proved in 1928 by B. L. van der Waerden. SEE ALSO: Arithmetic Progression van der Waerden's Theorem [Pages Linking Here] REFERENCES: van der Waerden, B. L."How the Proof of Baudet's Conjecture Was Found." Studies in Pure Mathematics (Presented to Richard Rado). London: Academic Press, pp. 251-260, 1971. CITE THIS AS: Eric W. Weisstein. "Baudet's Conjecture." From MathWorld A Wolfram Web Resource. Wolfram Research, Inc.

49. Lexikon Richard Rado
richard rado aus der freien

Mitglieder Community Suche ... Hilfe document.write(''); im Web in in Shopping Branchen Lexikon Artikel nach Themen alphabetischer Index Artikel in Kategorien Weitere Themen
Po-Rasur und Zicken- krieg: Olivia Jones mischt das BB-Dorf auf

Noch mehr Sex und Intrigen: Die neuen "Housewives"

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Peugeot 20Cup: Doppelter FahrspaŸ ohne Ende
Expertenrat: So sollte Ihr Depot aussehen

Sie sind hier: Startseite Lexikon Richard Rado
Richard Rado
Richard Rado 28. April in Berlin 23. Dezember in Reading Berkshire England ) war ein deutscher Mathematiker Richard Rado studierte zun¤chst in Berlin und G¶ttingen Mathematik und promovierte . Im gleichen Jahr emigrierte er nach GroŸbritannien . Dort wurde er von Hardy Littlewood und Hall beeinflusst. Eine Reihe von Arbeiten zur Kombinatorik und Graphentheorie entstanden zusammen mit Paul Erd¶s Rado wechselte zum King's College in London ehe er bis zu seiner Emeritierung einen Lehrstuhl an der Universit¤t Reading ¼bernahm.
NAME Rado, Richard

50. BCC - Past Conferences
Noga Alon, Restricted colorings of graphs (The richard rado lecture); Aart Blokhuis, Polynomials in finite geometries and combinatorics; Graham Brightwell,
British Combinatorial Conferences
British Combinatorial Conferences are currently held every two years, and are run by the British Combinatorial Committee . This page provides information about each of the conferences. You can also read an article by Norman Biggs on "British Combinatorics in Ancient Times (1969 - 1977)" , reproduced from the 1997 British Combinatorial Bulletin.
University of Oxford, 7-10 July 1969 Royal Holloway College, London, 4-10 July 1971 University of Oxford, 3-7 July 1972 BCC(4) ... University of Durham, 11-15 July, 2005
(organised jointly with the Open University)
University of Reading, 9-13 July, 2007
Conference on Combinatorial Mathematics and its Applications
University of Oxford, 7-10 July 1969
75 participants. List of talks
Combinatorial Mathematics and its Applications. Edited by D. J. A. Welsh. Academic Press, London/New York, 1971. x+364 pp. Back to list of conferences
Royal Holloway College, London, 4-10 July 1971
17 participants. List of talks
No proceedings published.
Back to list of conferences
Conference on Combinatorial Mathematics
University of Oxford, 3-7 July 1972

51. British Combinatorics In Ancient Times (1969-77)
It was clear what had to be done, and much to our relief richard rado agreed to take it on. The fact that there was a willing Secretary in the offing was an
British Combinatorics in Ancient Times (1969-77), by Norman Biggs
(This article first appeared in the 1997 British Combinatorial Bulletin.) Some while ago Peter Cameron told me that the Committee was gathering information about the early days of the British Combinatorial Conferences. Sabbatical leave has given me the opportunity to dig out some old files, and the following account is based on documentary evidence, as far as possible. I am grateful to several of those mentioned in the account for adding their own recollections. Of course, there were signs of interest in some aspects of Combinatorics in the 19th century and even earlier. In the British context the two mighty tomes of MacMahon's Combinatory Analysis (1915-16) cannot be overlooked. But that is really prehistory. It was in the 1960s that the subject calling itself Combinatorial Theory, or more succinctly, Combinatorics, began to take wing. Herbert Ryser published his Combinatorial Mathematics in 1963, Gian-Carlo Rota began his series of papers On the Foundations of Combinatorial theory in 1964, the Journal of Combinatorial Theory was founded in 1966, and Marshall Hall's book Combinatorial Theory was published in 1967. Perhaps the first major British event took place in July 1969 when Dominic Welsh organised a Conference on Combinatorial Mathematics and its Applications In 1970 I moved from Southampton to Royal Holloway College, and soon after my arrival the Head of Department told me that he wanted to reduce the balance which had accumulated in his Research Support Fund. I suggested that we should host a small

52. Apr 28 - Author Anniversaries
Kurt GÖDEL 1906 richard rado 1907 Henri Jules MICHEL 1907 Theodore ROTHMAN 1908 Jack(=John Henry Webb) FINGLETON 1910 (W) Sam(=Samuel Kimball)
Author Anniversaries for Apr 28
If you find a person's date of birth or death on this page and want to find that person's date of death or birth, or other information, try looking them up in the New General Catalog of Old Books and Authors pages. Born: nee SMADE 1869: William Joseph Harding KING 1870: Cecil (Charles Windsor) ALDIN 1871: Elva Sophronia SMITH 1872: Walter Taylor MARVIN (ps: TWO of Her Lovers (2)) 1874: Karl KRAUS 1878: Col, Frederick RAINSFORD-HANNAY 1878: Franz HIRSCH (ps: Franz ARNOLD) 1878: Lionel Herbert BLYTHE (ps: Lionel BARRYMORE) 1880: William MACKINDER 1882: Heinrich HAUER (ps: Henry BELLAMANN) 1884: Edith ( nee Died: nee nee )Quijada CORNISH 1952: William Bardsley BRASH 1953: Georgina Grenfell BUCKLAND, nee nee KNOX 2001: Prof, Marie JAHODA 2002: Arthur Atwater FROST 2002: Gerd (Walter Christian) SOMMERHOFF 2002: Prof, Gordon Randolph WILLEY 2002: Walter Shirley NICKLIN, Jr 2003: Muriel TOPAZ, Mrs DRUCKMAN 2004: Alexander Y BOVIN 2004: David NEWSOME 2004: Hugh Percival ELLIOTT 2004: Jeremy (Allen) BLACK 2004: Patrick BERHAULT 2005: Prof, Douglas William John JOHNSON 2005: Prof, William Henry HARBAUGH 2005: Raymundo S PUNONGBAYAN 2005: Stephen Samuel SLOAN Return to the Author Anniversaries page.

53. Dec 23 - Author Anniversaries
John Bell CONDLIFFE 1989 Henry Gershon BURKE 1989 richard rado 1990 Foy (David) KOHLER 1990 Sidney LIPPMAN 1990 Wilmar House SHIRAS 1991 Ernst
Author Anniversaries for Dec 23
If you find a person's date of birth or death on this page and want to find that person's date of death or birth, or other information, try looking them up in the New General Catalog of Old Books and Authors pages. Born: nee nee OPPENHEIMER 1909: Sarah MARKHAM, nee LOVEDAY 1910: Canon, George YOUELL 1910: Prof, Edward Payson BLAIR 1911: Prof, Niels Kaj JERNE 1911: Sir, Theodore CRAWFORD 1913: Archie Lee WRIGHT (ps: Archie MOORE) 1913: Dudley Dean McGAUGHY (ps: Dudley DEAN; Dean OWEN; Brian WYNNE) 1916: Kenneth Frank BOWDEN 1916: Robert Norman William BLAKE, (life) Baron BLAKE of Braydestone 1917: Miriam WADDINGTON, nee DWORKIN 1920: Peter (Afanasevich) PIROGOV 1922: James (Dixon) DOUGLAS 1923: Arthur OGLESBY 1923: Harold MASURSKY 1923: V-Adm, James B STOCKDALE 1924: Dan(=Daniel John) DEVINE 1927: Jean Mary COOK 1932: William Howard BLACKBURN, aka Bill BLACKBURN 1934: Dolores ( nee ?)Moyano MARTIN 1940: (Charles) David NYHAN, Jr 1978: Jodie MARSH Died: nee nee nee nee )Bradford ARESTY 2000: Richard Charles Maurice LEARNER 2001: Benjamin (Franklin) CAPPS 2001: Donald Clayton SPENCER 2001: Jacques MAYOL 2001: Janice ( nee )Farrar THADDEUS 2001: Sir, Dimitri/Dmitriy Dmitrievich OBOLENSKY 2002: (Thomas) Malcolm CRAWFORD 2002: Harvey Bertram SCRIBNER 2002: Prof, William Smith WATT 2002: Stanley ROSENFELD 2002: William Arthur MUNFORD 2003: (Elsie) Grace KEITH

54. Wood Oven Help Discussion.
Robert richard. Re Hardening of Outdoor Oven clay? rado richard Stybak. Oven hearth surface will not get hot enough. - rado
Wood fired pizza oven Enthusiast's Discussion.
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Wood fired oven Enthusiast's Discussion.
Discuss with other enthusiasts all subjects regarding wood burning ovens. You are welcome to place any other topic messages as well, although periodically they need to be taken off if they were out of content, you know guys all that usual xxx and blabla ;o) Forum Home POST Message FAQ

55. Photography Forum ID # 155
(1) TATRA 815 Agro by rado (1) Farm Sticker by richard I found this old Elanco sticker on a. LIAZ MTSP27. by rado. (7/16/2005 31922 PM). 2 in thread

56. -- Richard Corliss: That Old Feeling: 'Hair' Today
But it was James rado, coauthor of the book and lyrics, who had originated That Old Feeling To Liv With Bergman richard Corliss talks about the great,9565,108781-2,00.html

That Old Feeling: 'Hair' Today
SUBSCRIBE TO TIME PRINT E-MAIL MORE BY AUTHOR Page 2 of 2 Previous All these felicities made "Hair" an event of theatrical importance. What made it a hit was the score. MacDermot, a conservatively dressed Canadian living in Staten Island, at first seemed an odd match for the woolly East Villagers Rado and Ragni. They might have chosen a more downtown composer like Al Carmines or Lou Reed. But MacDermot has an almost inexhaustible melodic gift; not just "Hair" but later shows like "Two Gentlemen of Verona" and "The Human Comedy" are profligate with irresistibly singable tunes, 30 or 40 of them. MacDermot put the authors’ baroque lyrics into svelte containers, made the contentious ideas in the songs attractive to a mass audience. Gradually, like a stern old bachelor who realizes that he’s fallen in love, I surrendered to the show. As the focus shifts from the raucous Berger to Claude, the lost-soul with the draft notice, "Hair" bares its big brave gooey heart. Creek’s rendition of "Where Do I Go" (the show’s most Broadway-friendly ballad) gives the first act a poignant capper. Miriam Shor is a winsome, sturdy charmer as pregnant Jeannie, and Jessica-Snow Wilson does full justice to "Frank Mills." The trio "White Boys" gets a nice Supremes-style staging from director-choreographer Kathleen Marshall. "What a Piece of Work Is Man" (lyrics by W. Shakespeare) is beautifully sung by Michael Seelbach and Sean Jeremy Palmer, two men with delicately powerful boy-choir voices; I hereby award Seelbach the singing of "Aquarius" in all future performances.

57. -- Richard Corliss: That Old Feeling: 'Hair' Today
richard Corliss on the revival of the one and only tribal loverock musical. rado’s and Ragni’s lyrics owed as much to Allen Ginsberg as to Ira Gershwin,9565,108781,00.html

That Old Feeling: 'Hair' Today
Richard Corliss on the revival of the one and only tribal love-rock musical SUBSCRIBE TO TIME PRINT E-MAIL MORE BY AUTHOR Posted Friday, May. 04, 2001
On May 3, 2001, another group of theater lovers filed into Manhattan’s City Center to see a new production of "Hair," this season’s third and final production in the renowned "Encores!’ series of classic musicals revived in concert form. ("Hair" plays just six performances, the last one Monday evening.) Presenting revivals of such classics and oddities as "Wonderful Town," "Strike Up the Band" and "Do-Re-Mi," the series has wowed audiences with pristine scores and showmanship on a shoestring. Typically, the performers enter in evening wear and hold the script in their hands; Rob Fisher’s 30-piece orchestra bursts into some gorgeous old tune, and the crowd levitates in rapture. For the past eight years, it’s been one of the very best reasons to be alive in New York. Next Email the Columnist BACK TO TOP PRINT ... MORE BY AUTHOR document.write("");

58. The Political Graveyard: Index To Politicians: R To Radzevich
Radman, richard — of St. Paul, Ramsey County, Minn. Democrat. rado, Thomas J. — of Michigan. Candidate for US Representative from Michigan 13th District
Questions? Return to The Political Graveyard main page
Index to Politicians: R to Radzevich

59. Report Number CS-TR-72-269 Institution Stanford University
Author rado, richard Date March 1972 Abstract Let R denote a set of linear operations defined on the set P of positive integers; for example,
Report Number: CS-TR-72-269
Institution: Stanford University, Department of Computer Science
Title: Arithmetic properties of certain recursively defined sets.
Author: Klarner, David A.
Author: Rado, Richard
Date: March 1972
which contains A as a subset and is closed under every operation in R. The set sometimes have an elegant form, for example, the set consists of all positive numbers congruent to 1 or 5 modulo 12. The objective is to give an arithmetic characterization of elements of a set , and this paper is a report on progress made on this problem last year. Many of the questions left open here have since been resolved by one of us (Klarner).

60. Report Number CS-TR-72-274 Institution Stanford University
Author rado, richard Date March 1972 Abstract Let k1,$m_1, \ldots ,m_k$ denote non-negative integers, and suppose the greatest common divisor of $m_1,
Report Number: CS-TR-72-274
Institution: Stanford University, Department of Computer Science
Title: Linear combinations of sets of consecutive integers.
Author: Klarner, David A.
Author: Rado, Richard
Date: March 1972

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